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Everything posted by alex

  1. NO idea who the band is, but the pics are great! I especially love #21.. I feel like you got the "rockstar" vibe perfectly with the crowd in the background & the flashes from the lighting...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I'm just disgusted with my bro right now. He has no balls!!! You hit the nail on the head right there!! I am soooo sorry that your wonderful parents are stuck in such an awful & disgusting situation! I am SO upset for your family right now that I don't even have any thoughts that I can share without it being rated-R for coarse language!! Give your folks a HUGE hug from me! They sound incredible!
  3. I am so sorry to hear this! Even though it's nothing against you or your FI or isn't really personal, I can imagine how much this hurts you! Sounds like regardless of the loaction of the wedding (DW or big at home wedding) they wouldn't really be overly excited. I think that if this DW is something that you really want and you and your FI are excited about it, then you're going to have to try your best to focus on that instead!! (I know, not easily done!) Try to think about how beautiful everything is going to be and although they won't be there for the full time, at least they will be there to share it with you!
  4. That's amazing!!!! Congrats to you & yous sister! It's going to be so special for you guys to share everything step by step!!
  5. Whoohoo go Brasil!! Looks like you guys had a great time! I would love to see a live "football" game
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne We've had all sorts of things come out of our dogs - the funniest was when Ollie ate his stuffed animal and we had to pull a green frog out of his behind. That was not pleasant - for all parties involved. LOL I've been through that before.. except our old family dog used to eat balloons... those were fun to have to pull out afterwards.... Hopefully he's not too runny for the next while! LOL
  7. Thanks guys for all the encouragement!! Feels great to be a weekly winner - definately going to push me to keep going! lol I showed Mat my carrot & he agreed that I am "definately a big loser"... pretty sure he didn't mean it in the same way that we do.... lol
  8. Great job ladies - keep up the awesome work!!!!!
  9. Wow, what an incredible-looking resort!! There are so many beautiful options for you!!
  10. Oh my goodness... that is so awful!!!! I just teared up & I showed it to Mat & he didn't even know what to say! (usually a big smart ass)
  11. I don't have any advice that hasn't already been mentioned, but I'm pulling for you all the way!! You can do it!!!!
  12. Yeah, Oscar obviously has some pretty good taste! lol He got a bunch of Timbits for a treat for being such a great little guy!
  13. I'm down 2 this week which is a nice change from staying the same for the past 2 weeks! I guess I literally paddled my ass off this weekend! lol
  14. I am not looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow. On top of being out of town for the last 5 days and eating horrible... I just find out that I didn't get a job that I was super excited for (& honestly thought I was a shoe-in for!) I'm so upset. I just had a beer & a huge fattening muffin. I still feel like shit though. BLAH.
  15. We went in January & the daytime temperatures were great, but night did get a bit chilly. We soaked up the sun during the day wearing bathing suits mostly, but in the evening I wore a light jacket most nights. And the nights I didn't wear the jacket I wore long pants. It's not freakishly chilly or anything. A light jacket or sweater or wrap should be enough to keep bare shoulders warm! Well in my opinion anyway!
  16. I think it's a great dress!! Would look good on alot of different body types too!
  17. I am SOOOOO happy right now!!! I ransacked the house & then started calling places I'd been yesterday when my parents dog Oscar, tried to jump off my bed (he's got a cone on so it's difficult for him to move) and along with him tumbling off the bed, my necklace is there with him too!!! It's strange because I already checked my entire room, including the bedding, so I think it may have been stuck to Oscar!! LOL PHEW... I am SO relieved!! And tired!! (I was up til 4am freaking out)
  18. Aw Maureen..CONGRATS!!! Those tshirts are adorable!!
  19. Whoohoo!! Congrats on booking JM!! His pictures are beautiful & his personality is wonderful so you'll have gorgeous pics AND a great time with him being there!!
  20. Mat bought me a beautiful eternity neclace for my birthday in April & I wear it pretty much everyday. Well after a long & busy day of running around I just took off my earrings & reached for my necklace to find out it isn't on me.. and it's not on my side-table (where I keep it when I'm not wearing it!) I am so exhausted from this past weekend that I can't even remember if I put it on this morning! I'm currently at my parents house & it's not normal routine here so I can't think at all!! Both my parents wake-up early in the morning so I can't even ask if they remember seeing me wear it because they're sleeping!! I'm on the verge of freaking out!!! I am horrible for misplacing things (okay, losing things.. there I said it!) & I am sooo afraid to have lost this!!!! Mat bought me beautiful diamond earrings & a small ring before & they both went missing about 3 years ago (we believe it was a plumber actually) He always jokes about not being able to buy me pretty things so when he got me the necklace I was blown away! I feel so awful right now! I can't stop crying!! I ran around SO MUCH today doing so many errands I don't even know if I can think of all the places I went to call in the morning....
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