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Everything posted by alex

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan those stories make me sound trashy! Nah, maybe just some of the people you know thought. j/k
  2. Welcome to the forum! You'll find some great info here & you'll have chosen a new location in no time! Don't stress!
  3. Wow, that's just disgusting. Breaks my heart to hear stories like that!! Karma will get them!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Thank you nurses for all you do! Having spent many days in the hospital in the past year and in and out of the doctor's office I can truly tell you having a wonderful nurse makes a HUGE difference in recovery! Thank you thank you thank you! Worded perfectly! You guys make such a HUGE difference!!
  5. So I have a question about etiquette when it comes to asking someone to be your BM. Well not so much a question, but a story that's open to opinions at the end! lol So my friend has been with her bf for 7 years & just recently got engaged. She's always said that myself & another friend were both going to be MOH because she can't choose between us. So skip forward to her recent engagement. She hasn't offically asked anyone (I don't think she will either) but makes comments like, "do you like this dress?" or "I think you'll look good in this" or "you the creative BM so could you help with (fill in the blank)". She's also commented about myself & the other girl maybe wearing different dresses than the other BM's so we stand out, etc. So I've been assuming I'm still MOH. Now tonight she goes out for dinner with some of her friends that I don't know, has an awful time & ends up telling a story about some irritating girl asking aboout her wedding so she says something to the effect of So&So is my Matron of Honour & Alex is a bridesmaid (this irritating girl does not like me or the MOH) So she's repeated this story about 10 times now. So, have I been demoted to BM instead of MOH I'm so confused as to what's going on! I want to ask her, but I'm afraid it's rude to come out with "so am I still your MOH?" HELP! What do you think?! If she wants me to be a BM instead of MOH, that's fine! I won't be heartbroken, but I think it's a little rude.... I don't know what to think right now!!!
  6. Sounds like everything went perfectly!! Your daughter is beautiful!
  7. Everything looks amazing!!! Enjoy the sunshine & have a perfect wedding day!!
  8. I'm willing to share my pics regardless of my results! I think it'll be greater motivation knowing I have to post them PLUS if I don't do great then by end pics will be even more motivation to keep going! I can't see myself dropping many pounds (I've been going to the gym steady-steady for 3 weeks & have GAINED 3 pounds, but look thinner <I have a muscular build>) so I think my pictures will show my results better than my numbers. But I understand if people don't want to share theirs. I just want everyone to know that if they're afraid of being alone with the pics, yolu're not! Mine will be up for all to see at the end hehe
  9. I'm kinda like you, but as opposed to being a student - I'm just unemployed! lol So I reply to e-mails like an hour after I get them so I have NO IDEA what the normal response time would be Therefore, I am no help, but I am curious to see what the answers are!
  10. Greats pics - sounds like it was an awesome night!! Your dress is absolutely gorgeous & your hair looks like it came straight out of a volumizing shampoo add! Looks great!
  11. alex

    I'm new...

    Congrats Stacy! Welcome to the forum!
  12. Your book looks amazing!!! You did a great job creating it! I hadn't seen your wedding pics before either & those are pretty amazing too!!
  13. HAHAHA!!! I almost died laughing here!
  14. I'm happy today because I have a job interview tomorrow!!!! Whoohoo!!!
  15. WOW I am so sorry to hear that you're going through this!! What they're doing is ridicilous & inexcusable!! They need to pull their head's out of their asses & grow up!!! If they couldn't afford it then they should have been upfront about it!! I am pretty livid for you right now!
  16. Beautiful pics!! You look beautiful!I like the pic of you & the girls making silly faces!
  17. Very cute! They'll get more use out of them because youcould wear those over again
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Anyone want to make odds on this one? Shall we start a pool as to when she announces she's preggo? LOL!!!!!!!
  19. Everything looks great! I really love the added touch of using a personal picture for your STD! The cake looks amazing (I'd kill for a slice right now! LOL) & I think it'll look really cool with the solid colour on top & the white on the bottom! Thanks for the bath bomb recipe!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel At the end, didn't some dude nurse tell Izzy her patient wasn't preggo. Then she saw Alex rubbing Rebecca's belly? Yep, I'm totally confused here too! I thought she was lying until I remembered about her agreeing to blood work... wtf? Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I feel sad for Bailey. I feel so sad for Bailey too! She's always so tough & to see her say what she said to Addison with that look on her face broke my heart!
  21. #5!!!!!!!!!!! This is just an amazing watch! (I just bookmarked the site for Mat's next watch purchase!) I think it's so versatile - dressy or casual!
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