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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. So I tried my dress on for the last time and I wore full coverage panties and saw that the undie seams showed. I hate that. I did not want to wear a thong because I fear that my but may show. My dress is very fitted so thode of you brides who wore a tight fitting dress, tell me which ones were seamless and did not show under the dress
  2. So I guess I had high hopes. Today was the last day to repsond for rsvps and food choices and although I received most. I'm still missing some. I did not want to have to do this but now I'm going to have to call all that have not responded and ask for rsvps. What a headache! By the way one of those missing rsvps is my FMIL. Ugh!!!! I think I'm going to make my FI call them.
  3. Good for you! I have many things still, but I'm trying to be calm because I don't want to totallly freak out!!! Do something little each day so it does not get too overwhelming!
  4. Hi! I'm really interested! What size is it? I have 30 guests. Will it cover all guests? If yes the I'll buy it asap!
  5. So sorry! I hope you feel no pain while relaxing at Dreams.
  6. Hi. Thanks for all the nice comments! The shoot was done at a small beach area in Laguna beach, Ca. It was a great area because there were really no people around.
  7. We are just gong to use the vows that the court house uses as standard. I think they are pretty boring but I don't mind because it wil make the spiritual ceremony in Mexico much nicer.
  8. This is so sad. I remember how much he loved his brother.
  9. Yeay!!! So glad you enjoyed your wedding! Can't wait to see pcis!!!
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