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Everything posted by alex

  1. So Sunday was yet another gorgeous day here so I thought I'd give Emma the chance to get some fresh air. So I brought her out to the backyard for a hop-about & took the opportunity to get some beautiful pics of her! She's such a photogenic little bunn. I swear she poses when I take out the camera!! (if I take this many pictures of my bunny, god help my future children! LOL) Here's a couple of my favourite shots with captions provided by Emma herself... Eating some yummy dandelions, Mmmm! http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/l...ye/bunn021.jpg Checking to see if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.. (it isn't!) http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/l...ye/bunn024.jpg Cleaning my cute little face - I hate getting dirty! http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/l...ye/bunn027.jpg ...More pics in part 2!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Yes finally I am got permission from the doct to workout (after breaking 2 toes and crushing my nerves in my feet) I can not belive how fast you get out of shape. I did the Leg Master(which is amazing I recommend it to everyone!) and a ciruit routine. Must have felt great to get that leg moving again! Congrats on starting to recover! I did 1.5 hours at the gym & it was another great workout. Lots of sweat involved lol
  3. Welcome & congrats!! You'll find alot of info here on your different choices for locations so you'll narrow it down in no time!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Oh, hun, you've got to come to Texas. Yes, I have a recipe....let me dig it up and I'll send it to you. I have no idea where it is at the moment, but it's actually quite simple to make! Chipotle's guacamole is still my favorite though... You're my hero! Thanks in advance!! Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I thought I had heard that about guac but wasnt sure, just gotta find a good for you chip I suppose. How is everyone doing today? Not doing bad but plan on having a beer tonight. Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow all! I'm doing good today. It's miserable & raining though so I didn't get to take the dog for a nice long walk out on the trails.. kinda sucked! We had thincrust wholewheat pizza with chicken & red peppers for lunch. Could have been healthier but if I don't give in once & a while I'll go crazy & eat everything in sight! lol A beer would be SO nice right now, but there's none left in the fridge... maybe after we hit up the gym tonight I'll stop & grab a 6-pack of Corona so I can pretend I'm on the beach instead of in my dreary apartment on a shitty day
  5. Awesome idea! I've gotta dig out my picture cd's to get some good pics!
  6. Wow, I'm so sorry that your cousin would try to pull something like this!!!
  7. OH MY! I don't really have any advice and wish I could be more eloquent with my support, but that freakin sucks!!!!!
  8. Whoohoo! Have a wonderful time with your FI!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces Thanks for your advice ladies. I struggle with this because one of the things I really don't like is seeing people not be themselves and be someone else for a wedding day, just for the sake of pictures. It is SO my dad to want to be all dressed up, even if he looks totally out of place. I honestly don't think the pictures would be ruined by him looking so dressed up- people would just laugh. But I think I still will suggest a tan suit. I did tell him he would be way too hot.. I just know this is a really big event for him too. If you know it's going to mean alot to him & it won't bother you in the least maybe talk to your FI. Make sure he realizes that your Dad isn't trying to be more dressed up than him or anything like that. Try to get him to see your point of view from it!!
  10. She looks great!! Too cute! Love the colour combo!
  11. I can't tell you enough how wonderful you are to be helping these dogs out!!! The world needs more people like you!!!!!!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Guacamole is actually good for you!! Avocados are high in fat, but it's the good, essential fat that your body needs! (At least that's what I tell myself because I'm a guac addict, but I hear it's true!) Okay, I cannot for the life of me find any good guac around where I live... does anybody have a simple, but yummy recipe so I can make some myself?? I actually never really liked it until we went to Cabo in January & I think I ate some with every single meal of the day! Now I'm in withdrawls because it's been 5 months since I've had any! Help a girl out!!
  13. Sounds like such a wackadoo!! Glad things went so great in court! I guess there'll be a round 2 if he musters up the balls to complain about the fence! Don't feel sorry for him, he sounds pathetic!
  14. Crossing my fingers that he doesn't try to be sweet & take care of you that day! lol
  15. Awesome pics! Looks like everyone had a blast! (sorry to hear about your Dad)
  16. Welcome Amy! Happy planning
  17. I personally like it, but it's important that you like it!!! If it's not one you're crazy about, do some more searching until you find one that you both love
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I got this one, Martha! lol I had one for lunch yesterday, with fries included. lol thanks! Saved me from having to eat it! Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I did it I did it!! I had will power! I went to Hallmark to get my June cards (Fathers day, bdays, etc). Well the Hallmark I go to has these gourmet chocolates that I use to get all the time and eat the entire bag. I debated as I walked around the store. Then walked out with my head up high cuz I left with NO chocolates!! There is hope for me yet!! Yeah!! Now on to the next food obstacle.... That's amazing!! Good for your willpower!!! Whoohoo!! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i haven't stopped eating since last wednesday. i had my first real period for the first time in like 10 years (off bc now) and craved EVERYTHING from 3 musketeers to fries. i was SO bad all week. i was better today, went to the gym, and then after dinner, dh makes an angel food cake that's supposed to feed 12 and the two of us ate the whole thing. my ww scale is going to be REALLY mad at me tomorrow at weigh in! lol Hey the period thing is completely understandable! Especially if it's the first in like 10 years!! You're allowed to have an off-week! Don't fret!!
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