Hi there,
Wow, I am a Dj in Los Cabos and I've been doing this for more than 20 years and believe me, ther is not a Djs Union, and certainly we don't belong to the musicians Union wich it really exist, now, maybe in some other cities in mexico that fee may apply, in Cabo doesn't. The big hotels want you to spend untill your last dime in their services, and ofcourse they will charge you big time. The hotel doesn't have Trio, Mariachi or Dj in their payroll, they just sell the service but they hire Djs or Mariachi or Trio from outside and then lies to you about the fee and all that. Please, do not let the hotel manipulate your budget, if the hotel doesn't want you to have outside vendors, try a different option for you wedding location, there some Villas, houses and even small and nice hotels where they will be happy to help you with your wedding.
And this is for Maura, I attend an event as Dj every monday at Club Regina at Westing Los Cabos Hotel, and I'm an outside vendor, so please, don't let the hotel charge you any fee for Dj services for your wedding.
I'll be searching for Villas, Houses, Resturants and Small Hotels to tell all brides at the forum that there is different options for a wedding location and try to skip the big Hotels, they are a pain in the butt.
Hope this is helpfull girls,
thank you,
Dj Paco.
[email protected]