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Everything posted by alex

  1. "And when the spark of youth someday surrenders... and I will have your hand to see me through... the years may come & go, but there's one thing I know.. love is all there is when I'm with youuuuuuuuu" Isn't that the cheesy song from A Wedding Sory Because it's been stuck in my head since I read this thread!!! And for anyone who remembers it... it's sang QUITE cheeseball too!!
  2. (curious to see who is going to go next... cause I definately have NOT fed ex'd a goat before! lol)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Cole5worm I don't blame you! boys are sickos! I don't know how many "ball" pics i have from back in teh day when Digital wasnt in.. I'd go to pick up my photos and bam! Balls! HAHAHA it's not only boys! I am horrible for taking "boob shots" on my friends cameras! If anyone hands me a camera to take a picture (& when alcohol has been consumed) I casually open the top of my shirt when no one is looking & snap a quick picture! (no nips or anything! LOL) and my favourite part is nobody had caught on that it's me yet!!! lol they just say.. "man, I got ANOTHER boob shot on my camera!!" LOL!!! I'm a HUGE But I still think I'm hilarious
  4. Never have I ever... kissed someone 15+ years my senior
  5. Never have I ever... had a braziliian bikini wax
  6. Here are a few I just came across while searching for you... Maybe they can be used for inspiration? Key Lime Wedding Invitation: Funky colours of lime green, pink and orange wedding invitation for a trendy beach wedding at Invitations by Nature Hibiscus Item # 4BLU-EKX-D - Invitations and Announcements by Invitation Consultants. Discount Wedding Invitations - Watermelon Pink Wedding Invitations with Tassel - you could maybe add a little starfish dangle to the end of the little rope on these ones... I can keep looking for you! I'm sitting bored outta my mind at home!!
  7. LOL thank you so much for the great pics! I've been really sick for a few days & I was just moping around the house and you just TOTALLY made my day!!!!!!!! PS - the skimboard incident looks exactly like something I would get myself into! lol
  8. LOL!!!! I know how you feel about the whole wanting to look nice thing. My brain automatically assumes everytime we go somewhere that he might propose so I've been doing the same thing: doing my hair & makeup, but not too much to be a huge difference!! Just try to forget about it & not analyse everytime someone asks you to do something now. You're only going to drive yourself crazy... TRUST ME!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Second, 28 years old. 28?!?! I just threw up in my mouth. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild "Yes, I was intimate with her, but I have done nothing wrong, as she is my wife and I have the right and no one can stop me," he told The Yemen Times. "But if the judge or other people insist that I divorce her, I will do it, it's OK." Yep, I yakked all night & almost did just now! So sick! What a wonderful & brave little lady! My chest is constricted right now thinking about how awful all of the ordeal must have been! (not just the consummation)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Well she just proceeded to basically dictate to me over the phone about how GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I would never say such hurtful things to her. She didn't even apologize. Not saying that it's okay for her to act like this, but I think for some reason she's saying such hurtful things because she is very hurt too (don't know why though!) Like you said, she's probably jealous of the fact that you're getting married & she isn't right now. If you guys have a pretty good relationship then maybe when you're both more calm you need to try to have another talk. Let her know how much she hurt you by saying those things & explain that you would love to help her (event hough it's not true!) but you just can't afford it. I think she was unresponsive during your talk because she was on a mission. She probably told herself at the beginning of the convo that she wasn't going to give in, so that's why it turned mean in the end. Me & my sister have said some nasty things to each other, but we're usually able to fix it once we've both calmed down. I really hope that you guys can sort it out too!
  11. Booo!!! I just spoke with a nurse on the Ontario Teleheath phone number & we've determined that my antibioltics and cough syrup which were prescribed for my sinus and chest infection are making me sick!!! Like nauseous and vomiting & dizzy & all those lovely things!!!! So now I have to go back to the doctor again tomorrow, but for now there's nothing I can take to make my tummy feel better. She suggested trying to sleep, but I can't sleep cause everytime I lay down it flips & flops & is just not pretty! Mat's at work & everyone I know is sleeping so hopefully there's someone online here that can keep me company for now!! I promise you can't get it from me over the internet!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Although I'd look like a fatty boombalatty.. LOL you're silly, but this made me laugh anyway lol Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Ok, so what do you think on color?? for the beach... Fuschia (purply pink) Raspberry (reddish pink) Candy (bubble gum pink) I really like the Fuschia personally! (although the others a pretty too!)
  13. You look stunning in all your pics!! Your dads shoes are the best!
  14. alex


    Welcome Anne Marie!! Congrats on the engagement!
  15. I think that for anyone who doesn't usually "dress up" for bed, a simple tank & boy shorts will blow your guys mind! I think they're so simple, but that's what makes them sexy!
  16. alex


    Welcome Buffie!!
  17. alex


    Welcome Jenna! Where abouts in Ontario are you?
  18. Welcome Priscilla! Congrats on your engagement!
  19. alex


    Welcome Natashee!! There is a tun of info on the Dreams resort here!
  20. Welcome Carrie and congrats on your upcomming wedding!! I think it's so romantic to elope just the two of you!!
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