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Everything posted by alex

  1. Hi Fiona! I don't even have my date picked out (or a ring yet!!) but I think it's never too early to start looking! This site is wonderful - you'll find soooo much information!!
  2. I agree with the Lancome Hypnose mascara, it's amazing stuff!! In saying that I'm pretty cheap so a less expensive one that is great too would be Avon Astonishing Lengths Waterproof! Stays on great & wipes off easily with the Avon cream eyemakeup remover!
  3. Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes!!!! Can't wait to start using all the great info on the site the plan! Now if I could only get that damn ring on my finger....... lol
  4. alex


    Great to see I'm not alone in the almost-engaged situation!! I'd say welcome, but I just got here myself! It'll be awesome to have someone to go through every step of the way with me being in the same situation!!
  5. Don't think I'm gonna be doing much today. It's my bf's birthday so not only are we going out for dinner & having cake, but it's our day off from the gym...... Maybe I'll try to walk everywhere I have to go today so it's not such a terrible day!
  6. Your dress looks amazing on you! Seems like it fits/suits you amazingly! I was scrolling down the pics & I actually got a big smile on my face
  7. Although I'm sure you look nothing less than stunning in the dress, I'm going to have to agree that you need to be happy in what you're wearing!! Don't go with something that you hate, but everyone else loves. This is going to be YOUR (and your FI of course) day so you need to feel as fabulous as possible!! If it means wearing a dress he's already seen, then so be it!!!
  8. I think they're both pretty, but the blue will be more noticeable. I think the clear will blend in alot & people might not notice it (not that your only reason for having it is so other people see it, but you know what I mean!)
  9. Super-Easy Stew! -1 or 2 pkg stewing beef (or pork, or 1 of each) -baby carrots -baby potatoes -half an onion Brown the stewing beef/pork in the frying pan (I usually sprinkle a bit of flour on when I do this) Throw it in the slow cooker with the carrots & potatoes <I just eyeball the amt. of veggies according to what we like the most in our stew> (you could add more veggies, but we like it simple!) Throw the half onion in the side for flavour. Cook on low for 6-8 hours (I do 6, but my cousin insists on 8 ) When finished add flour/water & beef bouillon (or however else you like to make gravy) Let cook for anoither 10ish minutes until the "gravy" gets a bit thicker. Make sure you take out the huge onion chunk so nobody bites into it! We usually proceed to cut up some fresh bread, slather it with butter & dip away while we eat!! Very filling!! Tastes even better the next day after it's thickened!!! Now I think I'm gonna make some for dinner tomorrow.. lol
  10. May your find strength in all your memories. All my thoughts are with you & your family tonight.
  11. So it's a bit late in the day, but I still have time. Here's hoping you had a wonderful birthday!!!
  12. OOH and for any Canadian gals out there I have 3 words for you... Canadian Tire Money!!! If you have a car you're going to have to gas up anyway. So why not pop into the CT store & grab the weekly coupon before gassing up. I usually get $1-2 when I fill up my car & almost $3-4 when we fill up the truck! Then we use the money for something for the house or even a gift card to use at the CT Gas Bar!
  13. I love this idea! I'm currently unemployed (between contracts at work) and I need all the help I can get! lol Me & my girlfriends share magazines. 2 of them have received susbscriptions as gifts so when they're finished they pass them on & then we pass them on & so on... those badboys add up if you buy 1 or 2 a month! Also I recently spent some money in order to save some money. We usually go to this nice coffee house to relax & talk & unwind... so I went out & bought 4 beautiful new mugs & some yummy tea & coffee so now the girls can come to my house while my bf is at work (he's a shift worker, so he's gone alot!) & we can use my fancy mugs & coffee & not have to put out $5+ each time we grab a cup at the coffee shop! Hm, I also save my dimes. Sounds silly, but it adds up! I am hoping to take a trip to Peru in the fall with my father so I started saving my dimes around December just to see what would happen. I probably have over $100 now, which isn't that much but it's money I never would have had before!
  14. I'm new too!! Looking forward to having ppl to share the planning/stress with!
  15. We've had some crazy weather lately!! Yesterday it was +7C (uhh around 44F I think) & then BAM! last night we had a snow storm that dumped around a foot of snow on us!!! My bf snowblowed the driveway once this morning & by the time we got back from the gym & errands he's back out there doing it all over again!! It's only -15C (um again, maybe 5F... I'm horrible with conversions) So it's not overly cold, but the snow is blowing around sooo bad that the Ontario Provincial Police in our area are advising people not go out on the roads unless they have to.... LOL & this is nothing for Northern Ontario! Now pass over some of this 60F spring weather so I can finally stop wearing my big winter coat!
  16. I am sooooo glad I've found this site so early in our planning!!!! I always thought "hey, we'll get married on the beach with some friends & family & it won't cost us very much!" but after reading differnet info from the forum & add-ons I never knew were possible for a destination wedding I am getting a bit nervous!!! As much as I am all for simple cost-effective, there are definately some things that I am now willing to spend extra money on! (IE/ photography, etc!) We are a younger couple, and as much as I want everything at my wedding to be exactly how I want it.. I also want alot of other things!! My car isn't going to last much longer than a year & we're definately hoping to find our own place so we can stop throwing away money on renting.... I'd better tell the bf he better start working some overtime shifts!! LOL
  17. 2nd gym day in a row for me here!!!! Very proud of myself! lol I have to start doing something & stop complaining so my bf is helping me with a program that's good for me. He breaks his workouts into 4 different days so yesterday was chest & calves and today was back day. We do abs everyday, but he tries to make it more interesting for me sometimes! (today we played "catch" with a medicine ball while trying to stay balanced on those big bouncy workout ball things! I kept laughing hysterically so we had to stop because ppl were coming into the room to see what was going on!) It's nice to do this together even though he's much more advanced than I am! He's kinda hard on me, but in the end it helps because anybody else would give into my pouting & he just tells me to suck it up because he knows I can keep going... lol His name is Mat, but at the gym I called him Matler.. the gym Nazi! (probably doesn't sound funny, but I think it's hilarious!) OH and I even convinced my girlfriends to walk to the coffee shop last night instead of driving. They thought I was insane, but it was a beautiful night! Wow, sorry about the long post.. I'm just so excited that I actually am getting back in the swing of getting in shape!
  18. 1- Name as it appears on birth certificate: Alexandra Faye 2- Date of birth: April 15/84 3- Do you have any siblings? Older sister Tamara 4- Color hair: Very blonde at the moment 5- Color eyes: Blue 6- Nationality: Russian, Polish & Ukrainian 7- Size shoe: 8 8- Favorite color: currently yellow 9- Favorite article of cothing: Mat's pj pants when I can get my hands on them! 10- Favorite book: Nights of Rain and Stars - Maeve Binchy 11- Favorite food: Chocolate!!! 12- Future childs name: Have to rethink them being one of the youngest cousins in my family - all the older ones have stolen my names! (unintentionally of course!) (PS - Danielle I love your choice for a girls name hehe) 13- What are your parent/s names: Wanda & Kostic (short for Konstantin) 14- Who was your first crush: Trevor from across the street! 15- Who was the first boy to break your heart: Never really happened 16- Favorite vacation: Family vacation to Puerto Valarta when I was 12.. 17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? No more "spare tire" around the waist (but I am trying to work that off!) 18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? If so what; and if not would you ever consider it? None. Definately would consider it, but have no reason as of now. 19- How tall are you? 5'9ish 20- Favorite celebrity: Hugh Jackman & Reese Witherspoon
  19. Okay so I'm really getting REALLY sick of the music I have on my MP3 player for working out. I'd really love to hear some suggestions for some great "pumped up" music to keep me working hard!!! A few of my favourites (& when I listen to them) are: INXS - Need You Tonight (usually during abs & stretching) Paramore - Crushcrushcrush (great for lifting weights!) HelloGoodbye - In Your Arms (cardio) Kanye West - Stronger (weights) Lenny Kravitz - Where Are We Runnin' (cardio) & Metro Station - Shake It (cardio) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Hello everyone!!! I've been lurking around the site for about a week now so I figured it was time to properly join & become a member so I can be a contributing part of the forum! My name is Alex & my boyfriend is Mat. We live up in Northern Ontario. We're not technically engaged yet, but I know he has the ring so I am just waiting patiently (well, most of the time anyway!) for him to make his move! We haven't decided 100% where we're going to be getting married, but this forum is definately giving me some great ideas! Can't wait to get to know everyone!
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