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Mrs D To Be!

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Everything posted by Mrs D To Be!

  1. phewt dont worry about your man seeing it, if he is anything like mine, he won't know whats normal weight for a girl and whats not!!
  2. ooh i think i might do it then....does anyone know how i'll work it with the time difference....what time is it at your end right now? its saturday night, 20.15....so i don't end up posting pictures late/too early!
  3. hi kennynicole - I chose mp because of everything they offer....the horse and carriage, gazebo, outdoor reception....but mostly because the resort is soo big! i don't know about anyone else, but we have 3 sets of in-law coming, so the last thing we need is them all bumping into each other all the time - its probably gonna be bad enough them attending the wedding together! lol so at least with mp being so big, we can request each family gets put in different parts of the hotel! Also, we love that included in the price of mp is the palace passport - it will save us a small fortune on excursions seen as they are included in the price of our stay! great! also...13 restaurants?! waw!! and finally, before i turn into a sales rep for mp, the double jacuzzi!!woo hoo x
  4. oooh i'm thinking i really want to join - does it matter that i'm from the uk?!
  5. hi msemi305! welcome to the 2010 club - its soo exciting isn't it!?
  6. Good Luck vgirl17 - I'm going to keep track of my weight loss on a spreadsheet, but i'm going to print it off and put on the fridge - means i see what weight i am everytime i go for the yummy stuff!lol
  7. omg sstotz yours are amazing!! i'm mucho jealous!!
  8. welcome to the board - i am a 2010 moon palace bride - i'm soo jealous of your wedding being soo soon! do come back with a wedding review for us all!
  9. Hey girls, I've also been waiting to get confirmation from the resort before sending out stds....but march/april is too long for us to wait! we can book our flights then, and want the stds to be used as a reminder that we are booking up then...so going to send out the stds in february with no wedding date, just the departing date on them! what resort are you all getting married at ladies?
  10. Hi Lisaloo....just wanted to say good luck with your class next week....we should check in after each weigh in and give each other some motivation and well dones! My first weigh in of the start of my healthy eating is on wednesday....see you all then!
  11. yeah i want to lose the bulk of mine by around that time this year too....so i can go dress shopping!hee hee as long as its all off, and stays off for the wedding, i'm not too fussed right enough!
  12. Morning serenah, just thought i'd attach these documents for you. They include: pictures of all the areas you can get married pictures of all the private function areas prices for the private function and cocktail hour There is definitely a charge for the private functions, whether inside or outside - the way moon palace see it, is they have included a dinner option with the meal at the restaurant. Hope this helps Moon Palace Ceremony Locations.pdf Moon Palace Reception Areas.pdf
  13. omg your hair is PERFECT!!! and i think your makeup looks just right! remember that you want your makeup to last you all day, so it doesn't matter if it looks a little over the top to start with....probably as soon as you hit the mexican wind you'll be grateful for putting that wee bit extra on!
  14. hey, i would also suggest looking into moon palace...we are going for the free wedding package...and adding extras...this way we can bring our own photographer and not worry about doubling costs!
  15. hey, i'm not on WW - i've done a similar one before and it didn't work for me, really didn't get anything from going each week - i didn't have alot to lose at the time, and felt people weren't happy i was there. So i'm doing it myself....weigh in each week on my own scales - at the absolute most i want to lose 2st for may 2010, but ideally it would be 11/2 stones...how about you lady?
  16. hey serenah, i'm sure your planning will come into place in no time! i'll try help as much as i can: 1. you can use an outside photographer, but you will need to source them yourself. You will also need to pay for a day pass for the photographer and any other staff they may have...as far as moon palace are concerned, they don't mind you using an outside photographer as long as they are a guest at a hotel - thats where the guest passes come in. With this in mind, any outside photographers i have contacted have also required a room for the night...they have said it doesn't matter where, so doesn't necessary have to be at mp. 2. I'm not sure if the prices vary depending on being inside or outside, but I have only looked at prices for the outside private reception...this is $400 per table of 10 for 2 hours..then $60 per hour per table of 10 after that. 3. I am the same, i don't care if there are no flowers at all on the tables!! As far as the ipod music goes, you can hire speakers and lighting....we have a bose portable sound system, so going to take that and hope they provide lighting for us!! 4. I think most people either use the dinner option included in the wedding package, or simply arrange to all meet at a specific restaurant. We are going to book one of the sunset cruises for our welcome dinner...it works out about $52 per person, but this includes the meal and booze...I just think it will be a missed opportunity if we don't lay something extra special on for all the people who have travelled with us. Hope this helps you.
  17. Hi vgirl17, we are also having a 2010 moon palace, but in may - so we will be in bridezilla mode roundabout the same time! eeeccccckkkk! It's murder how we can't book it for another few months, isn't it? I thought we would be able to start the booking process from this month, but still got a few months to wait! We are going to send our STD's out towards the end of february, beginning of march...its highly likely we won't have our date confirmed by then, but we are using the std's more for people booking flights and accommodation. I'd like to think we will defo get the day we want, and if not, well everyone is staying 2 weeks anyway, so shouldn't be much of a problem! We are diying our std's and got them all ready to start printing! will start at the beginning of february! not long really! we are using hansonellis for our invites - the message in the bottles, absolutely love them! we got a few made up about this time last year and used them to suprise everyone with our plans to marry...they went down a storm so thought it only fair we got one for everyone!
  18. everything looks great chick - they will be soo please when they get them!
  19. that dress is too cute! i love the cut...i love the colour...sooo jealous of your bargain lady!
  20. we are diying and sending out both...they are just too cute not to! We are going to try implement the magnet with the std boarding pass - i'm sure we'll come up with something!
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