I am from Jamaica and I am having my wedding there. I love Ocho Rios for its' tourist sites. It is about 2hours from the airport but, well worth the trip. Montegobay is filled with mosquitos and the night life is a little dangerous for me, but hey it all depends on what you are looking to feel, see, and how you want to spend your time. Nigril is far as well from the airport. It is far into the country so that is why your time would be more relaxed. That is a place for a honey moon. All the fun spots either in Montegobay or Ochie is way to far if you want to do more than one thing in a day. Time is most important for me especially with friends and family comming down. They need to be able to get to the fun fast not spend all day trying to get to it and not have to be under time contraints.
Oh wow I had no idea about the mosquitos in Montego Bay. Thanks for letting me know the difference.