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Everything posted by alex

  1. I am so sorry the dress wasn't ready in time, but she looked absolutely beautiful in the replacement dress!!! And those shoes are hot!! I hope she had an amazing time!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I'm really surprised i didn't breakdown and eat the taco dip. I only stayed for about 2 hrs, i think if i would of stayed any longer i would of just started pigging out. I guess i'm starting to learn my limits and i just try to keep telling myself in my head "what's more important eating this ...taco dip... or looking beautiful on my wedding day and in my bikini." Good job!! Super proud of you over here!!
  3. For colours I really like different browns.. chocolate, mocha, etc!
  4. So I went rafting on Saturday & it was INCREDIBLY AMAZING!!!! Thanks soooooo much Tamara (T&N... aka my big sister!) for the great birthday gift!! We did the 1-day high adventure with Wilderness Tours in Beachburg, ON.. rafting on the Ottawa River with rapids, a bbq lunch & a little "cliff jump" into the water at one point! It was so much fun.. we're actually planning a small family trip for later on this summer so we can do it all again!! The facilities were awesome Whitewater rafting on the Ottawa River with Wilderness Tours, Ontario, Canada We're planning on renting some accomodations at Rafters & making a weekend out of it! Next time I am definately bungee jumping over the river!! I'm even looking into a 5-day intro to kayaking course! Here are a few pics of our group hitting a part of some rapids that is referred to as The Greyhound Bus Eater!! It was intense!! Our guide actually got dumped at this point last summer & the hydraulics ended up bursting both her eardrums, which required surgery! She was a little nervous, but pushed us through head-first & was amazing!! Here's a group shot of our rafting group, which was a family of 8 who had the joy (HA!) of sharing a raft with myself, my Dad & my cousin. We're all pretty big loudmouths, so besides nicknaming the raft the S.S. Titance & telling everyone we were going to die (lol) I think we were a hoot & seemed to get along amazingly well with everyone on the tour!! (especially the guides!) I am 2nd from left in the back & my cousin Brett is to my left, my Dad is below Brett & Lara our amazing guide is beside my Dad. The rest are a series of us shooting the Bus Eater!! We also had a waterproof camera which my cousin strapped to his lifejacket so I can't wait to see those candid shots! (I knowhe definately has a shot of me flexing like a muscle man on top of some rocks surrounded by rapids! lol) I would highly recommend whitewater rafting to anyone who has the oppotunity!!!! If you get the chance... DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Whoohoo, signing up right now!
  6. Wow, Ana those ar great suggestions & pics! What about a sun or sunset image? That could work. Or a little island (depending on where you're getting married!)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Loopy2021 I live in the UK and we measure our petrol (gas) in Litres, at the moment we are paying £1.16 a litre. Which converts to approx $8.39 US, so you guys have got a long way to go to catch up with the astronomical prices we are currently paying for fuel. I sure hope it does go down soon as the cost of filling our cars up for work is crippling us, but with current trends and oil prices as they are I can't really see it happening WOW, I will no longer complain when I hit the pumps!! Quote: Originally Posted by townie princess $5.14 CAD for a gallon (it's $1.36 per litre here now) And they predict it's going to hit $1.50 per litre here by the middle of summer! Oh please don't tell me that! LOL We're already sittingat $1.39 a litre in Timmins, ON & I don't know how much more I can afford!
  8. I was HORRIBLE this weekend!! Went whitewater rafting with my Dad & cousin (not the 2 healthiest eaters!) & ate like crap! I didn't actually go crazy or anything (ie/ pasta for dinner, bagel for breakfast) but from what I've been doing I just felt so gross eating things I never usually eat during the week! On the bright side I did accomplish a 7-hour (approx) rafting trip, where I paddled my ass off & took a few swims in the Ottawa River (pretty chilly!) by jumping out of the raft on the easy-parts! I even went cliff-jumping into the rapids at one point!! It was an amazing upper body workout, but I need to step-up the cardio again this week! Unfortunately I am stuck at my parents place for a few more days so it'll be hard to get to a gym here without any of my gear!
  9. Congrats!!! It may feel tough some days, but just keep looking forward to your smoke-free future!!!
  10. Drea - Nevermind, I figured it out!! Hope you got some sleep!
  11. I'm a non-smoker & I've never been bothered by smoke at a resort (although I haven't been to RM/Cancun so I can't speak for that area!) I actually had a small "taste" of what being a smoker is like because I did enjoy a great cigar on my last trip & we were on an outdoor patio, not near anyone (closest person was maybe 20 feet away from us, wind going opposite from them) & one woman kept making a show of coughing. I knew she wasn't affected by the smoke, but that it probably just bothered her to be near us so we picked up our cigars & moved farther away from her. Might seem silly, but as a non-smoker (& being allergic to cigarettes! LOL don't ask about the cigars though) I could understand not wanting the smoke nearby. I haven't really ever noticed anyone smoking much & have never really smelled it either. Hopefully that might ease your mind a bit!
  12. Looks like you girls had a blast!!! Good job with the sex toys & tequilla, sounds like a REAL party!! lol
  13. Everything looks great Sarah!! Congrats on being so organized!! Hope your wedding day is everything you've dreamed of!!
  14. I'm even more excited to share this with my Dad.... he just showed me a little book with things written down that he wanted to do (rafting, hike a mountain, etc.) that he wrote almost 25 years ago & he actually has the exact place we're going written down as the place he wanted to raft!!! So he's been wanting to go here for 25 years!!!!! Damn, cousins here... time to go!!! Bye again!!
  15. I'm off to the Ottawa Valley to go whitewater rafting with Wilderness Tours (for anyone familiar with the area) tomorrow with my Dad & my cousin!! My sister (T&N) booked it for us as our birthday gifts this year. Thanks Tamara!!! My Dad has always wanted to go & although I have been rafting once before in Alberta, but I'm really excited to share this with him!! I'm going to get a waterproof disposable camera so I'll try to take some pics if they let me! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife What a thorough review. I'm sure future brides will really appreciate this. I just wanted to say I thought your hair looked better and really good once it did drop down more. It seemed more natural. Despite all the salon drama, you looked stunning! I agree! Your hair looked great & you looked amazing!!!! I really loved your blue dress & black dress too! (great taste!) So sorry that your wedding didn't go as smoothly as you'd hoped & that you had to put up with so many extra difficulties, but it sounds as though everything worked out in the end! Congrats on becoming a Mrs!! Can't wait to see more pics!
  17. Abbie I love how that is worded!! Your colours are beautiful!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne What is Polysporin? Is that like Neosporin? I have been putting Neosporin on as much as possible - at this point I could care less about the blob of gooey stuff, I just want it gone! However, I do have to work a big event at our art gallery tomorrow night. I'm in sales so having a giant cold sore isn't the greatest... argh. Yep, it's the brand that is sold in Canada. Same thing I hope it clears up quickly for you!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Thanks for the suggestion. Her mom said that she found she really liked receiving mail and email. I've emailed a few times and I'm putting together a 'care' package for her with a few magazines, lip balm, etc. Snail mail is always fun to receive. She does have a good support system. That's why it's so weird. I haven't talked to her yet. I hope she's taking some extra time in the hospital. I definately feel for you & her family right now! The care package is a really great idea - everybody loves getting them!! What if you added a couple of pictures for her.. like of you together a favourite vacation spot! Maybe even think of a great memory & write it down for her so she can re-live the moment in her head. Might bring a smile to her face! Hang in there! We're all here when you need us! *BIG HUGS*
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Thanks! I don't like tea so that kinda sucks for that. But I just now remembered having a cucumber water before. And it was good. So that might be yummy. I'm so excited our farmers market opens saturday!!! YAY! I have cut out soda before. A year ago and I lost a TON of weight. So I'm excited to do it again. Plus the headaches are not fun! I'm glad to see other people do this to! YAY! Cutting out soda is an amazing thing to do! I'm pretty close to being my 11-month anniversary from the lst drop of soda (pop) that I drank!!! I get a hankering now & again (I would have killed someone the other day for an ice-cold Dr Pepper!!!) but I just keep thinking how much of a waste it would be if I had just one mouthful! I actually went to a Halloween party & went to take a sip from my friends mug (it looked like beer!) & it turned out to be rye & dry... so I turned around & spit it into a house plant before anyone noticed!! Wasn't going to ruin my hard work & willpower!! LOL shhhhhh don't tell the couple that hosted the party Quote: Originally Posted by starchild OMG yes! At a work meeting the other day there was a pitcher of water with sliced cucumbers and it was amazingly refreshing. Good one!!! Cucumber water is delicious! I worked at the Spa at the Fairmont Banff Springs Resort & when there were no guests in the lounge-area, I occasionally snuck in to steal a glass-ful! Another yummy one is sliced lemons & straberries! Light & refreshing too!
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