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Everything posted by wab10

  1. Hello ladies, Does anyone know what colours are available for the chair colors and sashes? How much are they to rent? And how much is it to rent an aisle runner? Can anybody help?! Thanks!
  2. Hi!! Thanks for offering!!! You are soo lucky to be able to check it out before you actually get married!!! My request is pretty much the same as the other girls, so dont forget to post all the pics you do take!! (especially the Seagrape) and could you find out what colours are available for the chair covers and sashes??!!! Thanks soo much! Quote: Originally Posted by sally Hi Ladies I am off to ROR for a site visit on 25th Sept for 1 week (soooo excited!!) Does anyone need photos of anything? Information on restaurants? Anything at all? Please list here anything you need and I will do my best to try to get the answers for you while I am there ( in between sunbathing and having fun with my FI of course!! ) Sally
  3. I thought of that a few weeks ago !!!! I dont know any DJs but all I am doing is getting a friend, that downloads tons of music, giving her a list of music to play and then transfering it to my ipod and will bring our own docking station. I read somewhere that you can use their speakers!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel Hi Ladies, I did a search and found a couple older threads on this but nothing recent. I was wondering if anyone had a longer saying that I can use for our program. I am making a program fan and would like to dedicate an entire leaf to the memorial. I found this that someone posted but I would like more of a saying or poem. Any help at all I would appreciate. Thanks, Carla This is what I am planning on.... I will have a pic of my dad with a candle hopefully somewhere close to the table where we will be signing the license! For those we have loved and lost along the way A flame to remember them burns here today For the laughter, smiles, and memories remain Together today their presence sustains Never forgotten and loved forever more Today their blessings flicker and soar In loving memory of
  5. hey everyone I just thought of something and would like some opinions.... Why would one send out a std if you know you are not sending an invite? Isnt that like saying, we are getting married, but Im not inviting you!? lol Just curious! thanks W
  6. Hi everyone. Could anyone recommend a print shop for my invites/std's/replies in Ottawa, Ontario and how much did it cost you? I am gonna have about 35-40 invites. Thanks W
  7. Hi ladies, FH and I want a small intimate wedding with family and close friends only. I am sending out my STD's along with the invites and reply card all in one and when we get back we will be having a AHR. My question is how do I invite people to the AHR only and not seem rude?? Should I send invites stating we are only having a small wedding but would like to see everyone when we get back to the "non-invited"? Does that seem cheap and cheesy?? Feedback please!! Thanks W
  8. Could you send a copy of the catalogue to me as well? Thanks!!! [email protected]
  9. Hey ladies, I tried doing a search but havent come up with what I was hoping for.... Basically what I am looking for is a timeline/frame of what I should be doing and/or what needs to be done... We are getting married at the ROR in May '09 and I am currently working on getting my invites/rsvp's done and sent buy mid-August and I will be going to look at dresses next week.... What date do you think I would need to ask ppl to rsvp by? Could someone help me out or give me a search link to this info? thanks! W
  10. Great review Niki!!!! You looked beautiful! I will keep reading your review to keep me calm!!! :-) I tried to PM you to ask you a few other things but I dont have enough points!! :-( Would you mind pm'ing me and I could reply? thanks
  11. Hi ladies!! My question is to the brides to be that brought ur own centrepieces and decorations... Did u have to pay extra to bring them with you and were you worried that they would break on route I would like to bring my own, but am worried about getting them there in one piece and dont want to pay a fortune at the airport! thanks
  12. Love your video Amy!!!!!!!!! You both look soo happy!!!!! Congrats!!!! What a great looking couple!!
  13. Hey MrsFisher2B I am doing pretty much the same thing in regards asking the guests for their tentative plans... How did u word it so it doesnt look cheesy!?? tia W
  14. Good morning ladies.... I was just wondering how much time before your wedding date did you send your STDs? We are getting hitched May 9'09 and I havent sent our STD's yet, but am planning on starting soon.... Thanks W
  15. Hey ladies.. Has anyone done a STD boarding pass with an RSVP ? Could you send me your template please?? TIA
  16. I would love a copy of the catalogue too pretty please!!?? [email protected]
  17. Hey ladies, Just wanted to know if anyone got their std's done in Ottawa, ON?? Im not that crafty and I thought it would save me a lot of time and frustration!! :-) Especially if the price is worth it! TIA W
  18. Hi ladies, Im a liitle confused in regards to the std's and invites! Who do you send std's to? Do you send out std's to everyone you want to invite and then whomever replies saying that they can attend, then send them an invitation? Thanks for the clarification!! W
  19. Hi ladies Do you send STDs (and invites) to everyone that you want to invite and then who ever can come, great? If we had our wedding at home, we would have invited around 120 people... Is that everyone is doing?
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