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Everything posted by alex

  1. That's BS!!!!! You're incredibly calm! lol sorry not trying to get you worked up! I really hope that your TA can figure something out for you so you get the same price & they don't do this to you again! Keep us updated please! Just saw your post about them honouring the deposits.. that's great news!
  2. It's hard to stay on track all the times, but when you find you slip-up, don't beat yourself up about it! Then you're going to be feeling down & then you'll slip up again & over & over... well that's what happens to me anyway! If I eat something I shouldn't have, I remind myself that I shouldn't have done that & then make every effort to eat properly for the rest of the day. And if you try to stay on-track most of the time, a little slip-up here & there isn't as bad as you think it is. I'm having a horrible time exercising right now. I suffer from migraines that are brought on by changes in the barometric pressure & it's been raining, snowing, & being gross for the past few days so my head is KILLING me! I thought I was gonna pass-out at the gym, but Mat stood behind me (literally!) so I wouldn't fall backwards! lol I probably should have skipped the gym tonight, but other than 9-hole of golf this weekend I did nothing productive! I have a feeling it's not going to be a very good weigh-in for me either this week.... BUT I'll just have to work harder this week to make up for it!
  3. Everything looks awesome!! I really got a kick out of the diarrhea songs! lol Even sang it in my hyead instead of reading it
  4. Whoohoo!! You must feel so good - especially at the dress fitting!! Be proud of your hard work!!
  5. Look at how beautiful she is!!! I'm so happy everything turned out as it did! Congrats on a gorgeous and healthy daughter!!
  6. Well we're glad to have you back!
  7. Hey I just noticed you're in Sudbury - I live in Timmins!!! Yay for someone near me!! Where do you golf in Sudbury?
  8. Your dress is beautiful! It's been on my "to try on" list since I saw it on a website a few months ago. I really like your ideas for the dresses too. They're all nice, but I really like the 2nd one!
  9. Mmmm sounds go good... I wish I didn't have such sensitive teeth cause I would love to chow down on some frozen fruit, but the thought of biting into them makes me shudder!! The softer things like sorbet & frozen yogurt sound great!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece We did it just for fun and i used my real dress. It was fine afterwards. I told my mom the significance was that i would never need the dress again b/c i had found my one true love. I love that you looked at it this way!!!
  11. Whoohoo, almost time for you to get married! Can't wait to see all your pics!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I'm only counting his mother as the something old pmsl LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Beautiful hairstyles! I've given similar styles to a few people before & always loved the results!! Can't wait to see your finished product!
  14. Congrats to Ann & Paul on their little nugette Gwendolyn! Sooo happy to hear that everyone is doing so well!! *big hugs from Northern Ontario* PS - I tried to ask Mat what I would be on the menu at McDonalds & he rolled his eyes at me & turned up the volume on TSN lol
  15. Welcome back Ann - you are too amazing to be back at this so quickly!! Congrats on being the first week winner Shannon!!! You're helping me to stay motivated!! Thanks
  16. alex

    i'm new

    Congrats & welcome Aimee!!
  17. alex

    Another newbie!!

    That's me! I'm the baby sister! Welcome to the site - there's alot of great info, but if you steal the one's I'm gonna use..... then I'm gonna tell Mom!!! PS - I sent you the link to the thread about abbreviations so you don't call me asking me what a STD (or whatever else!) is!
  18. No gym today, but we did go golfing. And we skipped the cart so I walked the whole time. I think I used a few muscles in my back that haven't been used in a LOOOONG while
  19. WOW!!! Beautiful pictures!! I love the ones of you guys dancing!
  20. Does anyone have any drink suggestions that don't involve pop or anything carbonated?? I used to drink ALOT of pop so I cut it out of my diet & it's been 10 months since I've had a sip of pop OR anything carbonated Might not sound like much, but it's a HUGE deal to me & I'm super proud of myself. I usually have a beer with the boys, but I know this isn't the best think for me to drink! My Mom & aunts came to town this weekend & I am super proud of myself (other than dinner!) We went to Timmies for breakfast & everyone else had bacon & sausage breakfast sandwiches & I had only coffee (I had fruit & cereal at home before we met) & then they all had french fries & doughnuts at the food court & I had a mini-sub. BUT then for dinner I had garlic bread, mushroom caps, deep fried haddock & fries.... I feel guilty, but it's the only really bad meal I've had in 2 weeks so I guess it's okay.... DAMN, I just remembered the double chocolate cake we had for dessert.... Maybe I'm not so good! hehe Exercise has been shaky lately; not doing what I should be. I REALLY need to step-up the cardio to burn some fat!! Ideally I want to get this out of the way first thing in the morning when I wake up, before I have breaskfast! Anybody have any motivation help to get me to drag my @$$ out of bed & actually want to get out of the house?! Especially on an empty stomach?
  21. Mat "kicked my ass" with a super intense workout on Friday - shoulders, chest AND arms!! (plus cardio & abs) I am NOT enjoying this stupid footbal training he's been starting! lol Thankfully he's going to set up my new program for next week!! We're going golfing tomorrow (the course opened this past week YAY!!!) & then we're going to the gym because it's closed on Monday... BOO!
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