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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. I am looking forward to hosting a welcome dinner and I was inquiring about the Casino Theme, but the extra cost for that is out of our budget. Did anyone just have dinner without a theme and if so was it still nice?
  2. I really like my wedding.com,. It was so easy to use and all my family and friends loved it.
  3. That sounds so fun! I was definitely a fan back in the day!
  4. Great review. I like all the details you gave and the advice from your experience. Love the bridesmaids colors!!!
  5. I have some guests still procrastinating, but the most important people are already booked and ready to go. I don't know why people wait. They think they can get cheaper deals, but actually, the closer you get to the departure, the more expensive it is. I would just call your guests one last time and stress the importance of booking soon.
  6. I love your colors and your hair looked so beautiful. Congratulations!!!
  7. You have to love your dress. If you don't, you will not be happy. I'd try to look for another one. Don't worry about your weight so much.
  8. I like that! I think people will become excited to join all the fun. I'll add this to my ideas now. Thanks!!!!
  9. Hi Michele! Don't melt down on me. People are going to complain, but remember it's not their day, it's yours. i know it's hard to ignore, but you will be worry free if you ignore the negativitiy. Is our WC helping more now?
  10. I think you will be too exhausted. I think you should be allowed to miss it considering the flight situation. Just send a gift later. I'm sure yoru friend will understand.
  11. I like the Chuppa. I asked for that as well. I think it looks great and quite romantic.
  12. These templates are good, but I'm waiting for a palnning list from my WC so I know exactly what I need to do.
  13. That's great!I'm hoping more airlines will have good prices too so that my guests that have not booked can save some $$$$$ .
  14. My divorced parents are cordial, but my FI's divorced parents are really not so I will sit the two dads at the same table since they both have new wives. I'm trying not to stress abou this , but hopefully the day of the wedding everyone will act proper.
  15. Hi. I'm getting married 5.17.09 at the Dreams Cascada terrace and I'll dance on concrete.
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