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Everything posted by alex

  1. Congrats on booking the date!! You must be so excited/anxious to start making more plans now that you have that set!
  2. If some ppl want some, but don't need 100... would you guys consider not having your date or names on them? Because then 2 or more ppl could split an order & just put something tropical on them like a palm tree or a cute wedding saying "to have & hold & keep your drink cold" or something along those lines... Just a thought!
  3. alex


    Welcome Stacey!!
  4. Best: My breasts! I'm sorry if anyone finds this strange, but I think they're fantastic!! Worst: As of now I'd have to say my thighs. Need to tone them back up!
  5. alex

    Hawaii Bride

    Welcome & happy planning! I'm jealous that you get to go site-seeing (ha! literally!)
  6. The dress is gorgeous & you look even more gorgeous with it on!
  7. Welcome!! You're going to find so much helpful info that I'm sure you'll have a place picked out in no time!
  8. alex


    Welcome Nicole!
  9. alex


    Welcome to the forum!!!
  10. alex


    Welcome Lori!! I remember walking by ME Cabo on the beach in January, it looked SO beautiful!! I'd love to hear more about your plans!
  11. Welcome to the forum Bernadette!
  12. alex


    Hi Lucy! Welcome to the forum! Tell us more about your plans!! (please! )
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha awwww so cute!!!!! No pressure Mat!!! LOL no kidding! When the 2.5 year old gets involved, you know you're in trouble! Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Metito so cute! BTW, I HEART METITO I definately heart Metito too!
  14. This was awesome to watch!!! Looks like everyone had a blast shooting them!
  15. VERY happy about the heat!! Emma isn't all puffed up in a little ball anymore so I'm assuming she's much happier too! She kept giving me looks, like "seriously lady, just turn on the heat!" Such a little monkey sometimes... I am really hoping they fix the water soon thought because after pumping it out all day, we still have 3" in the basement. Apparantly we're getting all the water from everybody on our street (we're the last house) because it's downhill & there's a blockage just on the side of our place so everyone's water is coming into our basement... until it gets too high then it will hit the neighbour before us, then the next & so on... Times like this I am happy to be renting!! (although I feel for the landlord because it is Mat's brother!)
  16. UPDATE: We have heat now, but no hot water! Looks like it's a city-problem (their stuff is backing up) so hopefully they take care of the rest soon! Senor Flojo is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I've actually heard of cancer in alot of rabbits (main reason we had her spayed - females have a high risk of uterine cancer apparantly.. vet told us) Was he from Rabbit Rescue The rainbow bridge thing sounds familiar...
  17. What a gorgeous dress!! Must feel amazing to have ordered it!
  18. Love them! Wish I was laying on a floating lounger with a cold beer in one of those in my hand, floating in a pool with the sun glistening off the water... lol sorry! got a bit carried away!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan Maura, this sucks! Her age should have nothing to do with this. Some people are married with kids by the time they are 22. She is really going to regret this when she gets older. I was a real b*tch to my family when I was that age and I think about it often and regret it. Hopefully she will come to her sense before it is too late and she ends up hurting you even more. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Maura! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. It sounds like your mom's side has given you enough issues - that your sister would realize and step up to fill some of the gap. I know she's just "22"... but as someone who's 22 I want to say grow up! Yes I know that I defintely still have my immature, high school moments... but at the same time we are old enough to take some responsibility for our lives and our obligations! I'm only 1 year older & I must say that she shouldn't get away with acting like this due to her age! Like Becky said, I still have my moments sure, but this is just ridiculous. I am so sorry that you're having to deal with this on top of the rest of your family issues!!! I honestly hope you can come up with a solution that will ease all the tension (& bs if I may be frank!) & that will make you happy! You are obviously a really wonderful, caring person & you need to remember that you need to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy!
  20. So I've been ribbing on Mat to propose for the last few months now (as has everyone else we know! lol) & we didn't realize how much we all talk about my future wedding in Mexico until this afternoon in Canadian Tire... I was trying to keep my 2.5 year old neice Ailah occupied while her mom tried to buy paint (it was a LONG experience.. took us 1 hour!) so we were racing, hiding on each other, etc. & Ailah started yelling excitedly "Come on TiTi! (can't say Auntie yet! lol too cute) Come on TiTi!!!" like we were supposed to go somewhere super exciting! So I asked her where we were going & she announced "Metito!!". I was pretyt confused so I asked her again (she still mixes up words, so I figured it was a mistake) & again she yelled "Metito!!!" It took me a few times, but I finally realized she was saying that we're going to Mexico!!!!! We've been discussing it SO often in front of her that she knows everyone is eventually going to Mexico! I almost died laughing!!!! Now I know I really need to lay-off on bugging Mat, when even our neice is mentioning it!
  21. What about a basket (or bag, or whatever you wanna put it in) filled with things that will remind her/feel like a tropical location. You could get her a pedicure gift cert (although she can't use it til after! lol), tropical scented soaps or lotions, etc, candles with seashells, etc... just little things that are tropical! You could even get her margarita (or whatever other drink) mix so she can enjoy virgin cocktails!
  22. Congrats on booking your photog! Must feel great to have that out of the way now!!
  23. That's a great idea! Sounds perfect for him to display at work!
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