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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. god its like that movie recently with jessica alba in it!grrr
  2. Thanks for that...it gives me something to work with. I don't know if we'll do it, it is alot of money when it all adds up...but it looks sooo good! We'll see.......
  3. your pictures are great lady - and i don't know what your talking about - you look beautiful in your pictures.
  4. I think its great - if I knew everyone we are asking to come has the internet, we would defo go down that route! Saves a small fortune! Great work lady
  5. I agree, flip-flops are soo appropriate as a destination wedding favour! Great idea! I'd check with your resort first, I've seen ppl chatting on the forum about how alot of resorts do not take shipment of any goods - for obvious reasons (imagine if your goods went missing?!) so defo check - they should possibly have something on their website....good luck!
  6. ooh waw i love your dress - its gorgeous! Can I be really nosey and ask a wee question?! You say you rented furniture from Deco Cancun - what price range are we talking to hire from them? I've had a look on their website, and had a look at the attachment you included, as well as someone else, and I do like their set up - like the hanging lanterns and the beanbag like seating arrangements...but we aren't really willing to pay a fortune for it to get done...do you know what their prices start at? Thank yoooou!
  7. totally off course, but hey....the shells in the second picture....does anyone know where i can get one from online? I don't live in the states, and am finding it really difficult to find one! i've searched ebay with no avail!! help please!
  8. i just saw this thread and thought, i won't read that because its not happening to me...then i try and open a thread and it blooming happened! thanks for the heads up Michelle
  9. 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I'm a clerical assistant and my sensible head says i'd switch to being an accountant..but in dream world, i'd love to be a pa to the stars! 2: What is your favorite hobby? getting the latest gadgets! 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Summer - its the only time of year there is any chance of sunshine in scotland! 4: What is your greatest achievement? to have bought a house! - oh and i also ran for scotland! 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? i love dolphins and whales! 6: What is your dream trip? going to america 7: What is your fav food? macaroni cheese 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? thats a hard one...my mum made me the person i am today, but probably my h2b to be honest because he has brought soo much goodness to my life. (soppy i know!) 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Red - red was always my favourite colour! 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? america - florida or new york 11: How many siblings do you have? 1 brother 12: What is your biggest fear? someone harming me - sounds weird but i know what i mean!lol 13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Chicken with lots of different potatoes and veg 14: Do you have a nickname? Fee 15: What causes do you support? a few local charities in my area 16: What is your guilty pleasure? cheese cheese and more cheese!! 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? To be able to go back in time....I'd love to spend time with my mum and nana again 18. - MY QUESTION - how old are you?
  10. Hi!!! i'm a 2010 May bride - wooo hooo Where is Tybee Island? It sounds magical where-ever it is!! We is getting married in mexico!! can't wait! just over 18months...its going to fly in when it turns 2009!
  11. so what would stop them from marrying a couple? if the girl is pregnant? but what if one of them is infertile? or am i picking up this thread wrong?!
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