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Everything posted by alex

  1. alex


    Hi Lauren! Welcome to the forum & happy planning!
  2. alex

    Seeking Advice!

    Hey Christina! I dont have a location or date yet (hell, I don't even have a ring yet!! - I am never gonna miss an opportunity to complain about that! lol) but I've started my research on the site already! You're going to find SO much stuff & the ladies are going to be such a great help to you! Happy planning!
  3. Alrighty.. you asked for more, so here they are! (excuse the bikini shot!) Mat & I at El Arco. We took a water taxi to Lovers Beach & the taxi guy brought us around El Arco & showed us the sea lions & explained everything about the rocks & stuff. He even took this pic for us! It was a really cool afternoon! Lovers Beach looking towards Cabo. Looking down the beach from the Riu Palace. Sun in my eyes walking around the resort. My makeshift dress I made out of my sarong was pretty comfy! Mat & I on the Pez Gato for the afternoon. Has a blast snorkelling, drinking & dancing to the YMCA! My absolute favourite picture of Mat. He'd kill me if he found out that I posted it! He doesn't like having his picture taken so I waited til he wasn't looking & I LOVE the end result! Looks like my knight in shining cowboy hat! lol
  4. Whoohoo! Sounds like a wonderful day to me!! Hope you have an amazing time!!! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it afterwards!
  5. Honest opinion... I'd wear it in a second! lol I think it's beautiful! Definately a good idea to ask them about the price for their budgets though.
  6. Hey there... I'm a rabbit owner so here's my advice... 1st of all, take a deep breath. Your dog doesn't understand what's going on & quite possibly just wanted to play with the little bunn so don't be upset with him. Give him a little snuggle. I am pretty sure there's a good possibility that he Momma is going to disown the baby now (but we cant be sure!). Again, it's not yours or your dogs fault! I would definately recommend calling your local animal shelter & asking for advice. You would be able to possibly care for the baby until it was old enough to be placed into a new home, but I think it would be a very difficult task especially with a dog (& to be honest I'm not sure if he'd make it because of the young age PLUS he's most likely still nursing at this point so wouldn't be able to eat solid food.. also I hate to mention it but rabbits have very fragile backs so he could have been hurt too badly by being flipped over) I completely understand how upset you are right now, but I definately think your best bet is to get someone from an vet's office or animal shelter, etc to take care of things. That's about all I can think of. Hope I was a bit of help!
  7. I doubt we'll end up doing any. It's going to be hard enough to get him not to make any "pirate faces" (aka, the ugly faces he makes when he doesn't want his pic taken!) for the wedding pics let alone make him sit through even more!
  8. alex


    Welcome Jennifer!! Youre going to find alot of great info here on the site! Happy planning!
  9. Hi Sarah! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! I stayed at the Riu Palace in January so feel free to ask me any resort-related questions!
  10. alex

    Hello everyone

    Quote: Originally Posted by mnikhanj ..in Los Cabos at the Riu Sante Fe. There are some mixed reviews for this hotel on this forum so I am a little worreid. Hi Mona! I didnt get married at the Santa Fe nor am I planning a wedding there, but I did visit the resort in January. I actually stayed at the Riu Palace, but would take a daily walk around the Santa Fe grounds. I dont have any info about weddings, but I thought the resort looked absolutely lovely! I spoke to various ppl here & there throughout my vacation week who were staying there & I never heard a single complaint all week. Im sure thats not quite the info you were looking for, but hopefully it'll ease your mind a little! I'm going to dig through my trip pictures & see if I can find any of my candid shots from the hotel grounds. - Alex
  11. alex


    Welcome & goodluck with all your planning!
  12. Welcome Cindy!! Happy planning!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel OMG I love the bunny. They will poop in liter boxes while holding a carrot in their mouth? Alright- I want one now! LOL she occasionally eats real carrots while chilling in her litter box too! I think she feels safe there because it's "her place" - only her scent there! She's really trained well! She has free reign of the spare bedroom & we only put her in her "room" (aka, giant dog kennel - size XL) at night. She's really well behaved!
  14. lol oh I did enjoy it! Until I was up at 4am with heartburn... ah well, lesson learned!
  15. Hi Bree! Welcome & congrats!
  16. Happy Birthday!! Hope you get to do whatever makes you happy today!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Veronica8 Although we are not technically engaged yet (no ring), my boyfriend and I are on the path toward marriage... Welcome to the forum! I am in the EXACT same situation as you are!! (just trying to patiently wait for the damn ring! lol) I've decided that its time to start researching too & you'll be very happy that you have! I originally wanted a really simple beach wedding without any frills, but after checking out different things on this site I know for sure there are some things I'm going to want to add. So now I have time to save for them! lol Its great to have someone in the same boat as me! Feel free to PM me with any questions, stress, or just to say hello! - Alex
  18. alex

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome Yvonne! Youll find SO much info here!
  19. Welcome & congrats!! My advice is to watch how much time you spend on here because I find myself up at 3am surfing through the messages... lol
  20. alex

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome & congrats!!
  21. Welcome home!! Can't wait to see/hear all the rest once you're nice & rested!
  22. Awesome STD! hehe lol In all seriousness though it's great!! Really nice inspiration piece for me when I need to make mine!
  23. Okay, so I got a little snacky & kinda went overboard... I just mucked out a bag of sourpatch kids candy, a bag of crispy tortillaz, half a box of GirlGuide cookies & 2 beers... & I'm not even pregnant! LOL I can feel the width of my bum expanding as I sit here feeling super guilty!!
  24. Not to keep this off topic but I am SO JEALOUS that you have a Target near any of you, period! lol I went to my first Target store over Easter weekend & couldnt contain myself! lol I spent $150 on absolutely nothing that I needed! I was just so excited to be there I think I went a bit crazy! The prices were really good compared to here in Ontario though (ie/ got a stay-on lipstick for 7.49 that cost me 14.99 2 weeks earlier here in ON)
  25. I would love to start this thread back up again! (I didn't see it before & accidentally started a new pet pic post... sorry!) Everyone's furbabies are so sweet! Here are a few pix of my little bunn Emma. She's supposed to be a dwarf bunny, but either they got it wrong or we overfed her bigtime because she's pretty big for a dwarf bunny! (last vet appointment, she was over 5 lbs!) Playing outside on a nice sunny day... Sleeping in her old bed aka. "the bunny box" that we made out of a shoe storage container & my bf's tshirt! & a recent one of her & her stuffed carrot which she sleeps with (tucked in under her chin)... I also caught her taking a poop in the litterbox with it in her mouth so I guess she really likes this thing! She acts more like a dog or cat than a rabbit. She just tugged on my pantleg to see what I was eating so I showed her that it was a sour patch kid candy thinking she would go away & instead she bit the head off & hopped away... gonna have one hyper bunn tonight! lol
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