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Everything posted by alex

  1. Here's a pic of the beach towels from GT. They're very thin, but are easy to pack! They have tuns of bright colours & patterns (starfish, seahorses, etc) but I just got plain striped ones so Mat can use one without being embarassed I also don't have the exact measurements because I can't find anything to measure with, but the pic is taken on top of my stove to show the width & when it hold it length-wise it reaches from the floor up to my neck (& I'm 5'9)
  2. Congrats!!! Hannah is a beautiful name!
  3. What kind of extensions are you planning on getting?? I've had Great Lengths done twice. I paid $350 each time, but I live in Northern Ontario & there isn't a huge demand for the service so I know my prices are much lower than say the Toronto area...
  4. What an awesome site!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
  5. Awesome reviews Amy! Such a great idea! I've only tried the Loreal Infallable & believe it or not, dark colours stay on better than light ones! My deep berry colour stays on through anything (even when I woke up the next day!), but my soft coral colour comes off within about 30 mins! Surprising considering you would think they light colour would stay better! I think I'm gonna go out & get the CoverGirl Outlast today to try out! Thanks so much!!
  6. It's looks SOOOOOOO good!! Your stylist did an amazing job!! Your features really pop!!! Men are horrible at things like that. I bet he's afraid that if he says how much he likes the new hair, you'll take it that he didn't like how your hair looked before. That's exactly how Mat is... maybe it's my fault for taking things personally though! lol Anyway, SO happy you went & did it!!!
  7. Yeah I think that's a little stranger that she'd do that. But now that you've mentioned she wants to wear a white dress then it makes a bit more sense.. lol If you don't think that your FI will handle it well, just talk to the BM yourself. Tell him that as much as you like the shirt his wife purchased, you hadn't quite figured out what the men were going to wear & you don't want to hurt his wife's feelings. Men are usually much more understanding (& care less! lol) so maybe by talking to him, he can talk to his wife! I hope it all goes well for you!
  8. Whoohoo! I'd be so excited!!! I'm not at the point in time where I'm ready for dress shopping, but my friend is & as her BM I think I'm more excited than she is to go!!! My fingers are crossed that you all find the perfect dresses - especially you!!
  9. Wow, that looks great!! Congrats on finding your dress!!
  10. Looks like everything went perfectly!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics! The necklaces & cards were a great idea! & the necklaces were beautiful too!!! PS - nice shades
  11. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been to Ottawa & I just imagined the scenery in my head & that must have helped carry you through the run!! You should be so proud of yourself!!!!!!!
  12. It's absolutely beautiful!!! I personally think it's perfect & that you should wear it!!! If you are happy with how it looks and how it feels, then go for it!!! No matter how many people tell you it looks great it doesn't matter unless you feel amazing in it! I don't think they're trying to spare your feelings, I think they honestly like it & want you to be happy in what you wear!! PS - if you have a pic of yourself in the dress I'd love to see it!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford Well acoording to my own scale I am the same weight as I was last week, so I really shouldnt weigh myself before weigh in day and or with another scale haha. Heres hoping it will be different on Weds. It's hard, but try not to weigh yourself too often. You can fluctuate so much day to day that you could get your hopes up or down!! As my Dad always says "I could lose 5 pounds just taking a good..." well, I'll leave the last word up to your imagination LOL Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Well, I tried to redeem myself today by eating good and taking a 5 mile walk. It was beautiful outside today here in MI. Of course I went to the mall this morning trying on swimsuits so if that wasn't motivation enough.. I WISH it was beautiful here... it bloody snowed today!!! I had to wipe off my back windshield before I could drive anywhere... stupid snow.... grrrrrr Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I feel you on this one, I'm so not a morning person either but FI keeps saying that I will feel better if I get it over with in the morning plus it will give me more energy. Last week he called me several times at 6am so my butt can get up and go on the elliptical. I got a break this wknd but I know he'll be ringing me tomorrow at 6 again...gulp! WOW, talk about determination! I think if Mat called me at 6am (more like woke me up when he got home from nightshift) I'd beat him with the closest object I could reach!! LOL I really need to just psych myself up & get it done! It does feel soooo good once you've got it done & over with so maybe I'll try to think about that tomorrow morning to help get me up! Hopefully your morning goes well too! Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 UGH!!! Too many Mai Tais, too much bday cake for my Aunt, too much pizza for no good reason. For the love of all things holy where can I get some self control?!? Anyone....?? If you find some, let me know!! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek don't look at me for any self control tips steph. i had a bottle of wine Saturday and a bunch of food. But i have been doing the elliptical. At least you've done the elliptical! Give yourself credit there!! Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill I don't even know where to begin, but this weekend was horrible!! I had parties to go to all weekend and I was so exhausted from the busy week I've had that I just didn't care what I ate! I'm so mad at myself. It's okay Jill. We all have these weekends. Don't beat yourself up about it! Try to let it go & just focus on what you can do this week to make up for the weekend!! Look ahead, not back! Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 OMG - atrocious weekend! Crappy food, alcohol! You name it! And I slept about 12 hours a day, which was fantastic as I was so incredibly sleep-deprived last week, but I feel like a lazy sloth. AND no exercise. And - I'm leaving first thing in the morning and I'll be out of town for work all week! Not good! You obviously needed the sleep!!! Let's just call it your "mental health" weekend!! Now you're rested & happier to start on this week!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if my motivation is annoying.. I have no idea where it just came from! LOL
  14. Congrats on the little angel & on becoming a father!!! Your pictures are beautiful - I just teared up a little! I especially love the one of mother & baby sharing their first quiet moment. So calm & serene!
  15. Congrats & welcome back!! So glad to hear everything went so well! Anxiously waiting for pics like everyone else
  16. The weather: So we had beautiful weather on Saturday! Must have been at least 23 (celsius that is!) I felt bad because Mat was nightshift so he didn't get to do much other than sleep & go to work. Everyone seemed busy (with kids, broken toes & work!) so I spent most of the afternoon at my friends garden centre. I love being around all the plants & stuff! I worked there last summer, but definately do not want to be pulling that kind of work again! (12+ hour days working outside or in the hot greenhouse) By evening it turned to rain. Cue nasty headache. Rained all day Sunday - again didn't get to do much! So this morning I wake up to what sounds like a nasty wind storm... actually turns out to be snow. FRIGGIN BLOODY SNOW!!!!!!!! Only in Timmins, ON can it snow at the end of May... grrrrrrrr! I even had to wipe my back windshield before driving anywhere. I was tempted to take a pic, but was also way too depressed! lol Snow snow go away... DON'T come again another day!!! Laptop: So we bought a new laptop a few weeks ago & it's been amazing!! No more being cooped up in the rabbit/computer room - I am free to surf anywhere in the apartment. Until this morning. I thought Mat had done something this morning when he got home from work, but he says he didn't do anything & that it was like that when he turned it on! It definately wasn't acting up when I turned it off last night. So lord knows what happened!! All I know is that it must be pretty shitty if my friend who's a computer whiz has no idea what to do!! Thankfully we got a great warranty so I'll be calling Staples tomorrow to see about getting a replacement.... REALLY friggin annoying! (I'm back to being stuck in the rabbit/computer room on the old PC that we're clearing off to sell for a couple bucks. BOO) Biggest Loser: I haven't been doing great, but I haven't been doing bad either. I've been slacking majorly on my morning walks. It's so hard to get up & get outside right away! I am not a morning person (even if "morning" may be noon when I drag my a$$ out of bed!!!) so to get up & be out of the house in less than 30 minutes is a joke. I even try to do this without having coffee first & I want to cry. Motivation is that the Timmies is on the way home from my usual walk route so if I'm good & push myself hard enough I'll stop in for a large double-double to take home & enjoy on the couch! Then I feel like I have wings! BUT if I have coffee first, I usually feel sick to my stomach on the walk. It's a lose-lose situation, I swear!!! Plus Mat doesn't understand my lack of ability to get up because when he's dayshift he gets up at 4:10am. Okay, 4:10am doesn't exist in my world unless it's because I haven't been to bed yet. I laugh when ge gets in from nightshift (5:30am) & asks if I'm gonna get up & start my day. It's so funny that it's not even worth getting upset at his smartassness. Gym has been good! I go Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri with Mat. He's amazing at going no matter how his day was or what shift he works so that keeps me going!! I've been upping my weights lately & am proud to say that I can now squat 60lbs!!! In my opinion I should be doing much more because I have amazingly strong thighs (don't need anyone to hold onto my legs when they give me a piggyback - I could actually drop them to the ground if I give a bit of a squeeze too!) but I guess progress is a good thing! I've been considering taking a cardio-dance class on Tuesday nights, but the regular work-out I do takes usually at least an hour so I can't imagine adding another hour to being at the gym! Plus alot of the gym bunnies take this class & I just can't take them seriously. I'm a b*tch at the gym. lol Eating has been decent. Lots of fruit & veggies. No take out (other than Subway or Timmies coffee) & nice healthy dinners with alot of fish, chicken & veggies! I gave in & had pretzels at the movies tonight because I was craving salt & figured it would be better than the buttery popcorn or chips! I have been dying for a P'zone from Pizza Hut though!!! I don't think I've ever had one before & everytime I see the commercial I practically start to drool! Mat offered to take me on Wednesday to celebrate another week of good work! So assuming I see a change (for the better) on the scale, then we're off to the hut. But then I'll definately do a morning walk Thursday! I'm rambling. But it's okay. It's my blog & I'll ramble if I want to....
  17. What an adorable little guy!! Congrats on your new bundle of fur!
  18. I'm thinking that when the time comes I want to wear a garter! I probably won't throw it or anything, but will feel special wearing it just for him!
  19. I don't have any advice about the mechanic, but I would stick to opening & closing the door for now!!!!! This is happening to Mats truck (02 GMC Sierra) & he's been waiting for the nice weather to fix it himself. It happened this winter & has kept slipping down while he drives so it's been a chilly winter! lol Sorry I'm not much help, but I hope it gets sorted out soon because I know how much of a PITA it is!!
  20. Morgan what an amazing idea!! Thank you so much for posting this - you're going to help so many peopl!!
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