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Everything posted by mpajkos

  1. I just went online and purchased the book. I'll keep you updated once I get it in the mail.
  2. You look great! And the pictures are a nice teaser till you can post the rest. Sorry to hear about the problems on your wedding day. You couldn't tell by your faces that anything was wrong in the pics. Congrats on being a MRS!!!
  3. I am so impressed! Your pictures and your layouts are amazing! You really have a talent.
  4. Thats awesome you rode the bull! Glad you had a great time can't wait for the pics
  5. I love this site! What a great find. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Everything looks good. I too really like the CD holder and your song list is great!
  7. I just had my FI buy some dumbells and an exercise ball for me. I go to the gym for cardio. But I'll have to look into that book.
  8. Wow! Your invites turned out great! I really love the edges on the hotel info card Great Job
  9. Thanks for sharing! I'm sure it will help many brides.
  10. For me its hard to top a french vanilla coffee at DD!
  11. One of my close friends (who lives in Mississippi) had bridal protraits done. I think she did it a couple months in advance. Not sure though? Do you know how much in advance you do the BD photos?
  12. Wow... The To Do list is never ending it seems. But here is my checked off list: ~Choose date/location ~Deposits given for Ceremony site, Ceremony flowers & decor, Reception, Steel drummer for cocktail hour, DJ, Photographer ~ Bought dress and undergarments. ~picked out rehersal dinner local and farewell brunch location. ~made and sent out passport save the dates ~picked out invitations ~bought OOT bags and most of the things to go in them (just when I think I'm done with the OOT bags I think of something else to add) ~bought photo guestbook,program fans,menu cards. ~picked out bridesmaid dresses Need to Do: ~Decide on a centerpiece ~choose hairstyle and makeup ~make and send out boarding pass invites. ~among other things figure out how to pay for the neverending list of things I Need (WANT) for my DW!
  13. Congrats on picking a place! I really liked the pic of blue lagoon!
  14. Great pics. Thats funny about the kayakers. At least they didn't try coming onto shore near your ceremony while it was taking place!
  15. The Ocean Key Resort has a pier called sunset pier on their property and our reception is there. Needless to say if a cat 4 comes crashing through Key West the pier is gone. We're keeping our fingers crossed. Yours is at the Pier House right?
  16. I would return the ebay items. Something similar happened to my finace and I and we didn't have a problem returning them. I think it was another thread on the forum but I found some really cool tiffany inspired looks that don't claim to be tiff. heres the site: Sterling Silver Jewelry, Cubic Zirconia CZ Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets & Pendants, Earrings, Fashion Watches & Jewelry Gifts For Men hope it helps!
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