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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege i used the scissors for the "v"s... it actually wasn't that bad. Now, for the creases, I used my pampered chef stone cleaner thingy-ma-bob. it's a brown plastic square with a straight edge... just run that across your seem and you have a beautiful fold! I've just had a wee go at the pocketfold again...and it was a success on most levels! woo hoo. I scored the fold with open scissors then folded...this turned out perfectly..woohoo! However...then I went and broke my corner punch! I tried punching the pocketfold when it was actually folded...and i'm thinking the card was too thick! damn! I didn't know what size the buy for the corner punch, so I bought the small and extra small one....the extra small one is absolutely useless unless you are using extra small extra thin paper...and the small one was working fine until 5 mins ago!damn! Only thing left to figure out is how to get those "v" corners perfect! I saw a rotary cutter on ebay...i'm thinking this might work, but don't know if it will work better than scissors!? xxxx
  2. Thanks Bianca I'm defo going to do the "v" like curves, just think they look brilliant - but would like to know now before I start doing them if there is an easier way to do them rather than laboring at them for days!lol I dunno what i'm going to do with getting the folds looking less unprofessional..i'll just need to keep trying! lol xxxxx
  3. Hi All! I've printed out my boarding passes, and printed off my pocketfold - but I can't get the fold to look good - how did everyone do theirs? Did you use a paper scorer? Also, with the actual boarding passes, I'm using the ones with the curves at the 2 end bits - did anyone use some sort of device apart from scissors to get the curves right? I've got the corner punches which work wonderfully for the outer curves on the boarding passes, but its just those "v" like curves which are creating a problem! Hopefully someone can help! xxxxxx
  4. aww lady your dress is gorgeous! it looks great on your tiny ickle frame! Congrats!
  5. As soon as we have the resort booked and confirmed, I'll start printing off my std's and send them out asap after that...i'm hoping there will be a 2-3 month gap between them receiving them, and them needing to pay their deposit to book their place.
  6. omg I have that dress is my possible list! It looks really good on you - thanks for sharing as I hadn't seen it in white before!
  7. hope you have a wonderful day Leia & John - hurry back and update us all!! x
  8. Welcome to the forum! And good luck planning!
  9. Hi Bonita Welcome to the forum!
  10. Hi Christina Welcome to the forum!
  11. Welcome to the board! Thanks for joining as a married woman already - i'm sure you'll be able to help many of us!
  12. oooh can i only list 5?!lol: 1) chicken royale with cheese from burger king 2) macaroni cheese 3) mint chocolate chip ice cream 4) toast and cheese 5) cadbury's wispa There isn't a burger king where i stay, so WHENEVER we go somewhere that has a bk, i ALWAYS insist on having one! they are just soo darn goooooooddd! Macaroni cheese has always and always will be my favourite food...can't resist it. Toast and melted cheese...mmmm...think i might actually go make some just now!!hee hee cadbury's wispa chocolate...these stopped getting sold in the uk for a while there, but they are back just now, and god i don't have the willpower to walk by them!! Not all stores stock them either, so it means if i do find a store with them...i need to by 3 at once!hee hee x
  13. i'm going to be sending our std's out in february-ish so i think i'll bookmark this thread....fingers crossed i don't need to use it tho! x
  14. welcome to the forum! I've already read a few of your posts in the mp thread, so looks like you are fitting in just nicely! x
  15. i just read this on a news page - i'm soo shocked that this has happened. Its such a shame when tragic things happen to famous people, i can't imagine how she is going to come cope with this under all the media attention.
  16. i love it! i'm a pink girl too, so would be soo please with that set up...maybe i should show some of the girls it so they get the idea!!hee hee
  17. aww thats lovely...i can't wait to see your dress! and just remember, you mum is and will be watching down on you. x
  18. I'm just popping in to say Noah is a lovely name! i've not had any babies yet, so came into the thread to scare myself....and i did do that!lol but seriously, i love the name
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