Okay so my little neice was at it again!
We had their family over for a bbq & as usual we were using Ailah to harass Mat about not being engaged yet... lol The conversations went similar to this:
Alex: What's that? (pointing to Ailahs Moms e-ring & wedding band)
Ailah: Mommy's ring-bling!!
Alex: (shows Ailah her hand) Look, Auntie doesn't have any.
Ailah: Why not!?
Alex: Ask Uncle Mat!
Ailah: Uncle Mat, how come TiTi doesn't have no ring-bling?
hahaha we were pulling stuff like this all night! About half an hour later Mat was showing Ailah pictures on the computer & he came across a boat he wants to get. She shouted "Fishy Boat!!!" when she saw it so he saw it as his opportunity to use her to bug me this time...
Mat: Hey Ailah, can Uncle Mat buy this fishing boat?
Ailah: (hands on hips & very upset) NO BOAT, JUST BLING!!!!!!!!!!
We almost died laughing this time!!!! Especially because we didn't set any of this up!!!! lol
You know everyone's getting impatient when the 2 1/2 year old starts to razz you too!