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Everything posted by alex

  1. Okay so my little neice was at it again! We had their family over for a bbq & as usual we were using Ailah to harass Mat about not being engaged yet... lol The conversations went similar to this: Alex: What's that? (pointing to Ailahs Moms e-ring & wedding band) Ailah: Mommy's ring-bling!! Alex: (shows Ailah her hand) Look, Auntie doesn't have any. Ailah: Why not!? Alex: Ask Uncle Mat! Ailah: Uncle Mat, how come TiTi doesn't have no ring-bling? hahaha we were pulling stuff like this all night! About half an hour later Mat was showing Ailah pictures on the computer & he came across a boat he wants to get. She shouted "Fishy Boat!!!" when she saw it so he saw it as his opportunity to use her to bug me this time... Mat: Hey Ailah, can Uncle Mat buy this fishing boat? Ailah: (hands on hips & very upset) NO BOAT, JUST BLING!!!!!!!!!! We almost died laughing this time!!!! Especially because we didn't set any of this up!!!! lol You know everyone's getting impatient when the 2 1/2 year old starts to razz you too!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Fozzy I'm am so excited to have a date set & to know that in 265 days I'll be in Jamaica with our family & friends.. and 4 days later will have a husband!! lol too cute! Welcome to se site Nikki! Congrats on setting a date!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina i bought the same one! I don't have that one in white, but I do own it in black and it's VERY comfy!! Except if there were any ladies out there with a bigger chest, I don't reccommend doing anything but sunbathing in it because your breasts will try to escape on a regular basis!! lol
  4. Thanks for all the helpful tips so far!!! I'm not off to a very good start - I've had 2 lattes & went out for lunch (but managed to only eat a small chicken ceasar salad)!! My scale is ghetto-rific & it wasn't possible for me to take a pic on my own, so I has to ask Mat to do it. He even took my before pics for me. Poor guy! lol When I saw them I said "oh my god, my lovehandles are THAT BIG!" & he just called me a loser & walked away... lol Tomorrow is my big start! I hit up the store for fresh fruit & chicken today so I'm better prepared for tomorrow!!
  5. If you do a messy/beachy updo then you should be able to do the sparkly headband & then switch out for a flower afterwards. Assuming there will be no "flailing about" (LOL) at the ceremony it won't be necessary to power-hold the headband on so a bobby pin or 2 at each side should suffice - AND will be easy to take out to switch for a flower afterwards!
  6. I slacked off & took the day off! I had an interview during "gym time" with Mat & then I had no motivation to go alone later on.
  7. Um that sounds ridiculous!!! I definately feel for you right now! I hope you're able to work something out - either a better flight or accomodation or something!
  8. I agree with having 1 bag for them to share, but you could double certain things (ie/ water, any bath stuff <lipgloss, etc> or medications)
  9. That was so sweet of your Mom! Looks like you had a great time!! PS - I really want cake now!!! lol
  10. WTF!! If she wanted to marry him, then she deserves all the "happiness" that comes with it!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by heatherjones I know. I have gotten a few things from there for my OOT bags. I think what I like best about the store is that the items that you pick up from there are not "cheap-looking." If you go tomorrow, definately look for "No.48 Wild Honey Hand Cream." We are also adding those to the bags and they smell amazing. ~~ Will do! Thanks for the tip! I know what you mean about not being "cheap looking" stuff there. I have put together many little gift baskets for friends for fun & nobody ever believe me when I say that I got everything from Dollarama!! They think I'm joking!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake I'm on my way out to pick up my 'last meal!' Better get my but in gear for tomarrow. I'm going grocery shopping first thing in the morning. If anyone has a go to item on their grocery list that they couldn't diet without, please share! I could use all the help I can get. I feel like I stick to the same foods when I diet and that is half the reason I fall off the wagon! I didn't end up having my last meal, but I pigged out on chocolate instead! lol And for my go to items when I eat well, they're not overly tasty or anything! I have a protein shake every morning. Sometimes I spice it up with fruit or yogurt, but not always. I eat alot of tuna too. And if I'm feeling "snacky" I'll grab a handful of All Bran Strawberry Bites - they're great for snacking on!
  13. Man I love Dollarama... I don`t need any wedding stuff yet, but I think I`m gonna hit it up tomorrow anyway to see what`s new!
  14. Okay so apparantly I've been demoted to BM instead of MOH... Which is fine by me. But she didn't even tell me. & then she told another friend that she "hadn't even really asked me yet" about being MOH. Blah. Such BS.
  15. Do you have any stores like San Fransico Gifts Inc? It's a store that carrys gift items & joke stuff. Um I don't know how else to describe the store & I can't find a website...
  16. Just my 2 cents, but I don't find that the can tastes the same as the container... I personally don't like it, but everyone else I talked to likes it. Maybe I'm just weird? lol
  17. I had purchased some at a buck store once upton a time... Words of caution though: make sure to pack them in your checked luggage.. I was bringing them to visit Mat as a joke once & accidentally put them in my carry-on bag & the security actually pulled them out in front of everyone & announced VERY LOUDLY that I couldn`t bring them on the plane & that they would be waiting at the security desk when i got back.... hehe OOPS!!
  18. I can't even pick out items to single out because everything looks so incredible!! You've done such a great job getting everything organized!! Your hard work has totally payed off!! Congrats on doing such a wonderful job!! Even though you've still got 11 days to go, I want to wish you the most wonderful vacation and most importantly the most perfect wedding you can imagine!
  19. I'm going to look like such a fool taking pictures of the scale at the gym! It's right out in the open for everyone to see & we don't have a scale at home!!! Mat offered to take my before pics, but i said no which is weird because he sees me everyday so I don't really understand why I said no! lol I'm debating having a big greasy cheeseburger for dinner as a last.... *drool*
  20. I'm in for sure!! Pretty broke right now, but I'll find something to sacrifice to get someone a great gift! Now I just have to figure out what to add to my wishlist!
  21. LOL!!!!!!! Can you imagine having them walk by during your ceremony!!!!
  22. What a beautiful story!! I just teared up a little reading it lol Congrats on your engagement (& on having such a sweet & thoughtful man!)
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