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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. I have been employed with the same company for 12 years so we are like a family.I was so happy about the shower they threw me last week. I am blessed. Here are some pics: The theme was Juicy Couture: Banner: Co-workers( They are also my best friend friends; Sonia & Angie) Red Velvet Cake: Best Friend; Claudie who I met at work: My Knife Set My Candy Favor Boxes Made by Hand: More Co-workers who all kept this shower a secret! My All Time Favorites: Cupcakes:
  2. Wow. Your wedding sounded so fun. I love the horseback riding expericence. Congratulations.
  3. I'm glad you changed even if you lost money because now you will feel way more comfortable.
  4. My FI prefers me natural but I look better in pics when I have make-up on. I think if you pick a professional make-up artist, you will be fine because they should know how to make you look fabulous in pics without looking fake. Yes, do a trial and let your FI see.
  5. Losing weight is hard. i did not reach my wedding weight goal and I hate myself for it. I should have joined Jenny Craig like I wanted to so I think you should join a weight loss plan like that because I think having food prepared for you makes weight loss easier.
  6. I would go during the time you think you will marry just so you can have more exact ideas.
  7. So sorry to hear this. I know this affects all wedding services. I hope things get better and Brides go through with their weddings.
  8. Yeah. I have been tempted to use all that stuff but I don't do it because I'm a chicken. Thank goodness for that, ha?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by marise Hi Ladies! I work in healthcare and I have had extensive discussions about the swine flu with numerous doctors the past couple of days and I just wanted to share a point that I have learned. The WHO phases of pandemic alert. What everyone has to realize is that the phases only characterize how easily the virus is spread and how its spread. It DOES NOT take fatality rates or deaths into consideration. If the WHO were to phase the regular flu, which kills an estimated 250,000 and 500,000 worldwide (Regular flu has killed thousands since January - CNN.com), it would meet the criteria to be put on phase 6 pandemic alert EVERY flu season! To the brides that have been affected by this media hyped flu, my heart goes out to you. Wherever and whenever you decide to have your wedding, it will be beautiful. Thanks for explaining this Marise! It helps!
  10. I think the most recent Dreams brides can help ease our minds about this flu thing. Is melette still doing here site visit?
  11. if you want to cancel I'm sure vendors will understand. I'm not cancelling but it's because Cabo seems isolated from the rest of Mexico
  12. Wow! I'm so happy you loved your wedding. Congrats gats! Loved all the pictures.
  13. Hi Michele, I still feel really sad for you. I feel like I know you because we shared the same wedding weekend. I know you made a sane decision but I know it hurts. You are in my thoughts. I'm still hanging on to my wedding date for now. Please feel free to mail me for support.
  14. Morgan, Thank You! I feel so much better now. I have been sooo stressed that I made myself sick with a cold. I feel better now!!!
  15. Those look great! I love the color of you dress. It makes your tan look fabulous.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jessbgauvin I literally am crying as I type this. I have joined those of you who called off your Mexican weddings. I just finished up changing the entire week from Cozumel to Key West, basically doing in twelve hours what took me six months to set up. Here is my new hotel Key West Hotels & Resorts Gardens Hotel Key West Hotels we have stayed there before. It really is very lovely. We'll get married on Smathers Beach. To those of you who are going forward with your Mexican weddings I admire your temerity and strength. So, my next thread will be: FS: 45 mint tins with "Jessica and Paul, May 20, 2009, Cozumel, Mexico" Any takers? I'm proud of you for re-planning so quickly. I'm still in denial. I don't know what I want to do.
  17. I love this review. Fantastic. All the pics are great. I love the tequila stations! Fun! I'm gald you enjoyed your time.
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