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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. your apron is soo cool!! i wish we had pools in our gardens in scotland....come to think of it...wouldn't be any use....its always raining!!lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by townie princess I saw a cool idea for an alternative guestbook the other day, definetly a DIY project. Instead of having everyone sign their name, or having a wish jar and then have to put all those notes in an album, you get a sheet printed with questions on it for your guests to fill out. Some of the templates I've seen have a spot where you can either get a photo of the guests or you can have them draw a pic in the space. You could ask questions like "how many kids do you think they'll have" or "where will they be living in 10 years" or just ask for advice. I have a pic at work I'll try to upload tomorrow and the site that can do them up for you if you don't want to print it yourself. This link is kinda on the same lines (not the original site for my inspiration): Free Wedding Guestbook Printable Pages wooo this sounds interesting...i'd love to know what people think!!! can't wait for you to put the link up lady!!
  3. ooh happy wedding day girl...can't wait to read your review
  4. aawww how cute?! I'd never thought about getting other guests in on the TTD action!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh I'd say, if you have a photographer you really really want, have her hold your date, but explain what's going on...it's far enough in advance that they should be ok working with you. Also, even if you don't get the time you want, with so many time slots in one day, you should be able to get your date. Just start asking them and keep in touch with them, so once it's opened for booking (might not be until Feb!) you'll be on their minds. I know most of the photographers that I talked to required 50% to hold the spot. Which is a lot of money!!!! Just keep that in mind =) I've sent Elizabeth Medina a wee email explaining the situation - hope I don't sound like a scrooge - but i'm not really prepared to put a deposit down for a wedding date I can't even book yet! What would happen if I didn't get the date with mp i am wanting, then go to Elizabeth Medina with a new date, and that is booked? I'm thinking i would lose the deposit - because thats the whole point in deposits!lol Sorry for rambling on there....phew! We do want Elizabeth Medina to do the photography ALOT...but not at a cost I might lose
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Don't assume! And even after we booked our date, it still wasn't up for booking on the website for at least another week or two!! Hound them at least once or twice a month! Then again, I can be a pest if I want to be LOL ooh i'm going to have to bear that in mind - i will defo be hounding mp in the new year!! i've waited long enough for it!!!lol
  7. all i can say is WAW!! you look sooo beautiful...specially in your TTD session - soo natural!
  8. lady your hair is gorgeous!!! And i'm sooo jealous of your tiny ickle body!!lol seriously though, your hair is lovely lady! Good choice
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Just an FYI with booking the MP. We decided on Thanksgiving to have a destination wedding and I contacted the MP the next week. I wasn't able to reserve my wedding date (for January 2009) until mid-Feb. and that was only after hounding and hounding them. I'd say, if you have a photographer you really really want, have her hold your date, but explain what's going on...it's far enough in advance that they should be ok working with you. Also, even if you don't get the time you want, with so many time slots in one day, you should be able to get your date. Just start asking them and keep in touch with them, so once it's opened for booking (might not be until Feb!) you'll be on their minds. Oooh thanks for the heads up! I have only been assuming the website would start including 2010 bookings in january....i might actually give elizabeth medina a wee email and see where i get from there!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico2009 How did you all get price quotes from the photographer your using? Did you email each, or is there a thread somewhere with estimates? Thanks! I emailed the photographers i was interested in for a quote, they have all been really helpful so far!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by cutierosie I contacted Elizabeth Medina 9 months before the wedding (I was waiting on wedding date confirmation etc) and she was already booked, so if you are interested in booking her do it way in advance, she told me all she needed was a retainer. I actually went with matt adcock from del Sol photography and they are great too! omg i would be heart broken if she was already booked! i think mp start taking bookings in january for 2010...i will book the wedding date as soon as that has been booked, then straightaway try get elizabeth medina booked...hopefully with 16 months in advance i will get her!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh I'm not gonna tell moon palace I'm bringing her. I'm just going to book her a room! She's going to be our "guest" She's doing a wedding at MP in August, and was gonna get the scoop for me! She's originally from the US, so she'll blend right in with my family as our "guest". I figure what the MP doesn't know won't hurt them. I don't know how much the room will be for 1 night through my TA, but on expedia its approx $400 a night. We have her for a 6 hour session and I'm not doing a TTD because I have to wear it again when I get back for our at home reception! She's so great to work with so far and I can't wait!!!! cool cool lady, thats good to know, didn't know whether i would be best telling mp or not....she has done mp before right enough, but if we are paying them money for her to be there, what can their problem be?!lol can't wait to hear your reviews lady!!
  13. woo this is something i've not really thought about at all! i hope i don't fall in love with a heavy material dress!! i'm sure i read somewhere that if you are planning on doing a TTD session you need to be careful what material your dress is as well!! soo much to think about! phew
  14. omg i want elizabeth medina!! obviously its too early for us to book...we will wait til the wedding has been booked and confirmed then that is next to organise. Which of elizabeth's packages have you chosen? If we are lucky enough to get her, I want 6 hours then a TTD session! Have you let MP know you are bringing her? I know from people on this forum that it won't be a problem as long as they are a "guest" at the hotel...but just wondering if you have ran it by MP as well? One last question...get me, little miss nosey...but I have communicated with Elizabeth through email, and she had said we would be required to pay for her accommodation....do you know what mp's rate is for one night? sooo many questions...sorry lady! but soo happy i have found someone in a really similar situation as me! woo hooo!
  15. welcome to the board!
  16. welcome to the board!
  17. Mrs D To Be!


    welcome to the board!
  18. welcome to the board!
  19. welcome to the board!
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