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Everything posted by cougs

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di Haha, is she young? There is no way a person can eat shyt and be skinny in her 30s & 40s. You know there is a such thing called skinny fat. They have high cholesterol...i am betting she has that. one of my friends who is skinny but she has high cholesterol. she just turned FORTY in november!!! seriously, i've met her mom on several occasions and she is thin as well. i think it's just the metabolism and gene pool. i mean, i'm sure she must have some cellulite on her ass but she's not exactly wearing swimsuits to work. and yeah, there could be underlying health issues.
  2. haha holls is biatchy! we hungry gals usually are! di is smokin' hot, so fried-chicken-lady's got nothin on her. i need someone to kick my ass until i start drinking my water like i'm supposed to! honestly, it's not that difficult ... there is a water cooler right down the hall ... wtf is my problem?
  3. di, is your constantly-eating-fried-chicken coworker at least fat? because it's not quite as tempting when you can clearly see the consequences, kwim?
  4. really holly ... i mean seriously! haha i think she only stops talking long enough to stuff her face some more!
  5. haha pretty tough with the new rule where you can't cop out and say "mine has already been nominated!" b2b: christie (islandbride317) for being consistently *the* sweetest member on this forum whenever i see any of her posts! haven't thought of a mrs. yet!
  6. i feel your pain, di! my coworker who shares my office eats whatever she wants (bacon-cheese-fries, cheetos, m&ms, pizza) all day long, and just has a super-fast metabolism so she is still only about 120 lbs. i know for a fact that she never exercises. EVER. all she has going for her is that she chases after two kids when she gets home (ages 11 and 5). that, and she is constantly talking a mile a minute ... seriously she NEVER shuts up even for a second ... that's gotta burn something!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di cougs - why do you keep depreciating yourself i think you are so fabulous...it's all about the mindset! you totally can do it (lose weight)...remember our bodies are different! i didn't think i had done any self-deprecating (at least not this time) so i went back and read what i wrote ... guess i wasn't being clear either (i have sapphire's prob today haha). what i meant was that where a 5lb loss might mean the difference of a whole clothing size for you, i would likely need to lose 20 before there was an evident difference/size change. wasn't being negative, just factual. i know i can be successful at losing weight (i've done it many times before)! the real challenge will be not to allow myself to gain it back this time and make the number on scale continue to go down, down, down! Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 I love that we had NO GAINS this week... way to go ladies, keep up the good work! kickass! Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva LOL linds! Ok Cougs should be the winner cause I weighed myself a different time. I really only truly lost 3lbs hahaha holls, you crack me up! it was only week one so mine is probably mostly water weight but i'll take the win! anyway, it's easy to be motivated and have big losses at the start ... week two is the true test! time to separate the women from the girls! haha p.s. great job everyone! holls you set the bar high!
  8. girls, this contest (like biggest loser on tv) is based on percentage of body weight lost. so yeah di i absolutely see your point ... chances are you are not going to be a winner here (technically), but your clothing is going to tell a different story (probably waaaay before mine shows a difference, even if i lose 4x the amount of weight you do). so stay in the game just for the comradery, the motivation, and the accountability! i promise it will help keep you on track! like someone already said, it would be near impossible to keep track of inches lost for everyone via the internet, but we all should definitely be measuring ourselves ... it's a great way to track your progress and can help take away "the scale didn't move" blues!
  9. i guess this is a good place to post this: i got dressed this morning and then went and took a look in the mirror ... well THANK GOD for mirrors ... it was a shirt and pants i'd worn successfully not that long ago but OMG did i not look about 7 months pregnant in it now? holy crap! hot mess! and *without* a mirror, i totally would have left the house looking like that!
  10. i kinda agree with the what cindy said about looking back and seeing how hot you used to be! back in high school i thought i was a hideously gross whale ... and what i wouldn't give to have that gross whale body NOW! i was literally 100 lbs less than i am now, and looking back, completely SMOKIN HOT! WTF was i thinking?! haha OR ... just to play it both ways ... say you do a book and then you do happen to lose a ton of weight and get in shape and firm everything up ... what a wonderful thing it would be to have a book that *really* shows your "before" body and the amazing strides you've made! that all said, i haven't, nor will i, do a BD book HAHAHAHA i'm such a chickenshit hypocrite!
  11. LMAO stacey! yeah i was all confused about "sophie" too hahaha i thought maybe i was reading it backward and that sophie was a dog that kept putting the baby in her mouth! i'm like um ... that's not good! BAHAHA
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 So I'm down a pound... and I've been eating pretty good for the most part and exercising like a mad woman! I have been trying to lose weight since the beginning of the year and I would think it should come off faster with the drastic changes I've made to my diet and working out pretty much every day. I want to see results!! Grr! muscle is heavier than fat. if you haven't taken measurements you should definitely do so. sometimes you'll see inches lost before noticing any difference on a scale.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Good work ladies! I did alright this week as well. I figure any loss is great. I am also realizing that I am most vulnerable to eat badly when I don't get enough sleep. I was exhausted yesterday at work and it was almost more than I could manage to avoid the cookies that were available during an afternoon meeting. A good sleep definitely helps. soooo true! it's important to recognize your triggers and weaknesses and how to avoid them!
  14. i remembered to weigh myself and take a pic but haven't loaded it to my computer ... must remember to do so when i get home. it's philly restaurant week so i told T if we were going out to eat it needed to be a wednesday or thursday night so i had all week to work off dinner, hahahahahaha hope everyone did well this week!
  15. i am dying laughing over "chocolate milk and fruit juice" and "going to some kind of friend hell for this"
  16. finn is a ROCK STAR ... so cute with all that hair! and penelope and ashlyn are two of the smiliest babies i've ever seen ... adorable! i held a newborn this weekend (upon the inlaws' urging) and they all said how "natural" i looked with him haha, but i totally beg to differ! i thought it was mildly terrifying. i think i'm am going to need a lot more close encounters with babies (i can count on my two hands the number of times i've even held a baby, and i've never even changed a diaper) before i start to feel comfortable enough to consider TTC. my husband, on the other hand, is THE BEST with babies. i just know he will make the best father EVER.
  17. ahhh i just checked back and saw that you posted pro pix! GORGEOUS!!!! who was your photog?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Gemball Hi everyone. I've just requested at wedding at Dreams for February 22 next year. I was just wondering if anyone could help me. None of my guest are staying at Dreams as we are flying over from UK it is quite expensive for it's only me and my boyfriend staying. We have requested the Ultimate package but do you know how much they charge for guest not staying at the hotel? Also does this charge go on top of the day charge for use of the hotel? A little mean if it does. Have emailed the wedding coordinator too but I too impaitent to wait. gemball, the ultimate package pricing includes 20 guests whether they are guests of the hotel or not. yes the day pass fee is in addition to the wedding cost. if none of my guests were staying at the resort i would probably have chosen another location for the wedding.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx I'm with you cougs, I can't keep chocolate anywhere near me. I applaud those who can enjoy responsibly! this cracked me up ... it sounds like a beer commercial! Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I know right? Last season I was the BIGGEST GAINER! yay mel for going from gainer to loser! keep up the good work!!
  20. di that's amazing that you can eat ONE hershey kiss, it satisfies your craving, and you can put the bag away. yay you! i, on the other hand, have to remove all bad food from a 10 mile radius or i will eat it. so no single chocolate treats for me! i did not fare well at the baby shower this weekend. i was bad. however, we bought wii and wii fit and played it for HOURS yesterday to the point that i am sore today. like my right arm is going to fall off any minute, haha! DON'T FORGET TOMORROW IS WEIGH DAY, LADIES!!! (don't want anyone thrown off by the holiday some of us had yesterday)
  21. lindsey, unfortunately i'm pretty sure that both fireworks and bonfires are strictly forbidden at dreams cancun. it really sucks bc i love all the wedding pics i've seen with them. i guess there's no harm in asking your WC tho ... i imagine sometimes rules will get bent for a price?
  22. omg michelle i think she was trying to give you a heart attack! thank god everything is correct! as for honeymoons, we went to ireland a month after our wedding, so i'm no help really, lol. i'm not sure whether you can get any kind of discount or *honeymoon* package if you book with another resort in the AMresorts chain like secrets tho ... might be worth looking into. if not, i have heard amazing things about the excellence resorts in mexico, and i believe they are adults-only.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ yay Lisa for progress! I got on the scale this a.m. and it didn't change from yesterday morning sigh....I think I need more cardio in my life and I LOATHE it! haha well i never got on the scale yesterday (bad kathy! don't get on the scale every day!), so i don't know whether it changed from then. def different from my initial weigh-in tho!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ you ate your snack!?!? ruh roh! hehe No worries, is there anything at the office that you can grab? My office has a snack area they periodically fill with granola bars and such, it's one of those honor system things. nice ... a few of my friends here have *snack drawers* in their file cabinets but they are filled with tempting, bad-for-you things, so i dare not open a drawer! however, my in-the-car snack allowed me to hold off on lunch a little longer, and lunch was something more filling than a salad today, so i'm all good. how is everyone else doing? i got on the scale today (yes i know you should only do it once a week but i seriously cannot help myself) and the number was lower so woot for that! just have to try to make good choices over the long weekend (which includes a baby shower with cake and many other no-nos).
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ Lean cuisines are like $5 - $7 up here, it's pretty insane, imo. what the whaaat? fack that! they are not *that* good! and some of them aren't even that good *for* you! i agree with tash, manders! anorexia is worse than being an overeater. your body needs nourishment! ahhh but to eat the *right* things ... so girls, i remembered to pack a snack today but then i ate it in the car on the way to work. i fail. haha
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