Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 That's so awesome that he's helping you! I wish I had someone to push me a little harder. When Andy offers advice I either lap it up and love it or give him the "stink eye" as he calls it...depending on my mood. Is he a trainer, or just loves to work out?? Regardless.....props to him for helping his lovely lady..and to you for not wanting to kill him!
LOL I wish all I gave was the "stink eye" when I'm angry... I think the look I give him is better described as "b*tch face"!!! If I'm really mad about an exercise he's making me do then I get him to stand in front of me so I can glare at him to help give me the strength to push through it.. usually helps when he glares back lol but he does it in a more funny-kidding way, when I think I probably look like I want to kill him!! I bet ppl at the gym watch us sometimes...
He's not a trainer - just loves the gym. Well not loves... maybe loves/hates it, but he knows that in the 3 years that he's been working out regularly he feels great & looks great so he knows all the benfits!!! He's great at giving you a program to follow, but changing it up enough so you don't get bored & stop pushing. Like the crazy little obstacle-course from hell he made me do this afternoon... I think I told him to F-off like 4 times, but I worked SO HARD to get through it & I appreciate it so much!
I really need to do something to show how much I appreciate it!! Although I'm sure when I look smokin' in my new bikini I bought (inspiration) it'll be thank-you enough!!