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Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

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Everything posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez

  1. Well neither parents are contributing as far as I know. My mom told me she is going to give me $400 but yeah I will not be telling his side of the family.
  2. You know I think WCs are very busy but it does make you nervous. I think you need to call her again and really express yoru concerns so that she really understands your needs.
  3. Since your wedding is still a while away maybe you should look into surgery just so you can feel totally comfortable on your wedding day.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by wahmsuzanne Keeping in mind that I'm usually hypersensitive to most meds ... I went on a prescription water pill and I had a horrible experience (at first). I've always been very bloated and puffy too ... and my doctor noticed and prescribed the pills. I took them ... decided I was going to lose weight ... got on my treadmill for 45 mins ... drank a ton of water ... got on the treadmill again that night ... by the next day I almost went to the emergency room! Severe dehydration! It was awful ... I could hardly walk ... had cramps in every joint in my body (hips, ankles, back, legs ... feet ... and I had to pee like crazy but when I'd sit on the toilet the cramps would mess me up so bad I almost fell off the toilet LOL FH looked it up online and figured out I was dehydrated. Went to doctor and I'd lost 9 pounds in a day and a half ... very bad BTW ... not in a good way ... so I'm now on a 1/4 pill and it works great. Just be careful! It can be dangerous ... I got so dehydrated by flushing my electrolytes (sp?) ... so have some chicken broth, V-8 ... something when you start and ease into it. Also the pee problem regulates if you stay consistent on the pills. If you go off and back on you might have that while getting back on them. *SmiLes* Suzanne I actullay used the water pills from CVS this week because I was on my period. The pills worked great. I only took one a day for theee days and I felt fine but man did I pee. I will take them with me to wedding just in case I feel bloated but hopefully I will not need them. Thanks for telling me about your experience. I won't go overborard with pills because that dehydration thing is scary!
  5. I'm taking down sand kit, guestbook, place cards and welcome cards. My favors are being done by my WC and Ana G. is sending my menus directly to my hotel so I don't have to hassle too much.
  6. Thanks for sharing. Loved your colors and you had so many guests! Lucky you! Congrtaulations.
  7. Wow! Time flies! I'm right behind you girl! All your things look fab! I love the bra and panty bags. Good Luck !
  8. So I did not do OOT bags after all. Ran out of time and $$$$ so I decided just to do a thank you/welcome card for all our guests to be given out during our rehearsal dinner. I thought it was a nice gesture as well as letting the guests have a copy of one of our engagement pics. Here is the card. I made it on Vista Print. Really cheap only $15 for 30.
  9. I chose Dreams of Love Package and picked 6 appetizers too. I gave my guests a choice of fish or meat. I am going to use colored ribbons to identify the choices.
  10. I have been to Las Caletas so I know how pretty is there. Your wedding looked fun. Sorry for the little mishaps but you looked happy in pics which is wha counts the most.
  11. Santa Barbara is beautiful and that location looks so tropical. Thank You for sharing.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by melette Out of the subject, but Michelle!! I just totally realized that we'll be at Dream's Los Cabos during the same time!! We actually leave to come back the day of your wedding!! Don't be surprised if you see a strange woman waving at you from the distance!!! I'm so excited for you!! Hi! I will definitely wave back!!!
  13. I'm staying at Dreams Los Cabos. I want to know how much the Cabo ride is from Dreams to her salon. I'm taking one of my girlfriends with me so will the cab ride be etxra?
  14. I confess that I had FI return wedding band because I thought it was too small. Now it's too late to order a bigger one in time for the wedding. Let's hope I get it after!
  15. Yeah. That sucks. It just adds more stress. So sorry. I hope there will be a solution to this.
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