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Everything posted by alex

  1. That was such a thoughtful gift!!! I'm definatrly giving cash for wedding gifts now too!
  2. Yikes, that really sucks!! Can a seamstress add a small panel of fabric at the sides Just keep in mind that it's not going to reflect on you at all if her dress doesn't zip! Just think how embarassed she must be!
  3. You gals are doing so great! I had 2 good day this week & then I've fallen off the wagon! Yesterday was another non-workout day (although I was with my neices again so my arms are pretty tired!) & today we're having a keg party in our friends backyard. DEFINATELY not going to get any workout today! lol Somebody can give a little extra for me today & that'll make up for my lazyness
  4. LOL so happy I'm not alone with the video games here! I've almost convinced myself that I could play drums for real since I got so good in the game!!!
  5. Hey there! Welcome to the forum! I'm basically in the same situation as you are (no ring, same ages, & cost expectation for the DW!) I haven't really started planning yet, but I'm definately here for moral support for you!
  6. That's awesome! So simple, but so perfect! And seems like he knows you pretty good if you were about to comment on how sweet you thought it was before you realized it was for you!
  7. Try to bring yourself a healthy snack next Friday that you absolutely love to eat! So when everyone else is packing on the pounds, you can be happily munching away on something that isn't going to go right to your butt!
  8. No gym today, but spent the entire afternoon/evening with my neices who are 2 1/2 years & 11 weeks old. Definately got an upper body workout from all the lifting! Also could be the explanation for the pounding headache! (although that could be the bottle of wine me & their mother downed at dinner! lol)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 2 1/2 hours of Guitar hero! YAY!!!!!!!! I don't feel so alone!!! My bf got RockBand for Christmas & we originally would play together (but I started getting sick of him hogging the guitar!) so when he's at work I rock out all by myself sometimes lol When it's me & him I play the drums, when I'm with his friends I only get to sing (because they hog everything else) & when I'm alone I'm the guitar goddess! lol
  10. Anybody else play this game I'm honestly addicted - I think it's the greatest thing ever!! I have zoned out & played for hours at a time!!!
  11. When I would get shin splints while playing soccer (& had to keep going) I would wrap medical tape around my leg in 2 or 3 places for the rest of the game. My old coach showed me this & to be honest I have no idea why, but I always found it made the pain a bit more bearable.
  12. I wish that would do the trick! I've been throwing elbows left & right & all I get is a little "ugghhh" sound before the snoring continues! lol I'm just gonna wear myself out until I'm exhausted so I can just pass out without noticing! Times like these I wish we had a bigger place with maybe a second bedroom so I can escape!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Like that poor FU girl or my friend who can never have things monogramed because her initials are ASS. OMG I think I'm overtired due to my whole snoring issue going on right now, but I am laughing my *ss off right now!!! Me parents always tease my sister that they should have changed her middle name so her initials were TIT... yeah, there's alot of maturity in my family I'm all about naming your children whatever you want, but Honor is just stupid in my opinion! It's nice to go different, but when you start going way out in left field then it's time to take a step back... lol
  14. Congrats!! That is a really sweet engagement story!
  15. LOL thanks for sharing my pain everyone!!!!! He usually snores a little bit, but he's been really sick & overly tired lately so he's just killing me with the volume!!!! I actually had a little cry around 2am when I hadn't been able to fall asleep yet (even tho I went to bed at 11!) lol In comparison it's not as bad as sleeping at my parents place when we visit though. Then we have to listen to my Mom, my Dad AND both dogs! Now that's something that'll keep you up all night! Luckily my rabbit doesn't snore so I just have to put up with Mat!!! Looks like tonight is going to be another looooong night! He started snoring AND talking in his sleep about half an hour ago. Promptly woke me up & here I am online trying to tire myself out some more..
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions! I can't wait to do some downloading & re-stock the MP3 player with some fresh music to get me movin!!!!!
  17. I haven't ordered anything, but I have found some really great things here! Women's Lingerie, Sexy Clothes, Corsets, Babydolls, Chemises from Lingerie Diva
  18. Okay, so it's 1:12 am right now..... So my bf sometimes snores, but tonight I'm on the verge of SMOTHERING HIM WITH A PILLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wearing heavy-duty ear plugs (the kind he wears at work <copper smelter - we're talking serious earpugs here!!>) & I can still hear him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heeeeeelllpppp meeeee.. soooo tiredddd! Not only is he dayshift tomorrow (meaning he gets up for work @ 4am!) but he's really sick AND it was his birthday yesterday/today (Wed) so I can't really beat him with the clock on my sidetable.. even though I'm really tempted!!!!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I don't work in the morning. Just had to get that all out! Thanks! lol
  19. That is absolutely beautiful!!! IT's going to look amazing framed & up on the wall. It's so special & would definately bring tears to my eyes if my Mother made one for me!!
  20. Another small thing I forgot about is to shop at the Bulk Food store for certain things, but you have to be careful because you're not always going to get a deal. But an example would be pellets/food for my rabbit. I spent $1.17 for the same amount that I paid $5.99 for at a pet store!
  21. alex

    Hello All

    Hey, congrats on the engagement!! I'm new on the site too. There is so much info you'll be able to find here & everyone is super helpful! Happy planning!!
  22. An elderly Ukrainian man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite pierogi with fried onions wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Gripping the railing with both hands, he crawled downstairs. Downstairs, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen, where if not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven, for there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table were hundreds of his favorite pierogi... Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of love from his wife of sixty years, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man? He threw himself towards the table, landing on his knees in a crumpled posture. His parched lips parted, the wondrous taste of the pierogi was already in his mouth. With a trembling hand he reached up to the edge of the table, when suddenly he was smacked with a wooden spoon by his wife. ....."F**k off!" she said. "Those are for the funeral." (hehe - having Ukrainian grandparents this is too funny!!)
  23. I like mango with a little touch of orange & maybe even a few bits of the citrus thrown in!!
  24. Beautiful pics!!! Love the coloured strip on the veil!
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