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Everything posted by alex

  1. alex

    Hi :jiggy:

    Welcome Jeannette!! You're going to find all the info you need here (and then some!LOL)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire Amber welcome, are you. (in my best yoda voice) Hey, that was good! (I even read it in a yoda voice! lol) Welcome Amber!!! You're going to find so much info here! Everyone is wonderful & super helpful!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 That magic cough syrup is nice when you feel like that. Oh I was running through the clouds with fluffy bunnies hopping allll around me! lol
  4. I am in th same boat as you (waiting oh so patiently... not!) for my ring! So I have my fingers AND my toes crossed for you!!!!! Mat's pulled a few tricks where I thought something might happen, but then nothing at all did. But I really hope that's not the case for you!!
  5. So I had the crappiest birthday yesterday. I layed on my friends couch for the afternoon (Mat was at work & I didn't feel like sitting at home alone), then I took a nap when I got home, and then we spent 3 hours at the walk in clinic!!! $150 on prescriptions & a shitty night of sleep & I feel even worse today!!! I have a sinus infection which is trying to get into my chest, as well as a sore throat & blocked ears. I've also coughed so hard that I strained my back!! I'm on antibiotics, nasal spray, painkiller/antinflammatory & magic cough syrup that makes me sleep & makes my back pain go away. To add to it all I was up for a few hours with really bad heart burn (probably from the combo of meds!) Blah. I feel so gross & am really bummed I didn't get to do anything nice yesterday! Mat was going to take me out for dinner & I was going to get to wear my new dress & heels & get all prettied up... I don't even think I took a shower! lol Well I'll stop b*tching now. Just had to get that out.
  6. alex


    Welcome! I hope somebody can help you with the info you need!
  7. alex

    Maui Wedding

    Hey Val! Welcome to the forum!
  8. Welcome Niama!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!
  9. They're sweet!! Glad they enjoyed their little "vacation" instead of getting super stressed like most pets do!
  10. Welcome Pam! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I think I might just be gapping out right now, but what is this policy?
  11. For any Canadian girls wanting to do something like this... I found some cute plastic cups at Dollarama today. They come 4 in a pack for $1! At my store they had pink, orange, green & aqua. They were decent quality too, not overly thin/cheap feeling!
  12. On top of the suggestions already made, I'm a huge fan of what I like to call "the flipped over turtle"! lol Basically you're laying down in position to do sit ups with your knees bent and your arms out at your sides. Instead of doing a full situp, you only life yourself slightly off the ground & then reach your hand down to touch the shoe (or leg if you can't reach the shoe) of that same side. I alternate side to side for a count of 20 (so 10 each side) & then take a breather. It's honestly one of the only exercises where I can actually "feel the burn" in my obliques. But a warning, even if you don't feel it right away, you will feel it the next day!
  13. I think winner takes all sounds great & so does $15 entry. It's going to be a great prize to keep us all motivated!!
  14. I completely understand the sad feeling you're getting, but like everyone is saying it's just short term & is going to make everything even better in the long run! If it makes you feel any better, Mat & I did long distance for just over 3 years combined & it had it's rough moments, but it really brought us closer together! I'm kinda butting in here on the suggestion, but I think maybe we should organized a GTA get-together when you're in Ontario!
  15. It's great to hear that both Mommy & baby are doing good!!
  16. My parents went & they won't shut up about me promising to go if I'm ever in the RM so maybe you should go! lol
  17. alex

    Aug 2008, Mobay

    Welcome!! You'll find SO much great info here!
  18. Welcome!! You'll find so much info here I'm sure you're going to have a place picked out in no time!
  19. Whoohoo, another Canadian!! Welcome Renee!!
  20. alex

    Hi there

    Welcome Victoria! I don't know much about Bali other than it's beautiul so you'll have to keep us posted with your info & planning pics!
  21. Hi Eddy! Welcome to the forum!
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