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Everything posted by alex

  1. I couldn't not take a shower after a work-out! I have super-fine hair & it gets so greasy quickly!! Just have to use some heavy duty coniditioner I did 1 kick-ass hour at the gym tonight!! It was amazing!! Sweat was pouring down my face - nasty, but awesome!!
  2. I think this is a really neat & unique idea! How did it go over Christine?
  3. I don't have any wedding dreams or nightmares, but as I'm waiting patiently for my ring, I do have the ocassional engagement nightmare!! The funniest went as so: We were playing RockBand in our living room, when Mat threw the guitar behind his back (a la Johnny Cash), pulled out a ring & said "Hey baby, wanna be in my band!!??" I actually woke up & cried! LOL
  4. Everything looks amazing!! So exciting that the time is almost here!! Ps - LOVE the fridge countdown
  5. I once met a Crystal Glass (& no she wasn't a stripper!) lol
  6. Looks great! Picture-wise, maybe you could add a few of the hotel to the accomodations place so people can see some pics without looking it up themselves? The FAQ's are great! Would your guests mind if you put a little "blurb" beside each name of who's going.. so people can kinda see who they are & how they're connected to you & your FI? That's all I can think of, but even if you didn't make a single change it stills looks great!!
  7. Glad to hear it turned out good in the end!! I bet the one that's still coming realized she'll probably have way more fun staying with your sister than with Mr. RandoCommando boyfriend! The other one is gonna miss out on a good time!
  8. Over 2000 Vacation Villas, Luxury Villa Rentals, and Private Islands You definately have to check out this website!!! I was going to post it in the location sections, but I couldn't figure out where to put it since it covers SO many areas!! It's full of the kinds of places I can only dream of visiting!! Such INCREDIBLE vacation rental places!! I showed it to my Mom yesterday & I think she spent a good hour looking at places & picking out "future vacation places". I put that in quotes because as much as it's nice to dream, it'll never happen! LOL Actually, we did find a couple that could be realisitic for a larger group to rent out for a luxury vacation!! If anyone has the chance, you HAVE to see these places... SO AMAZING! One of my favourites is Villa Costa Careyes I - Careyes, MX I'm really curious to see everyone's favourites too! Feel free to share your thoughts!
  9. Welcome Tara!! Only 9 more days til you become a Mrs... you must be SO excited!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Thanks Yari!! I'm actually feeling much better and I have some hunger back, but nothing is staying down! I think the gatorade is a good sign though...and I have much more energy today. (Although I'm still not doing much - I think I've been in front of the computer just about all day.) Here's hoping that you start your week off feeling 100% better!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Wow girls...another bad, bad weekend. I just have no willpower on the weekends. I think I'm going to have to move out if I want to lose any amount of weight because FI is no help We had the parade of homes in our area this weekend so we like to go around and see all the million dollar homes we can't afford...and in between houses FI stops at one of our fav ice cream stops and I can't resist (even tho I told him no ice cream this summer before the wedding) I didn't really exercise much this weekend either, today I went to my friend's pool and swam a long time and was throwing her kids around so I'm sure I got some exercise somewhat. But then the storm rolled in and ruined our fun. I did do a ton of housework though and was sweating it up after mopping the bathroom floors. So, I'm thinking it's going to be another gain week unless I kick it up the next couple of days. Doesn't sound like you did too badly this weekend. Don't beat yourself up over it! Just start fresh today! Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! I HATE weekends. No, let me make myself clear. I HATE WEEKENDS!!! Why, o why does my willpower disappear? I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait until Monday. Yay Monday!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Looks like you guys are doing well! If anyone wants to live vicariously through me, let me know what you are craving and I will just eat it for you! I think we should keep having this challenge so I can join again after November. By then it will be BL Season 10 or something! ha! Keep on truckin' ladies! Okay, right now I'd kill someone for a cheesburger... so you can feel free to enjoy one of those for me!
  12. Awesome idea!! It's going to be my challenge for the day!
  13. I bet it was worth only getting 2 hours of sleep in the end! Looks like you had a great time!! & that little angel is beautiful!!
  14. The hair & makeup are perfect! You looks gorgeous!
  15. *hands you a huge-ass glass of wine* Sorry you're not having much luck with the prices. I did some searching for you a few days ago & basically came up with nothing! I've got my fingers crossed that everything works out for you guys!!
  16. Goodluck Nicole!!! Stay positive & motivated & you can do it!!
  17. Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!! Welcome to the forum!
  18. They look fantastic!!!! Thank you for breaking down what you used & what everything cost - that's going to be very handy for some of us!
  19. Welcome Maria! Happy planning!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by redheaney Okay... shower... sprinkle... whatever we might call it! What I'm contemplating isn't going to be any huge event (by any stretch of the imagination!) But... it's not like I've ever needed a reason to throw a party... To hell with 'etiquette!' She's getting a party and she's gonna like it! Good!! I think it's a great idea! It's a not a gift-grab or anything like that.. it's a celebration for the new little baby & the Mom-to-be!! I would NEVER be offended to go to a baby shower (or sprinkle hehe) for a 2nd or 3rd or 50th child!) Each baby is unique & deserves as much attention as the one prior to him/her! And it might just be me, but I also have absolutely no problem bringing a gift to said shower/sprinkle. Not necessarily any big items that the parents will most likely have, but clothing or toys or little things like that. As a 2nd child I always remember getting my sisters hand me downs.. and as much as a baby won't remember it all it, I think it's special & cute for them to have a couple things that is theirs and only theirs, even as a baby! Just my 2 cents!
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