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Everything posted by mpajkos

  1. Have a great time!! Congrats a little early. Can't wait to hear about all the details when you get home. Have a great honeymoon.
  2. Everything looks wonderful. You are a beautiful bride. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!!!
  3. Last year a couple girlfriends and I dressed like the Miller Lite referees. We bought sexy referee outfits and carried whistles and yellow flags. It was a lot of fun calling fouls on people all night and throwing our flags. Oh and carring Miller Lite with us was pretty cool too. To include your guy in on it he could be that Spokesman for miller lite, you know the one from scrubs. Anyway it could be fun!
  4. Wow I am so upset I didn't see this thread earlier! I love everything you did.. from your shoes to your fabrics. I am having the same colors for my wedding in May. Did you rent the fabric for the tablecloths or did you purchase it?
  5. nice stuff! I'm sure it will go quickly. Looking forward to seeing what else you have...
  6. davidah2, We are having out ceremony at Fort Zachary where the ocean and the intracoastal meet. Our reception is on Sunset Pier which is by the Ocean Key Resort. Where is your reception at?
  7. Thanks Ladies!!! You guys are awesome. Well after a good night sleep and a glass of wine I feel much better. Clear minded for now hehehe! My FSIL is a drama momma so it figures she would do something like this but I'm not going to let her mess up our day or planning for that matter. As for my bro I don't mind him living with us I think its My sister that makes me mad. She is selfish at times and I'm sure it hasn't even crossed her mind what she is going to do if my brother wants to live "at home" when he first arrives. But you can't change people so I am moving on!!!! I guess every wedding has some kink and this is mine... Thanks for talking me off the ledge
  8. Thanks Meagan! We'll get through it.. somehow it always seems to work out. This time it is just a little too much. If you know what I mean. I thought that if we were paying for the wedding people wouldn't feel able to put there two sense in but that doesn't seem the case.... bummer!!!
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right thread or not but I hope the mods will post it in the right forum if i posted wrong! sorry!!! Here it goes... everyone is stessing me out! First my family is expecting me to house my brother when he returns from iraq. Which I am willing to just not forever.. (my 26 yr old sister is living rent free at my parents when she should move out and let our brother live there!) Anyway that is my first headache. My second headache is my FIL. We decided to have a childless reception being in Key West and all and not really having a good alternative for children. Well my sister in law has decided she is going to drive the kids down to KW anyway and figure it out when she gets here! WHAT!!!!!!!! How can she decide that! What is it about weddings that make people figure they can plan on doing what they want whether invited or not!!!!! My FI is so fed up he wants to elope now! I'm not too far behind his decision.. Please help!!! I need talking off the ledge. before we drink ourselves off the ledge!
  10. very interested... Do you still have the dress or did you sell it already? I PM'd you about it.
  11. They need to have a What Not To Wear - Wedding version!!!! These pics are too funny...
  12. I was wondering the same thing... Any templates out there for the boarding pass ticket holders?
  13. You will find tons of great info on this site! congrats
  14. Yari, your passport to love rock! You did an awesome job. Congrats on another DIY successfully completed!
  15. I love the pic with you at the restaurant. I think your hair looks great blonde and I like the length. Maybe you could keep it blonde but cut it short if you perfer shorter hair... what do you think?
  16. Wow... Your pics turned out great! I can't wait to do mine. I didn't know about this style of photography till this forum.
  17. Congrats on your new career choice! I checked out your site... you have some great stuff! I love the beach themed favors especially! I'm sure you'll have lots of hits from this forum.
  18. Its nice to see another KW bride here! If you have any questions or need help with vendor info let us know. Theres a couple other KW brides on BDW. Have you picked a location yet?
  19. I am interested in your veil... Do you have any other pics of it? How much are you asking for it?
  20. I saw someone selling the lanterns earlier. But I bet they are gone by now. congrats on setting a date! Can't wait to read about all the details
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