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Everything posted by mpajkos

  1. did you check into Atlas party rental? I'm not sure their prices but I see their trucks all around here in Boynton Beach.
  2. You should be able to find tons of ideas and info on both locations to help make your decision. congrats!
  3. I usually make meat rollups (slightly thick cuts of sandwich meat turkey or ham spread some cream cheese on the meat and place a small sweet or sm dill pickle in the middle wrap it up and serve) I also make garlic dip 1 package philly cream cheese and one 8oz of sour cream. put both ingredients in a bowl using a mixer mix them until its creamy than put garlic salt in to taste mix it with a spoon and taste. Add more garlic salt as desired. I never measure. I usually serve it with pretzels/chips or carrots and celery taste really good too.
  4. Alright now I have scientific proof that I shouldn't do those thigh machine exercises! Now if only someone said that spin class is bad for you. That class always kicks my butt, but I guess thats the point
  5. I love the look of black shirt and jeans. So I say #1
  6. I completely understand what you were saying about your family saying each dress was "the one" when you came out because when I saw the first picture I thought Oh wow that dress it beautiful that one for sure... then I saw the second dress and I thought oh I love this one. Its a tough choice. If you can keep them both I would wear the 2nd dress for the ceremony than the first dress for the reception. But if you can only have one I would go with the second dress. Either way you will look great!!!!
  7. I think the sweetheart neckline is going to look great. Nice choice.
  8. I live in FL and our weather channel is tracking it to hit anywhere between new orleans and somewhere on the texas coast. Stay Safe everyone!
  9. What a great idea with the centerpieces! It sounds like it will look great with your site.
  10. I have never seen a back like that one! So different and so pretty!
  11. Don't you just love Target?! Thanks for sharing the great deal you found. I will have to hit my target in FL wednesday!
  12. I found a site you can order it from. http://weddingshop.theknot.com/weddi...music(knotshop) try this site. If it won't let you order it PM me and I can order it for you and I'll send it to you. I'm also planning on attending a couple more bridal shows this year so I can pick up some things for you then send it to you too if you are in need of anything. Where about are you getting married in FL?
  13. love the look minus the necklace. It is a beautiful necklace just not with the plunge neckline. Maybe wear it at your rehearsal dinner or at your AHR if you are having one.
  14. wow you can really tell you put a lot of hard work into personalizing your wedding. I'm sure your guests loved it!
  15. I love all of it! You did such a great job. I especially like the palm tree. I really like the wording on your wedding invitations. I just read it to my fiance and he told me "but we are doing boarding passes...melissa you can't have everything!"
  16. I love the 1/2 up. I live in FL and I'm not sure what the humidity is like in Mexico but I went to a baseball game after playing around with curling my stick straight thin hair and with the right products it stayed through 9 inners and God knows how many beers And even if it falls a little it will look good! My advice is if you really like the 1/2 up look... take the humidity test and have your hair done and test it outside for 4hrs running errands or whatever you need to do.
  17. It is really different and I think thats cool. I agree with you about switching out the plane to a jeep to make it more indiana jones like. Plus the people that know you best are your friends and family and if they think its you than I say DO IT!
  18. Wow you look beautiful! I'm so glad everything went so well for you. I also really like the BM dresses... where did you get them or what is the name of the dresses? I'm having a hard time finding dresses for my BM that I like.
  19. thanks for posting the template and the steps. My FI and I are going to attempt to do some similar. Wish us luck!
  20. That is crazy! I would talk with some friends and find a new ob-gyn that you know is good and doesn't project his/her personal beliefs onto others.
  21. thanks for the info. I love this site! There are always tons of great adivse and helpful info.
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