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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. I worked for DCFS in Los Angeles. It was tough so eventually I left and I now work for a smaller agency. It's still in foster care and it's a sad job at times because I hate to see children abused, but my job is very rewarding at times. Maybe not financially, but emotionally. Stick it out because we need people to help children in need.
  2. The pics are great. Good luck with the palnning and best wishes to your baby.
  3. I think most photographers in Cabo are pricy, but all the work I have seen is great. If you still don't want to pay then maybe you could indeed ask a friend to take pics. My best friend did that and her wedding pictures turned out nice.
  4. All of them look nice. I have yet to shop for mine, but when I do, I will post.
  5. Thanks. Already checked out everything. I just love weddings. Happy Married life!
  6. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Thanks for sharing. I love your color scheme and your hair was very pretty.
  7. OMG! It's fabulous! the pics look great. That is a great way to capture memories.
  8. Yeah. Flowers are pricy, but from what I have seen, all the flowers in Cabo weddings have looked stunning!
  9. I really loved the wine gifts we recievd because we are big wine fans and we also received some nice champagne glasses.
  10. Welcome! There are so many Dreams brides here. They will share lots of info with you.
  11. I really like theme parties so you do a kitchen theme, a honeymoon theme, a Diva theme.
  12. I'm having a Trio so I'm just going to let them play the romantic Mexican music for the ceremony.
  13. I'v never really heard of beach body, but I love love love Spinning classes. It's low impact and you really sweat. I've added more calsses to my regimen this past week and I feel great and hoepfully by my May wedding, I'll look more fit.
  14. Your pics are great. I'm going to try to get of hold of him because the photographer who was going totake our enagagement photos is far into her pregnancy and cannot take photos right now.
  15. I forgot to vote, but I'm gald I see Marie Sam there because she shares lots of good info with us.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i don't have pics yet, but that's mostly because i haven't made the escort card hang tags yet, nor have i bought the ribbon to tie them with. as far as painting them goes, it was easy and went fairly quickly with two people, especially since it was nothing fancy (just solid color). that is, it went fast once we figured out how we were going to stand them up so they could dry, lol! (fyi: we used an egg carton to stand them in after painting the handles, and then used a shoe box with holes punched in it to hold them after painting the tops). the red covered very well, but my mom insisted on a second coat of the red glitter. i will try to remember to take some pics, even if it is with a fake tag for now. they are nothing wonderful ... i kinda feel bad that i took the lazy way out ... i was originally all excited for doing some serious hand-painting, lol. Oh. Okay. Thanks. Maybe I'll see if my creative friends can help out with this.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jeremy Herman PhotoVideo Hi Michelle, If the Dreams wine selection does not match your desires, there is an excellent wine reseller in Los Cabos called "La Europea". They have wine from all over the world, as a french living in Los cabos, i often go there. Hope this will help! aaaweddingphotovideo by Jeremy Herman Thank you for the info. We will have to make a day trip to "la europea". I'm sure my FI will love that and maybe if we buy a wine there, we will only pay a corkage fee at Dreams.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host you really don't need to make reservations...when i was there we were able to get seated at the japanese restaurant pretty quickly. also, if there is a wait it is like 10 mins while they clear a table and it is so nice out that no one really minds waiting. the menus change daily at the buffet...they have themes...at the resta. like portofino, oceana they are usually the same. Thanks Tammy! Since the Japanese restaraunt is new, would you say it was good? My FI is big on sushi and I really enjoy the other things like miso soup, chicken, rice etc...
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