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Everything posted by alex

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kellywinter1 Yeah! We have to see the dress to be able to help you! Plus I just love seeing every ones dress! ***Cheer *** We want to see the dress I second that!!
  2. Welcome Danielle!! You'll find everything you were looking for AND then some!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne I think we went to Victor's in the Marina for dinner. Interesting place - you buy a beer for $1.50 and they bring you a shot of tequila with it. I was not in a big drinking mood but Martin tried the tequila and said it was pretty smooth. They also give you a night cap at the end that is sooooooooooooo yummmmmmy. A mix of Kahlua, Bailey's and creme. Seems to be sort of a tradition there as they did this at a couple other restaurants too. Ok I am drooling now - I may have to make myself one tonight I SOO meant to tell you about Victor's Place in the Marina!!! Last time we went to PV we ended up going here almost every afternoon to relax & have a few drinks!! Do they still bring out the fresh chips & salsa while you have your beer & shot? Man that place is great!!!!! So sorry to hear about some of that crap you went through!!!! I'm glad that you had a good time in the end, but wish it had been more relaxing for you!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 That's so awesome that he's helping you! I wish I had someone to push me a little harder. When Andy offers advice I either lap it up and love it or give him the "stink eye" as he calls it...depending on my mood. Is he a trainer, or just loves to work out?? Regardless.....props to him for helping his lovely lady..and to you for not wanting to kill him! LOL I wish all I gave was the "stink eye" when I'm angry... I think the look I give him is better described as "b*tch face"!!! If I'm really mad about an exercise he's making me do then I get him to stand in front of me so I can glare at him to help give me the strength to push through it.. usually helps when he glares back lol but he does it in a more funny-kidding way, when I think I probably look like I want to kill him!! I bet ppl at the gym watch us sometimes... He's not a trainer - just loves the gym. Well not loves... maybe loves/hates it, but he knows that in the 3 years that he's been working out regularly he feels great & looks great so he knows all the benfits!!! He's great at giving you a program to follow, but changing it up enough so you don't get bored & stop pushing. Like the crazy little obstacle-course from hell he made me do this afternoon... I think I told him to F-off like 4 times, but I worked SO HARD to get through it & I appreciate it so much! I really need to do something to show how much I appreciate it!! Although I'm sure when I look smokin' in my new bikini I bought (inspiration) it'll be thank-you enough!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I am now craving nachos! Yep, me too!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie I feel terrible for Alex, I hope he can get over his issues, he has so much potential. He looks a little bit like my brother, so I think I'm more warm and fuzzy towards his character than I would otherwise be. Prrrrrrrrrrrr to your brother! LOL
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 CUT IT! CUT IT! CUT IT! I love a good hair change....here is the cut I'm getting after the wedding..... I think the darker color you tried out would look so so so good on you....DO IT! Forgot to mention your hairstyle... YES YES YES!! So gorgeous!
  8. Everyone keep up the great work!! I had a great day today all focused on legs. I took a quick 1.5 mile walk this morning to go get coffee instead of making it at home & sitting on my butt! Then we hit the gym! Warmed up doing 2 miles on the bike & then did some intense leg work (including front bar squats which in my opinion should be illegal!!) finishing with this stupid obstacle course Mat made for me in the group work-out room! It involved running with weights, weaving through set obstacles & power skipping at the end... Actually I guess I can't call it stupid because he's been trying to hard to mix-up my workouts so I don't get bored! He's so sweet & motivational I should be thankful!!! Anytime I complain about what he does, my friends & family all offer to trade with me & have Mat train them. I guess I've got it pretty damn good having his help!!
  9. MUAHAHA! Welcome to the dark side!!! If it makes you feel better, I don't have a date set, or even a ring yet & I can't get myself to log-off the site EVER! lol
  10. Here's a hairstylists point of view... Rachel - DO IT!!!! The darker colours (either the brown or the auburn) look great on your skin tone!!!! The shorter cut is a great idea too... if you're too afraid to do it all at once then start by colouring it & cutting it to about shoulder length... then you can cut some more off if you want to... I think it'll look amazing on you!! Drea - also.. DO IT! I think the shorter length with your curls looks beautiful! I personally wouldn't do completely blonde, but big bold chunks would really look amazing in those curls!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein It was SOOOO gooooood!!!! That has got to be one of the best season finales EVER! I agree completely!!! So amazing how it wrapped things up!! I'm so glad we finally got some insight on Alex.... Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie OMG, that was great, I totally cried, what a great way to finish the season. I cried too!! Now I'm really glad Mat was out or I'd never hear the end of it!
  12. Your dress is stunning! The lace is just beautiful! You look fabulous
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I just had to add since I didn't see the ones on page 2- I love the one where he is grabbing your ass! I was just going to say that I loved that one too!! Quote: Originally Posted by niels408 Those are beautiful! Just imagine now how amazing your actual wedding pics are going to be! Good point too!!
  14. Wow it's such a fairytale-looking dress!! Absolutely beautiful!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean i had a quickie today...30 min!!! I had one of those too, but I didn't realize we were posting about that kind of exercise I had a slacker day. We walked the dog & went fishing for the afternoon. Nothing overly exhausting, but I did have to do some rowing when the motor conked out on us LOL
  16. Awesome - enjoy your weekend!!! Us Canadians had our holiday weekend this one that just passed (whoohoo May Run... or May 2-4, whatever you call it in your neck of the woods)! We didn't do anything exciting because of the miserable weather. We were supposed to do alot of fishing, but it was too damn cold! I hope you all enjoy your weekend & whatever you choose to do!!!!!
  17. LOL sorry but when I saw the title of this thread I thought you meant that you were late period wise.... LOL
  18. Whoohoo Mat's gone out with the boys for the night so I won't have any distractions!! I ended up with caramel corn & Canadian beer instead of popcorn & Corona... lol could be worse I guess... I['m watching Rich Bride Poor Bride while I wait for Greys to come on, but I`m getting super impatient!!!!
  19. alex

    Our weddings

    Welcome Clare! I think that'll be awesome having you & your Mom married at the same resort!! Happy planning
  20. whoohoo Michelle! Have an incredible time!!!!!
  21. What a stunning dress!!!! Plus you MOH kicks the models ass in looking good in the dress!! The BM colour palette is beautiful too!
  22. My best purchase has been my car. I bought a used 99 Sunfire from my aunt for $2000. It's in perfect working order & runs like a dream. It has a bigger gas tank, but is very gentle on actually using the gas! With the prices as high as they are and Mat owning a HUGE beast of a truck - it's been a lifesaver!! He carpools to work & we use my car around town. We have saved SO much in gas since I got it, I don't know what we'd do without it!!!
  23. Congrats Glenda!! Good job on winning this week!!
  24. Everything looks incredible!!! Especially the venue... is that in Barrie, ON?!?! Looks sooo familiar to me...
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