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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. Sharla thanks for your review! Your pictures are fantastic! And the view you had front your room is amazing!!
  2. i've never really been interested in doing a Boudior session...until I saw someone on here's wedding photos the other day...of the H2B seeing the pictures, as a suprise gift, the morning of the wedding...omg his face was a picture...i'd love to do that for my H2B!!! Don't know if i would have the guts to go ahead with it...but defo something i'm thinking about now!
  3. omg that would just be brilliant if they made another movie!! mb with carrie babies!!!woot woot
  4. my list is nowhere near as exciting as you lot!! jealous much? me? never!!!lol 1. Scotland 2. England 3. Fuerteventura 4. Lanzarote 5. Menorca 6. Majorca 7. Tenerife Thats my lot! But roll on 2 years time so I can add Mexico - woot woot!!
  5. I am starting to worry too - sounds like my H2B too!!! He forgot my birthday last year...well he says he got his days mixed up...SAME THING in my books!! i was soo angry at the time, but now laugh at him about it with friends and family!haha he won't do that again! I actually thought he forgot our anniversary this year, didn't mention it at all...but he HAD learnt his lesson!! But it does seem to just be a man thing...he forgets to do things for me all the time..and his reaction is ALWAYS...you should have reminded me...erm no!! no-one reminds me to do things...so i'm not gonna start it with you!! rant over....but just to let you know...i've been there!!
  6. welcome to the board
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rachel, would you mind posting where you got that book from? Instant Forever: Unique Polaroid Instant Photo Guest Books I know you can get the book from here....hope this helps
  8. welcome to the board!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride I saw this when Amyh posted it and I told her that I'm totally stealing it- I think it's a great idea! I got a photo guest book so our guests can put their picture in your book and write a longer note to us if they want to. I got the poloroid camera and film, but I may decide to just use a digital camera and bring a portable printer with me because I want to be able to save the photos. yeah i do think thats a great idea too - if for some reason we changed our mind about the wipeboard, i defo think the above book would be the next option. But i know what we are like, we would end up sticking the book up in the loft and only looking at it when we get round to clearing the loft of all the junk we through up there!! But with the wipeboard, i'd get the photos made up the same idea as in the picture at the start of this thread, and hang it up somewhere in the house! xxxxxxxxxx
  10. ooh i likey like...but i LOVE the princess ice trays...want them soo bad!!! ha and i love the description how it says any little (or 30 something) girl would love them!! hahahaha
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i spoke with amy last night - she's been having issues with posting photos - she did email me the photos of some of the guestbook pics of them writing on the boards and some of them were really hilarious! she said it went great. amy, if you want me to, i can post the pics you sent me, just let me know. aww thats great news that it went down well with guests - and that the photos are good...like i said, can't wait to see them
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by godaloveme well i could be very intrested sept i dont have enough point to open the pic I didn't open it either - i searched the name of the dress in google and found a picture of it - i'm a scrooge when it comes to using my points!lol honestly, it really is very very close to being my dream dress! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. waw i wish i was brave enough to even THINK about doing photos like these....very very unique and yes, morgan does look like a beautiful mermaid!
  14. Amy those 2 pictures you have are amazing! truely!! Cannot wait to see the rest of them! I do have one question though - I know you were going to try do the guestbook where the guests write a message on the whiteboard - how did that work out for you? I realise you won't have had time to put it together yet, but did it go down well with guests? I'm itching to see the end result of this - because this is what I plan on doing too! Anyhoo - congrats lady - even with the slight problems....YOUR MARRIED!! woooo hooooooooooo xxxxxxxxxx
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura our moderator amyh just did this for her wedding a few weeks ago. it turned out great. look for her planning thread for details. it's called something like amyh's planning galore oooh thank you thank you THANK YOU...off to search for it now!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by *lauren* i remember reading something about this...i think it was just a 9 x 11 (or so) wipe off board from target or staples. you could also find some nice, light colored craft paper, but if you'll have black and white pics, i guess it doesn't matter. yeah i defo want to do it black and white...going to have to try source a whiteboard...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 It looks like a hard poster board almost. I bet you could go to wal-mart and your local craft store and see what you like best. That's a very cute idea! We are using a starfish platter for everyone to sign with paint markers as our guest book! I do really really like the idea of getting everyone to sign the plate then baking it...but I just don't trust us enough to be able to travel all that way and back with it in one piece!!
  18. welcome to the forum!
  19. welcome to the forum!
  20. Mrs D To Be!


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