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Everything posted by alex

  1. Jessica®/MD Versatile Neckline Summer Dress : Sears Canada I saw this dress while flipping through the most recent Sears catalogue (2008 Outdoor Living Sale) & thought it was pretty cute! It's a cotton/spandex machine washable convertible dress that can be worn 6 different ways. It doesn't look quite as nice as the Victoria's Secret convertible dress, but I'm ordering it tomorrow & I'll let everyone know how it fits/looks! PS - forgot to mention it's only $39.99!!!
  2. Goodluck!! I hope everything goes as wonderfully as you imagine it will!!!! We can't wait to see all the pics!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Oh..I am down 4 lbs in one month, so the hard work is really really paying off. Most of it I think is due to the diet changes I made; I've hit my 110 goal weight, but still working on tightening everything up! That's amazing! You must feel so great!! I piled wood for an hour this afternoon & then hit the gym for arms & squats today. I'm starting to feel great about working out! I just need to try to set a realistic goal for myself. I have an athletic body type, so I'm afraid I'm not going to lose many pounds. I usually lose inches & tone up much quicker than I actually lose any weight...
  4. Oh my goodness... what a beautiful little trooper!!! Some people in this world are just beyond describing! Whoever hit her will get theirs! Karma works!
  5. Those are amazing!!! How wonderful of him to send you all those options to chose from!! (good choice on the final pic btw!)
  6. HEEEEEEELP!! Soooo obsessed with this site now!!!! I just made an alchemy request for a necklace & I got 11 replies in 12 hours! LOL Then I couldn't decide which I likied best, so I'm actually going with 2 different designs!! Now I'm looking into custom ordering earrings & some yummy bath products... HELP!!!!!! lol
  7. Whoohoo!! I can't even imagine how exciting that must be!!!
  8. SO cute!! I would personally love to wear this as a BM dress! Plus like Ana said they'll be so easy to wear again! High five on scoring such nice dresses!
  9. We were supposed to go visit my parents this weekend because it's my Moms birthday, but Mat decided to tell me today that he's schedule to be on-call all freakin weekend now so if we're gonna go it's gotta be only for the day on Sat which will involved 3 hours of driving each way!! Booooooo
  10. I sent my $$ today & am sooo pumped to get started!! I've been getting to the gym 4 times a week so I think I might be able to make some good progress! (although Mat thinks I'm crazy for being in "some contest with a bunch of randoms from the states") LOL!!!
  11. Wow, Sarah!!!! I don't even know what to say!! I am soo sorry you've been through so much. And I'm so glad to hear that the injuries were minor for the majorness of the accident!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I second that. What an ass. He lies & then he wants his stuff back?? Too bad, douchebag! Douchebag! Perfect word for this guy!!! Man what I would give to boot this guy in the ass!!!
  13. Damn it was a good episode!!! I was on the edge of the couch for the whole thing & cried like a baby at the end!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP It is not the same ring A publicist for Carey has not yet responded to TheShowBuzz.com's request for comment. Carey, 38, was previously married to music mogul Tommy Mottola from 1993 to 1998. Cannon, 27, was engaged to Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks for a few months last year. Enlarge The $2.5 million Jacob & Co. diamond ring Nick Cannon gave to Mariah Carey. (LaForce+Stevens/Jacob & Co.) Rumors that the ring Carey is wearing was originally given by Cannon to Ebanks are untrue, a spokeswoman for Jacob & Co. said. "It's a different carat weight, and a different color diamond," Marissa Drew told TheShowBuzz.com. "It was made specifically for Mariah." The ring is crafted from platinum and features a square emerald cut fancy light pink diamond as the center stone surrounded by 58 intense pink diamonds and two half moon diamonds on each side. The center stone alone weighs 10 carats, and the total carat weight of the ring is 17 carats. It's valued at $2.5 million. So it's not the exact same ring.. but it's the same design with a different diamond than the last one? Still pretty nasty to me....
  15. I don't have any info on the site, but just wanted to say that I think that ring is gorgeous!
  16. Everything looks great!! Your dress is soo beautiful! Where is it from (if you don't mind me asking!) The colours are great too!
  17. OOH! Seems like it'd gonna be a good show tonight!!!
  18. lol I wish I could laugh if her hair gets screwed up... but I'll be the one stuck fixing it!! lol She's being better now. Said something about needing my "professional opinion" which could be nice or could be sarcasm that I'm completely missing.... LOL
  19. I have towels from WalMart that I use for the beach. They're just normal towel size, not beach size though. They look like the have a basket weave to them & they come in light colours like baby blue & green, etc. When they go on sale they usually cost about 5 bucks a piece. You just have to keep a look-out for them. Zellers also carries patterened towels in the summer & they usually go for about 3 bucks a pop. Not the thickest, but they'll do the trick!
  20. Congrats to all the girls who stuck with it.. but especially Glenda!!!! Go buy yourself something that make you feel sexy! You deserve it!! I am sooo pumped for season 2 right now!!!
  21. I can't wait to see your pics!! I'm still debating eventually flying out to BC to use your photog!
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