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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. Those are cute. I'll need a higher heel though because I don't want my dress to drag.
  2. Welcome. I'm a Dreams Bride too. Enjoy your planning.
  3. Welcome! I am a May bride too. I hope this forum will help you. It seems like you have evertything set. I'm still finsihing up things myself.
  4. I missed this thread originally, but I saw it today. Looked fun!!! Great pics that you can save forever.
  5. Hi. Allure is my WC and I have had a slow response this month too. I'm not sure what is going on.
  6. OMG. The teaser pics look great so I'm sure the slide show will be stunning. I'm excited for you.
  7. Great! Your wedding will be fabulous! I love all the DIY stuff.
  8. I like the green one because it's very beach like. People can use that bag for beach days only.
  9. I think it's okay as long as you telll your guests ahead of time. I understand the cost issues and in these times I'm sure eveyrone else will.
  10. I'm a cupcake fanatic lately, which I should not be because I'm dieting for my wedding. My favorite: Red velvet with cream cheese frosting!!!
  11. Those are great!!! I love the flowers. I think they're worth it, but then again I'm a shoe FANATIC.
  12. That slide show was fantastic. Your pics are gorgeous. You two make a beautiful couple. I loved all your smiles! I teared up because I love to see people sooo happy!!
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