I don't think your being selfish...we had originally chosen Le Blanc to get married at because it was adult only because we thought we were going to be having a small wedding. However sooo many people have said they are coming now, and H2B's family have lots of children, so we changed to Moon Palace. Moon Palace does look amazing though, and the wedding package is cheaper, with more included, so from that point of view we were lucky. With that in mind, we will still get married at Moon Palace even if not one child comes (never going to happen anyway!) but the day after the wedding we are moving to Le Blanc for our "honeymoon".
We actually chose Mexico in the wedding brochures BECAUSE of Le Blanc!! So there was no way we were giving up on it completely!
I would have loved to have went to Dreams because of the dolphins, it looks amazing...think the only reason we really didn't seriously look into Dreams is because its not as big as Moon Palace...maybe look into moving resorts after your wedding??
Good luck!