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Everything posted by alex

  1. I won't get married at this resort, but it was definately been added to my places to visit list! Looks gorgeous!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I love the idea of your mom walking you down the aisle. She could even answer , when asked "who gives this woman to be married..." "Her father and I do." Ok, I'm already crying! Good luck! Yep, you've got me tearing up too. I think that if you're close to your Mom then that's a great idea! I think she'll be honoured & excited to do this for/with you.
  3. Booooo I wish there was a Bath & Body Works here in Northern Ontario!! lol
  4. They're great - Your Mom did a fantastic job!'! I love the casual feel to them. You guys look like you're actually having a blast having the pics done & you look so comfortable too!
  5. Welcome Erin! You're going to find SO much great information here - you'll have a place narrowed down in no time!
  6. Welcome back!! Great pics Denise!! So happy to hear that everything went so well for your special day!
  7. Awesome!!! I wish the weddings I was a part of had such nice BM clothes!!
  8. alex

    Careyes Bride

    Okay so I juct finished looking it up & all I can say is WOW! Looks incredibly beautiful in Careyes!!! I really hope you're able to find more information to help you along the way with your planning! Please share your information with us too!
  9. Welcome Kim & congrats on your engagement!! Puerto Rico sounds beautiful & I think it's so romantic to get married in the country that you were engaged in!
  10. alex

    Careyes Bride

    Welcome! The addiction will only get worse! lol I've never heard of Careyes, but I'm going to look it up right now! Happy planning!
  11. Okay, so here's my latest attempt at barefoot sandals... NO Corona involved this time! lol This was just a half-assed trial since I bought all my supplies (other than the wire) at the Dollarama just to try it out before I buy any quality things from Michaels. They didn't turn out too bad if I do say so myself. The anklet wouldnj't be worn that high, I just wanted to show that it was seperate from the rest of the barefoot sandals. I haven't bothered to make a 2nd one because this is just a practice run to give me more experience before I actually make any "good" ones! Thanks sooooo much to Courtney (Agape Gems/Twevle_piece) for giving me a list of the things I need to make a proper pair! Michaels is having their grand opening sale here in town so I'm going to buy some pretty beads so I can try again! Thanks again!! PS - Please don't mind my hideous feet in the pic.. they're usually really quite cute little feet, but for some reason they look monstrous & ugly today!
  12. They look great! I really like that they fit a beer bottle OR a bottle of water. Nice to give the non-drinkers something to use also!
  13. Your review is great - so detailed! Definately a huge help to future brides! Sounds like everything was pretty much perfect!! Congrats on being a Mrs!!! Whoohoo, I finally got the see the pics! You look beautiful!!
  14. Hope your day is an wonderful as you imagined!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Not Michael Hunt, but Mike Hunt! LOL!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 Lizz it's nasty.... it's a reference to orally stimulating the anus... Makes you really want to order a tossed salad with your meal....lol! Mmmmm LOL
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh thank GOD! I cannot believe your sister did this and then lied to your father's face about it. What a complete and total b***H! Personally (and I admit I haven't read thru all of the responses), I'd have a conversation with your sister and make sure that she understands that she is no longer welcome to speak with or have any contact with any member of your family. After the conversation put it in writing and send it via certified mail so that if there is any further conversation you have the basis of filing a harassment lawsuit to get a restraining order. I think the talk & certified mail is a very good idea!! SO incredibly sorry that you've been going through with all this BS! Your daughter sounds very mature & sounds like a great, smart kid! Congrats on raising such a wonderful little lady Hopefully your ex-sister gets the idea that she`s not welcome anymore.. and hopefully your parents see what she`s doing & consider talking to her themselves!!
  17. That's so pretty! It looks lightweight & comfortable!
  18. I don't love them yet, but after I get all the ingredients & make one I'll let you know! They sure sound great!!
  19. 1 hr at the gym tonight. Shoulders & back day. Pretty sore, but feels good at the same time!
  20. Great news on both parts! Sending positive gym vibes your way so you can work hard to get into the size you'd like!
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