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Everything posted by chicklet

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES!!!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!! I'm just finished putting my very first turkey in the oven!!! Cross your fingers for me!! LOL Oh & Angela...I didn't mean BIG gifts but it turns out Jeff got me beautiful diamond earrings!!! YAY wedding earrings!!! I'll have to take pics & post them!!! Good luck with your turkey!!! I am sure it will be delish! Diamond earings?? Woah...I guess he is a keeper isn't he?? Very nice.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amagee We went with the free package, and just had to have 10 people book all at the same time. But if you are going with a group package like through Sunquest you have to have 10 people put a down payment before you get the group rate anyways, I think? That's how ours worked? Yup, ours too! Did you get the free trip and luggage?
  3. Your quite welcome!! Hope FH is feeling a bit better!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Yay!! That's awesome Angela!! Glad you get to spend some of Christmas with your H2B!! Jeff is working day shift for the next 3 days so it's just me & the dog spending Christmas together!! But at least we get to spend the nights together! We are opening our main present to each other tonight after a nice steak dinner - then we'll open our stockings & presents from others when he gets home from work tomorrow evening! Shift work sucks!! lol MMMM...steak dinner!! Sounds delish. Big gifts wow....wonder what he got you?? We just did one small gift this year due to Jamaica. Lots of family gatherings and stuff to go to though so the next day or so will be busy. Hope you have a good night with the H2B tonight.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride So....how 'bout that snow!!?? GROSS!!! I am NOT impressed!! I'm seriously ready for spring! Enough of this crap! My road is a small road off another small road off a semi main road - we never get plowed!!! Jeff left for work this morning around 5:30 & there was a 3ft wall of snow at the end of our street - needless to say he got stuck!! Luckily there were a few guys out shoveling their driveways (who does that at 5:30??) who helped him shovel out! Grrrrrrrr...I hate snow!!! (can you tell?? lol) Well...that's my rant for today! If I'm not here later I hope everyone has a VERY Merry Christmas, and what we all know will be a Happy New Year as new brides!!! I'm with ya on that!! We took a pounding lastnight...I'm up to my knee's in snow. I have to drive the lovely rain snow mix tonight as I have to work. Ohhh lovely day! On a good note, Brad stayed home today!!!! So we get christmas eve day together *******MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES. **********
  6. Jenn (JenniferLynn) - May 10, 2007 Julie (JulieG) - October 24, 2007 Sherry (Sherry) - October 4, 2008 Tameika (mrs.r2be) Oct 11 ,2008 Kaylee (kamay)-October 16, 2008 Fannie (royfa) - October 23, 2008 Jessica (zoeysmom1204) - November 5, 2008 Lisa (Chiquita) - November 5, 2008 Sonia (Sonia81) - November 24, 2008 - Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana Melissa (MissyR) - November 27, 2008 Erica (EricaG) - November 30, 2008 Dianna (Destination0) - December 11, 2008 Daina(dainanewell)- December 12, 2008 Andrea (kevsgirl) - December 12, 2008 Rebecca (rebecca120) - December 17th, 2008 Terri (babyg) - December 29, 2008 Connie (teacherbride) - January 19, 2009 Lindsay (Linzibella) - January 20, 2009 Jennifer (jcarson) - January 22, 2009 Angela (chicklet) - January 22, 2009 Tara (mexicobride2009) - January 23, 2009 Lindsay (seaprincess) - January 28, 2009 Amy (Amarillis) - January 28, 2009 Chantal (Chantal85) - January 30, 2009 Kate (kleslie5) - February 6, 2009 Ana (Ana) - April 1, 2009 Kristin (ryan's girl) - April 1, 2009 Sara (sarafish81) April 18, 2009 Marnie (Marnie&Peter)- April 21, 2009 Michelle (shellb) - April 24, 2009 Melissa (PrettyPeaches) - April 28, 2009 Bahia Principe Jamaica Donna (Dursula) - May 6, 2009 Shannon (Shay2679) - May 7, 2009 Karen (GPBride2009) - May 12, 2009 Corvette (Corvette79) - May27, 2009 Bahia Principe Akumal! Fran (MayanButterfly) - June 11, 2009 Bahia Principe Tulum Sorcha (townie princess) - June 12, 2009 Virginia & Mike (Virg) June 30 2009 Michelle C (michellepicksbrent) - August 19, 2009 Heather (*Heather*) - October 22, 2009 Leslie (lscilley) - November 16, 2009 Joanne (jpitts7 - Nov 19, 2009 Michelle (shelly) - January 13, 2010 Louise (trance_angelx0x - January 16 or 17, 2010 Amy (hamster627) - January/February 2010 Rachel(ret2010) - April/May, 2010 Lori (gossip girl) - October 10, 2010 Chris (sunstarsmoon) - Dec 01 2010 Denise (FutureMrsLewis) - April 26, 2011 Sabrina (NotYourAverageDW) - Dec/2011 Zaneta(JNL2011)- may 2011 Christina(Tina82) - March 17 2009
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by christenew See I am not so worried about the pain. I have never had it done. I am blonde and relatively fair skinned, however I have a little bit of dark hair. I am afraid it will cause me to have it done all the time. I do not want that. once you start, you will probably need to keep doing it. I think you should probably be ok. You will be in the sun a lot so the hair may lighten.
  8. Just a heads up for other Jan 17-24 brides. I tried to book my appt with Chandlyn for Jan 19th which is the monday after we arrive. She was unable to do that day but has me scheduled in for Jan 20th. May want to book your appt ahead of time as Jan is high wedding time (if you haven't done so already).
  9. I'm doing a Mega-happy dance...just like the lotto 649 commerical..gotta love crazy dancing!!! *lol* Ohh the fun the holidays bring!! As long as you had a good time, that's all the matters..*lol*. Sure it won't be the first hangover you have had and probably won't be the last!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beWed09 It says I have to reserve 5 rooms. Do the rooms have to be in my name or just 5 separate guest that I invite? DID anyone go with this package? You need to be included but four other couples need to book as well.
  11. You ladies r too quiet and I had to share with someone.... I'm wound right up.....TICKETS ARE HERE!!!!! Yeehaww!!!
  12. Welcome to the forum! There is lots of info and great ladies here. Enjoy!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis B2B - BachataBride (Amanda) I'll have to think about the Mrs one.. I am with Amarillis...BachatBride for B2B Mrs ...Elipse22
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by neen our wedding is exactly one month away and FI just had a big screaming match. Is that normal? I'm stessed at work, I'm stessed about christmas shopping (which I've done for his family and mine), I'm stressed about getting all the details and printing and gifts and organizing done for the wedding (all of which I'm taking care of) and FI has been playing videogames from the time he gets home til he goes to bed for the last week. He had exactly 4 things to do for the wedding: book our honeymoon (I did it because he dragged his feet until well into September!), pick our first dance song (I did it because he dragged his feet until October), pick/order groomsmen gifts (still not done), figure out what we're doing on our honeymoon (hasn't even been started!). So I'm nagging him and cranky everyday for the last week and I guess he's had enough of that and picked a fight. I'm not worried in the least that he doesn't love me or doesn't want to marry me. I am just worried that its not good that we had a big fight so close to our wedding date. I get that I'm feeling underappreciated, I just want to know I'm not the only one in this kind of situation... It happens...my FH is doing the exact same thing. Doesn't have any sense of urgency!! Must be a man thing! *lol* Fights are going to happen this time of year. You are trying to get through christmas plus plan the wedding of your dreams...that is some stressful stuff! Chalk it up to that and move on and be thankful he is letting you do everything you want . This is my motto!! If they don't get gifts, they don't get gifts! At least your girls are taken care of
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by NJ_bride Here is mine, a shower gift from my MOH and bridesmaid. It was perfect, I wore it all night! love it ..simple yet fitting
  16. You looked super!! Question - where did you get the little flower like things that are in your hair?? Glad to hear you had such a wonderful/relaxing time. Congratulations!
  17. Looks like everything went well! Thanks for the review and congratulations!
  18. How far in advance did you guys book your meeting with Chandlyn?? Was it set up before you left for Jamaica? I have read on numerous threads that she is hard to locate once you are down there. Any advice for the meeting?
  19. Hmmm not sure on that one. I would use the bottled stuff just to be safe.
  20. Need opinions on a couple things involving gifts. Do you always need to do gifts at the actual wedding?? Could we wait until we return home to do this? I am buying my parents a new computer tower as a gift to them (not a traditional gift but they need this badly). Here is my dilemma...I have given my MOH a free trip to Jamaica (she paid taxes only) and have paid for her dress. Do you think I need to do anything else for her? All your thoughts here would be appreciated.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 I thought that I saw the that Grand Pineapple Beach resort was a 3 star? My fam won't go for that because they've had bad experiences with cheaper resorts. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'll have to check again. Here's my problem. I really want to go to Riu Negril, but it doesn't have the free wedding package whereas Riu Tropical Bay does. RTB is more expensive though, so maybe it evens out in the end. I thought that I read somewhere on here (don't ask me where because I've been reading for days now lol) that RTB does not have a beauty salon. So if you want to get your hair/makeup done, you have to go to Riu Negril. Did anyone else see this? Pearlygirl - what kind of information have you gotten from the resort?? I think this is where we'll be going, so any information that you may have would be great!! I hope that you post lots of pics! Price/free wedding was one of the reasons I picked ROR. Make a list of things you are looking for in the resort (ex price, golf courses, large resort or small, swim up bars etc) and weigh which one most fits your needs. This is what I did Do your research before deciding or you may end up disappointed.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Oh Im so jealous of you guys! I have to wait until April... ugh. So far away still. Ive had enough of the weather the last week too.... January vacay sounds like a good idea right about now. Your shitshow is fast approaching though !! I bet it will be a good one..thamesford buck and does usually have awesome turnout.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Oh...I don't know. I just sent off my reservation by email last evening. I didn't even think about paying in advance! I'll let you know what they come back with. Maybe just contact them to see what they have to say about it. Well I think its kinda weird we have to pay for a reservation. That is why I haven't booked ahead cause we gotta do it this wacky way through paypal.
  24. I've done it lots of times...not gonna lie it hurts!! I don't even feel eyebrows anymore as I am used to it now. The redness usually goes away within 2-3 hours. They tell you to not go in the sun the day after you wax for some reason. I would maybe (if you're gonna do it) go on thurs. Another option could be using the nair cream..if your hair is fairly fine it will work well. Just layer it on, wait five minutes and wipe it off. Voila!! *lol* can u tell I am Itai
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