Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan Maura, this sucks! Her age should have nothing to do with this. Some people are married with kids by the time they are 22. She is really going to regret this when she gets older. I was a real b*tch to my family when I was that age and I think about it often and regret it. Hopefully she will come to her sense before it is too late and she ends up hurting you even more.
Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Maura! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. It sounds like your mom's side has given you enough issues - that your sister would realize and step up to fill some of the gap. I know she's just "22"... but as someone who's 22 I want to say grow up! Yes I know that I defintely still have my immature, high school moments... but at the same time we are old enough to take some responsibility for our lives and our obligations! I'm only 1 year older & I must say that she shouldn't get away with acting like this due to her age! Like Becky said, I still have my moments sure, but this is just ridiculous. I am so sorry that you're having to deal with this on top of the rest of your family issues!!!
I honestly hope you can come up with a solution that will ease all the tension (& bs if I may be frank!) & that will make you happy! You are obviously a really wonderful, caring person & you need to remember that you need to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy!