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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by asbarret Im getting the runaround. Can someone please tell me if you qualified for free functions when booking through a travel agent?? They are telling me different things and I'm starting to get frustrated. Also have to vent...my brother, who is also the best man and FI's sister both just announced that they are having babies just weeks before the wedding. urgh. My brothers FI is "allowing him" (we hate her) to come for only 2 days and FIs sister might not make it at all. And...i know this is going to sound sooooooooo bad, but talk about stealing our thunder!! I know its not like they did it on purpose, but still. had to vent. hmph I've been told lots of conflicting things too...my wedding co-ordinator says not unless you get a group contract set up with your ta, and even at that, not all ta's do it...but someone on here said they went to palace resorts hq and got assured that both ta booked and mp direct booked rooms count to your discount, as long as you have a group contract in place!
  2. hi girls...just wondering if someone can clarify how you qualify for the discount by room nights rather than rooms? Is it a case of, if we have 4 people in a room for 7 nights...thats 28 room nights? I don't get it...but if it is like that...i might be due something!! help! help!
  3. we're flying from glasgow. I know, i can't wait!! Got most things sorted now, its just getting everything tied together....so need to play it month by month when we get paid now! It was great at the start when we had savings...now its so close we are just playing it out month by month! i've not been on this site for ages..when i first joined i was hooked..but got totally carried away with lots of things....and i'm only just back on yesterday and now i'm looking into beach furniture and firedancers (again!!)....but these are the things that'll set our wedding apart from the rest...thats what we need to keep telling ourselves!ha its very exciting for you just now...being at the start of your planning...one piece of advise i'd give is to try and book everything without a travel agent...they are useless!! seriously! we booked direct with our hotel for everything bar our flights...and they have been an absolute (costly) expense!!
  4. we're flying from glasgow. I know, i can't wait!! Got most things sorted now, its just getting everything tied together....so need to play it month by month when we get paid now! It was great at the start when we had savings...now its so close we are just playing it out month by month! i've not been on this site for ages..when i first joined i was hooked..but got totally carried away with lots of things....and i'm only just back on yesterday and now i'm looking into beach furniture and firedancers (again!!)....but these are the things that'll set our wedding apart from the rest...thats what we need to keep telling ourselves!ha its very exciting for you just now...being at the start of your planning...one piece of advise i'd give is to try and book everything without a travel agent...they are useless!! seriously! we booked direct with our hotel for everything bar our flights...and they have been an absolute (costly) expense!!
  5. i love this website sooo much...but the downside is you get your eyes opened up soo much that yeah, your right, you do end up spending a fortune!! everyone thinks going abroad is cheaper to get married...not if you go to mexico from the uk it isn't!! but it'll be worth it...we'll have the best weddings!
  6. thanks for that....there's no way we can afford $680 for a ten minute show...woooowwww!! we are planning on having the mexican band for after the ceremony, and think thats about $500...maybe i'll wait and see your review on the firedancers and possibly do a swap! i've contacted zuniga for prices on furniture and paper lanterns so we'll see what i get back for that!
  7. Hi...a fellow scot....well kinda...woo hoo! It depends on your hotel...each hotel has their own rules...i'm a moon palace bride and i know we don't need the apostille...just the certified copy birth cert you get from your local registry office...i got them for us..cost something like £28! Yeah your best to contact your wedding co-ordinator...don't trust any of the tour operators over here..they only know for mexico as a whole...and will direct you to rl translation probably..but you don't wanna be paying hundreds of pounds on something your hotel doesn't require. Good luck
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffani1980 Ladies! I need some help/clarification about if we need an apostillate document attached or something to our birth certificates. I got mine and FI's and they are certified with the "official" stamp on them, to get married at MP do we need to do anything else to those documents? SOmeone please shed some light on this!! I've asked my wedding co-ordinator to clarify this many times for me, and keep getting told they don't require the apostille...just certified copies! Hope this helps
  9. Hi indie_chic Just wondering who you have booked your firedancers through? I'd love to have them at our wedding....didn't know it was an option at moon palace!
  10. 1. How old are you? 26 2. At what age will you get married? 27 3. Do you have children? nope 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? pretty much! 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? no 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? gazebo looking over the beach 7. Where will you get married? Moon Palace, Cancun 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? slow...dunno about sexy!! going more for romantic!! 9. How many guests did you/will you have? 20 10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? simple 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? traditional 12. How many layers of cake will you have? probably just 2 - enough for our guests 13. Is your wedding/reception at a hotel? yes 14. When will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? sunset 15. will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? outdoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? plan it all myself - i'm a control freak!! 17. How will the bride enter? off horse and carriage...and walk down the outdoors aisle into the gazebo 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: not sure yet 19. Song to make your exit: not sure! 20. will you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? pretty light 21. At what age did you think you would get married? i didn't think i would get married!! grew up in a messy divorce and didn't see the point in marriage! 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? a select few - only family 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? simply delicious - buffet 24. Champagne or red wine? tequila! 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? right away - next morning! 26. Will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? brand new - still mexico - but different hotel to wedding! 27. Who will pay for the bills? we put all our money together and so pay for everything together 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? absolutely 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? i cannot wait to get married - 6 months today!! __________________
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung Can I ask who you are now dealing with? I was initially assigned Cristina Doblado, then Maribel Blancarte Roa (her assistant) has been in contact with me. And now, Maribels assistant Lily Sanchez is dealing with me. Problem is, I asked for a quote for my bouquet and Lily replied. The cost was so high I am not sure if it's correct and she has still not got back to me! I've been dealing with Lily - she's always been really quick at replying! Although all i've really asked about is outdoor receptions, bands, horse and carriage....i've not got down to the flowers and smaller stuff...but suppose thats just because the smaller stuff isn't really important to me, i'm just gonna go with whatever is included in the free package!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by vgirl17 Welcome to all of the new WW brides! The best advice I can give you to start off on this thread is just take one day at a time and don't dwell on mistakes, just learn from it and move on. Take every loss (even .2 lbs) as a wonderful success! Don't do tomorrow what you can do today... with dieting, 'tomorrow' never comes. I've learned that one the hard way! Veronica!! 5 months to go for you!! how much excitement!! hows the planning going?!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nsblum I really want to start doing WW. My friend just started and she lost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. If I am getting married next June, how much weight do you think I could lose by then? I am scared to go dress shopping because I know their sample sizes wont fit me! Welcome to the BEST motivation thread!! It all depends on how much weight you need to lose....most people lose around 2lb a week at the start, i think i lost 4lb in my first week, but thats your body adjusting to the new you! gone are the lazy weekends and takeaway each night, and in is exercise most days and salads!! So naturally your body is going to lose alot at first...but after time it will hit a point were your body stops losing...but you need to fight through it, as your body is probably losing in inches rather than pounds...then once you start losing again, its easy!! Just remember...after 4 weeks it's a habit...try working towards 4 weeks of being good! setting yourself small goals is defo the way to do it! Its a hard time to be starting, with winter coming...but just keep focused on that wedding dress! I think a realistic target for your june wedding is 2st...because you will slip (we all do!!) and also with the festive periods coming up, you don't want to deprive yourself of treats, as then you will stray big time!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung Is this normal? I was assigned a wedding coordinater initially, then I was passed on to someone else and now yet again I am dealing with another lady!! Thats 3 women in total. feel like I am just being passed around to different people and I would like to only have to be dealing with one person. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks, Angela. Hi Angela, I've had a few different contacts too, mostly from the Miami base...but now have a contact onsite at mp, and she's been sooo helpful! got our outdoor reception, band and a few other extras booked. Who have you been in touch with so far?
  15. suprises - i actually don't like!! sparkling water?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee umm...good one but I think I would want to eat healthy and live a long life...plus I'd have a great body to boot so definatly eat healthy and live longer! Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate? definitely be alone! i like my own company! I find it really hard to be nice to people if i don't like them - i can't be 2-faced! would you rather have a relaxing honeymoon, or an action packed, sight-seeing, all go honeymoon?
  17. seth green - without a paddle
  18. Q. Is there an out of pocket fee for the Complimentary Wedding Package? A. The Complimentary Package can be obtained with a civil or a symbolic ceremony. The symbolic ceremony has no additional fees associated. The civil/legal ceremony requires a $300.00 USD Government/Administrative fee. This fee includes the blood test required from all wedding couples in Mexico. Thats whats posted on the palace resorts website - i'm going for the free package as well, but i've always known about that cost...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Burger King...I can't eat McDonalds it's been years! Would you rather know all about your bridal shower or it be a complete surprise? I'd rather know all about it...actually, i'd rather be in charge of it!! control freak I know!! Would you rather eat healthy all your life and have a very long life, or eat what you want and have a not so long life?
  20. taye diggs - house on the haunted hill
  21. turkey soup - dislike! tomato soup?
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