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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. your hair is really gorgeous in those piccies!
  2. I'm going to go with the B-pic album - i know my h2b would be totally blown away with it! he doesn't know anything about it, so its gonna come as a complete shock to him (well, unless i slip up nearer the time!!). I don't know where i'm gonna get the piccies taken yet though...i saw a girl on here a while ago had done her own piccies with the timer on her digital camera - and they turned out excellent - i'll decide nearer the time!
  3. hey thanks for the reviews - you have a hard life don't you? suppose someone's got to do it, eh?! i'd love your job!! hee hee can't wait to read what you have to say about moon palace!
  4. welcome to the forum Nads July - its only like, 8 months away? Congrats lady - your on the home straight!
  5. Hi Julie Welcome to the forum! you surely have left yourself with a bit of a dilemma - and to make matters worse - your gonna be spoilt for choice with photographers on this forum!!lol good luck choosing - i'm sure you'll make the right decision!
  6. i just have to say WAW!!! i love soo many of your ideas - i'm away to price up blank coasters online - i want i want i want!!lol
  7. oooh i played today for the first time and won! yeah to me! i went down stairs to h2b and was like i have something to tell you...i won the lottery, and he was like yeah right, and i was like 1200...and he was like what are you talking about...i was like points! on the forum! ha he was like, don't you do that to me again!!ahahaha
  8. i'll take the fans if you don't mind sending them to me in scotland?!
  9. welcome to the forum terese!
  10. ooh i'm away to look on ebay for this - it looks great! wonder though - it is strong enough to go through thick card? i have a palm tree one at the mo and it isn't!
  11. hi andres! i love your thread title - groomzilla!! classic!! i'm sure your wife-to-be is very proud! welcome to the forum!
  12. i love these! they will soo go with the theme of having message in a bottle invites!
  13. ooh thanks for the info - i might be in need of these contacts soon too!
  14. congrats and welcome to the forum!
  15. welcome to the forum rene!
  16. hi jen - welcome to the forum! only a few weeks left until your countdown is less than 12 months - how exciting!
  17. i agree - it is hard to clash neutral colours - try not too worry too much about it!
  18. welcome to the forum demitra! august isn't too far away - happy planning!
  19. welcome to the forum! I am also a 2010 bride and it is murder that we can only really guess what the prices are going to be until they have been publicised by the hotels/photographers etc for 2010! But planning ahead means it gives us loads (not plenty in my case!lol) of time to get our finances in order and start to save save save!! it also gives us loads of time to plan all our weddings and get all the details perfect! good luck with your planning girl!
  20. hi cindy and welcome to the forum! i'm sure we'll get chatting at some point - as I am also a mp bride - however not til may 2010! but can't wait to hopefully read your review on the wedding!
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