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Everything posted by alex

  1. LOL we play Rock Band all the time together - it's so funny! I had to adapt & become the pro drummer though because he hogs the guitar! So sometimes we take turns playing 1 song each lol I've never tried Guitar Hero though! I should! What's everyone's favourite song to play, regardless of if it's Rock Band or Guitar Hero... My favourite guitar song on Rock Band is wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi.. I can play it on hard now! WHOOHOO!
  2. You look amazingly beautiful in both dresses, but I do LOVE the strapless dress on you!!!!!!!
  3. Wow, what an amazing destination! High five to your DH for chosing such a cool place!!!! Do the clues make sense now that you look back at them?
  4. Wow Christina - Congrats!!!!! Yay for all the losers this week!
  5. Hope everything is just as you imagined it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel LOL- the title of this thread is hilarious. It had my mind thinking for awhile. LIke did she bend over and OUCHIE- lawsuit for thongs that defectively go too far up your ass? This story is just comical. I mean come on- she's the idiot that caused something to fly off and hit her in the face. Don't blame the thong. OMG I just laughed so hard I think I woke Mat up!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 like i said head up her arse lmao LOL Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I have no idea who this lady is or what she looks like, but my first thought is what size thong did she buy & was she asking too much of the fabric?? I've seen some people try to squeeze into sizes that they shouldn't even be looking at let alone wear. Either way, toss this crap lawsuit. Amen to that sister!!! I have a friend who does that sometimes.. I'll try a shirt on & she'll try a size smaller than me even though she's significantly larger than I am... makes me giggle everytime!
  7. ...and I've only been a member since March!!! AND I'm not even in the process of planning a wedding!!! Man, I need to get a life! LOL
  8. Would she be able to wear a bandeau style shirt underneath to add more coverage if she wears it halter style?? I have a larger chest in comparison to my body, but would be comfortable if I could just add that bit of extra coverage...
  9. Small donation made. I wasn't able to put BDW or any info though.. didn't give me any options... weird. Everyone is amazing for helping out so much! Fingers are crossed for the gorgeous little thing to get better!!
  10. Sorry sorry sorry! I was out at the cottage doing some work for the last few days... I can't even do my weigh in today because I left my camera at the camp! LOL OOPS!!
  11. Have an amazing time!!
  12. Whoohoo! Very excited for all of California! Such a great thing!
  13. I would SO say something to the loser... man I hate people like that! If you're not comfortable talking to him, then maybe mention to someone who's in charge (someones gotta collect the money, etc) & just casually say that maybe you should keep a list because you've noticed that people who don't participate are eating the food & you think it's unfair... that way you don't have to name any names & then it's in someone elses hands to try to do something.. Chances are if you're noticing then everyone else is too!
  14. Made it to the gym today, but it wasn't as great as I'd hoped. I tweaked my wrist this afternoon trying to carry a giant water bottle thingy (like the Culligan size) so I wasn't able to do anything involving my left arm so I stuck to legs & abs even though it was arm day! Kinda bummed. Boo.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by 2008bride Okay, I have to ask...What are pick ups? I 2nd that question! lol Also I read the title really fast & originally thought it said "I'm stuck IN a dress" LOL
  16. I watched the show that they had on TLC. It looks pretty intense!! I'd say you should definately have a laid-back attitude to be successful. Some of the ladies were kinda spazzy & it was annoying to watch them so I can imagine how irritating they were to everyone around them!! Most people wore matching outfits or something to group them (ie hats or something) so they could ID each other in a crowd. Lots of yelling, lots of grabbing, but lots of deals! lol That's all the info I can give you, from watching the show
  17. The flowers & decorations are beautiful! I LOVE the pic of you guys sitting in the chairs looking out into the water... so lovely!! Looks like such a perfect day - Congrats!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride But if the bride is happy with her photos then that's all that matters! No offense, but it bugs me when photographers put eachother down like that. There is a market out there for everyone - let the brides who can't tell the difference and are on a tight budget be happy with their photos. Some people will know the difference, and they are willing to pay more. Others don't know the difference and are happy with lower quality photos and there is nothing wrong with that. I think it's great that there are such a range of quality and price out there to suit any bride's needs. I couldn't agree more!
  19. Looks like you had a great time! Love the teacups & the toilet paper dresses!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems I came across this site tonight and thought some of you might be interested. There are step-by-step instructions to make a simple barefoot sandal that looks fancy. I just glanced over the instructions and they seem pretty easy, just a time consuming project b/c the beads used are very small. BFS2 These are the ones I made for my first try when I accidentally let go & dropped every bead before I had a chance to tie them off!! Grrrrrrr.... They took quite a bit of time because of the small beads. I won't be trying them again! I can't wait to have the time to try out round 3 with my newest beads!
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