Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride I saw this when Amyh posted it and I told her that I'm totally stealing it- I think it's a great idea! I got a photo guest book so our guests can put their picture in your book and write a longer note to us if they want to.
I got the poloroid camera and film, but I may decide to just use a digital camera and bring a portable printer with me because I want to be able to save the photos.
yeah i do think thats a great idea too - if for some reason we changed our mind about the wipeboard, i defo think the above book would be the next option. But i know what we are like, we would end up sticking the book up in the loft and only looking at it when we get round to clearing the loft of all the junk we through up there!! But with the wipeboard, i'd get the photos made up the same idea as in the picture at the start of this thread, and hang it up somewhere in the house!