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Everything posted by alex

  1. I like Ben & Jerrys but never buy it because it's just too expensive!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! Damn weekend is here again! And to top it off it's a looong one! Just wanted to wish everyone luck. I know for me...the weekends are when all hell breaks loose and I drink and eat tooo much. Pathetic really. Anyways...good luck. Here's to an extra fun and EXTRA HEALTHY holiday weekend!!! Hope everyone had a healthy weekend! Quote: Originally Posted by babyg Well I am starting to see some results. I got all motivated and ordered Turbo Jam a while back and it came in just over three weeks ago. For the first few weeks I worked out like a dog but no loss and even gained a bit last weigh in. I got the working out part going but just couldn't get the healthy eating part down. Well... one of you mentioned (maybe not in this thread) about flat belly diet. I went to our Chapters but the book is not out for a while. I went on line and joined the program. I can pick out my menu and get my shopping list and the diet is not bad at all. The first four days is a little less food to get you started. I started on Wednesday and from my scale I have lost 5 pounds from my starting weight and about 6 1/2 pounds down from last Wednesday. I am very excited! Thanks to all of you to getting me on the right track. You got yourself on track!! We just provided the background noise to help get you there Congrats on your weightloss! Keep up the healthy living! Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford How is everyone doing through the weekend? I seem to be super motivated right now and went for a very long walk yesterday as well as today. According to my parents scale I am way down...but then maybe its a lot different than my own? If only.... =) Hope everyone else is having a super weekend Keep up the good work girls!! Whoohoo for the scale being way down! I've been trying to add in long walks when I get the chance. It gets boring alone & I've misplaced my MP3 player so it's been extra brutal.. hard to push myself to keep going! Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I'm doing okay...I havent OD'd on eating, I did have ice cream yesterday though...oh and a twinkie. and today i had ONE margarita, thats it!! Today I plan to do 30mins of The Firm. Everything in moderation! If you cut out what you want to eat completely, then you're gonna just go crazy one day & eat waaaaaay too much! Congrats on the single margarita... I meant to have 1 & almost finished off the 6-pack of Corona last night lol OOPS! Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak So far I haven't really had a good weekend. I knew we were going out with friend's to dinner on Friday so I walked 5 miles that day and ordered raspberry chicken so that was pretty good and left quite a bit on my plate. Saturday went to a friend's pool..lots of beers but we ate lettuce wraps for lunch so that was good. Went to the movies to See Indiana Jones that night and I got a small brownie sundae at the restaurant while everyone else had dinner so that was BAD!! Today we went to the Tigers game and we brought our own subway subs and waters..but of course I had 2 beers. So, we'll see. I'm going to try to do a good workout tomorrow to make up for some of the bad. I'm really craving ice cream for dinner tonight...I need help Hey, as long as you're realizing that maybe you shouldn't have eaten what you did, then that's a step in the right direction! Great job on bringing your own subs to the ballgame though!! Did you end up having the ice cream for dinner? lol Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am not doing good either. Last night I went to West Hollywood for a friend's birthday party. We had the best dinner ever, I had a lobster corn dog for appetizer, then a filet. It was so yummy. Not to mention the dirty martini, white wine, red wine, and a sundae for dessert. Then to top off the evening, we got a cabana at The Abbey and had bottle service all night. I had one too many vodka and diet cokes. I am definitely feeling it today. To help cure my hangover, I had my favorite greasy meal at Mel's Diner, Patty Melt and fries. It was delicious, but probably not worth it. LOL sounds like you've had a good holiday weekend!! You need to enjoy sometimes!! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. this is the only weekend where we have no plans for the next two months, so i haven't been too bad. i've been eating oranges (which are really good for dessert when you want something sweet, btw), string beans, and salads. i saved all of my extra ww points for the week and got chocolate peanut butter crunch ice cream w/ sprinkles. i have a belly ache now, but it was worth it. i hope it pays off this week! I hope it pays off for you too! There's nothing more frustrating when you know how hard you've worked & don't see the results. Remember, even if the numbers don't go down dramatically, as long as you feel good then you're still doing great!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had an alright weekend. Didn't eat overly bad. Made delicious pasta sauce with ground turkey & made some whole wheat pasta & then ate garlic bread with it! :frypan: Oops!! I wanted chips soooo bad tonight, but I got pretzels instead. They cured the salty craving, but didn't have nearly as much fat in them! I really need to get moving on my morning walks though. I just can't muster up the energy! I am SO not a morning person!! Somebody come over & so I can get my a$$ out of bed & out for that walk!!
  3. Giant Tiger (or GT Boutique if you must) has some beach towels for $1.97. They're kinda smallish & fairly thin, but they're bright beach colours & if you want to to add some to your OOT bags without spending a tun then these are for you! I think I'm gonna grab some tomorrrow just for when we go to the cottage because I'm sick of getting my good towels wet & sandy!! Grrrr... Okay I kinda went off topic there LOL But yeah. Good towels for a cheap price! Oh and they have some cute beach bags for 2 bucks also!
  4. Congrats!! He's absolutely gorgeous!
  5. *swoon* Wow!! What an incredibly amazing gift!! You've got yourself a definite keeper there
  6. Yowza!!! Has anyone contacted the seamstress recently? What's her reasoning for not starting.. has she started yet?! I totally understand why you're so upset!!! Although we don't have prom here in Northern Ontario, I gather that it's a pretty HUGE deal to girls!! Has she looked at any stores for dresses just in case something doesn't go right? My fingers are crossed that all goes well!!
  7. Yikes, sorry to hear that! Hard to believe that someone would smash a window for a GPS.. but it happens all the time. At least you're okay & the company is covering the car.
  8. Those are gorgeous! Note to self: get wire tomorrow! 2nd note to self: lay-off on the Coronas
  9. Okay so I only had 1 Corona in the last 2 hours & I've mangled 2 barefoot sandals already! LOL The first one I started was like the one from the other forum, but I really didn't like the shape it was taking (I think the wire was too thin & didn't hold shape very well) so I stopped right before I actually finished it. Then I started making a simple one with 2 strands going up to the ankle & having a shell flower attached before the anklet part & I was attaching the 2nd part of the clasp when I was talking to Mat on the phone (he called from work - nightshift_) & I DROPPED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every bead but 3 fell off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I packed up the supplies & cracked my 2nd, well-deserved Corona!! I'll try these again tomorrow night because he's nightshft again, but I'll tell him not to call this time!
  10. Wow, I'm on pins & needles here!
  11. I'm bored so I bought a 6-pack of Corona & all the beading pupplies & I am about to attempt a pair of barefoot sandals... wish me luck!!!
  12. I don't know how much flowers usually cost in Cabo, but I would personally never spend those prices...
  13. H-to the -L NO!!!! I know many people who work in restaraunts who all say "DON'T DO IT!" I slap Mat's hands if he tries to put it in his water. I can't just the yucky thought of where they've been/what's happened to them out of my mind. But I'm kinda crazy like that. So if you can not think about it, then go for it because it tastes yummy. lol
  14. Awesome deal! I love the headboard!
  15. Beautiful! Love the colour, the couch, the fireplace.. everything!
  16. Yeah, I'm going to bring it back tomorrow & re-order it in a smaller size... I love the feel of the fabric. It's 95% cotton & 5% spandex, but it's a big thicker than you would imagine... As soon as it comes in again, I'll try it on & take some pics so you guys can get an idea...
  17. So I FINALLY got this dress in.. you'd think I'd be all happy about it, BUT... IT'S WAY TOO FREAKIN BIG!!! I am sooo dissapointed! (not that it's too big, I'm happy about that! LOL) Just that I've been so anxious to get it & try it out & stuff. I can't even give you girls my opinion on it because it's just so huge on me that I can't get any sort of idea..... I'm so bummed out!!!
  18. AMAZING!!! Everything looks so great & organized! Without sounding too cheesy you're a real inspiration for everyone to do DIY projects & have everything looking so amazing!!!! Congrats!
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