So I have a question about etiquette when it comes to asking someone to be your BM. Well not so much a question, but a story that's open to opinions at the end! lol
So my friend has been with her bf for 7 years & just recently got engaged. She's always said that myself & another friend were both going to be MOH because she can't choose between us. So skip forward to her recent engagement. She hasn't offically asked anyone (I don't think she will either) but makes comments like, "do you like this dress?" or "I think you'll look good in this" or "you the creative BM so could you help with (fill in the blank)". She's also commented about myself & the other girl maybe wearing different dresses than the other BM's so we stand out, etc. So I've been assuming I'm still MOH.
Now tonight she goes out for dinner with some of her friends that I don't know, has an awful time & ends up telling a story about some irritating girl asking aboout her wedding so she says something to the effect of So&So is my Matron of Honour & Alex is a bridesmaid (this irritating girl does not like me or the MOH) So she's repeated this story about 10 times now. So, have I been demoted to BM instead of MOH I'm so confused as to what's going on! I want to ask her, but I'm afraid it's rude to come out with "so am I still your MOH?"
HELP! What do you think?!
If she wants me to be a BM instead of MOH, that's fine! I won't be heartbroken, but I think it's a little rude....
I don't know what to think right now!!!