So I had the crappiest birthday yesterday. I layed on my friends couch for the afternoon (Mat was at work & I didn't feel like sitting at home alone), then I took a nap when I got home, and then we spent 3 hours at the walk in clinic!!! $150 on prescriptions & a shitty night of sleep & I feel even worse today!!!
I have a sinus infection which is trying to get into my chest, as well as a sore throat & blocked ears. I've also coughed so hard that I strained my back!! I'm on antibiotics, nasal spray, painkiller/antinflammatory & magic cough syrup that makes me sleep & makes my back pain go away.
To add to it all I was up for a few hours with really bad heart burn (probably from the combo of meds!)
Blah. I feel so gross & am really bummed I didn't get to do anything nice yesterday! Mat was going to take me out for dinner & I was going to get to wear my new dress & heels & get all prettied up... I don't even think I took a shower! lol
Well I'll stop b*tching now. Just had to get that out.