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Everything posted by alex

  1. Golfed 9 holes yesterday ( no power cart, had to hoof it & carry my bag) & then took the pooch for a walk to the beach in the evening. Planning on hitting the gym tonight & taking a long walk! I have to stop slacking...
  2. Great pics! How awesome that both your grandmothers were there!!
  3. I personally hate shower games, so my favourite is guess how many jellybeans/candy/whatever is in this jar & then you get a prize for guessing closest. Cause then I don't have to actually do anything but write down a number. LOL I'm a shower game scrooge!
  4. I think they would get to you okay because the website says "Prices for the collections include guaranteed NO MELTING Express shipping with insulated packaging & cold pack" but I'm not sure how they'd travel to your destination after that. They look great though!! Thanks for the site!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host that is so exciting...i could not do it myself...i am such a tard...i would be the one caught on camera picking my nose or a wedgy out of my butt. LOL that is so something that would happen to me too!!! LOL
  6. That's camo-overload!!! WOW!!! My cousins husband is an avid hunter, so as a small surprise, she got her garter made camo with pink ribbon. He didn't realize until he pull it off to throw it - now that was a cute little tiny amount of camo! That pic is making me laugh sooooo hard right now!! Like you said, I don't mean to make fun of anyone's taste, but come on....
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan I was wondering if I do get picked how all of my vendors will feel about it? Free advertising?? I can't imagine any of them having an issue...
  8. Are you doing a 50/50? They're usually a hit at the ones I go to. Especially when it's an arm length of tickets for a price. We always have fun trying to figure out who has the longest arms so we can get the most tickets, etc! LOL
  9. SO jealous!! It might not seem too exciting now, but it sounds like it's going to be so incredible!! It will be worth the lack of showers!
  10. Too awesome!!! My fingers are crossed for them call on Monday!
  11. I see the Sonic commercials ALL THE TIME & it's such a tease because I am absolutely nowhere near one!!!!!
  12. My bf's brother went there... Do you have any specifics you want to know, or just curious overall? I can try to call him tonight for some info if you'd like
  13. We'd be on vacation alot more often this way!
  14. I totally understand how you feel! I'm not even planning my wedding yet & I am SUPER stressed about the cost of any photographers that I like!
  15. Welcome back - glad you had such an amazing time!!! Congrats on being pregnant!! What a cute idea - "babymoon"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee 1 hr strength training/sculpting class. I am starting to see my triceps/biceps tone, ladies Great stuff!! I find biceps are super hard to tone & see improvement! Quote: Originally Posted by arlene 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga, and its a good workout, stress reliever, has increased my metabolism, I sleep better and have more energy during the day. Pretty incredible. Honestly, I'm not too good at the poses yet either- except for of course the easy ones. That's awesome!! I need to start trying new things because I'm getting really bored with just the gym. I used to do yoga & it really helped my back pain & migraines! I should try to find a class, but I don't know if there is any here where I live... Quote: Originally Posted by Tara Oh! Now I feel like a bum. I haven't worked out at all this past week and I've spent the last two nights after work sifting through the forum reading everyone's ideas and experiences. I could use some motivation! GO TARA, YOU CAN DO IT!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!! (my attempt at motivation for you)
  17. *shudder* Yuck. Such an awful story.
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