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Everything posted by teacherbride

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Be sure to checkout the Cuba threads, there are a lot of us on here
  2. I've emailed her a couple times and it usually takes about a week for her to get back to me.
  3. Yay!!! I've been looking for this! My wedding is at Playa Pesquero in January 2009. We've already decided on the 2:00 symbolic ceremony and the beach BBQ. I'm also curious if there is any way they could do something different for the arch they usually use at the ceremonies. I love the Chuppah's I've seen other girls do at their beach weddings. Also, anyone know what kind of music is provided and how much music planning I need to do?
  4. My FI and I are also planning to getting legally married here before we go. I have "get marriage license" on my to-do list for November and we're getting married in January. Does anyone know how long the whole process takes, including hunting down and picking up all the paperwork?
  5. Oops, sorry about the double post Can somebody fix that?
  6. Hey Ladies, I haven't written anything here in a long time! I've been so busy. Last week, on Halloween, was our wedding social. It went SO well. It was a ton of work but we had over 350 people show up and drink and dance the night away. We ended up having a blast and making a ton of money at the same time! Now I'm back at wedding planning, and writing report cards Lately I've: -Chosen GM outfits and just need to order them. -Found "outfit" for wedding night -Started sewing passport covers for BM's -Found bags for BM, just need to order -Taken my dress to seamstress -Designed key/money holders -Designed luggage tags -Bought new luggage This Saturday is my first shower!!! Can't wait! Any ideas for some simple projects I can do next??
  7. Hey Ladies, I haven't written anything here in a long time! I've been so busy. Last week, on Halloweeen, was our wedding social. It went SO well. It was a ton of work but we had over 350 people show up and drink and dance the night away. We ended up having a blast and making a ton of money at the same time! Now I'm back at wedding planning, and writing report cards Lately I've: -Chosen GM outfits and just need to order them. -Found "outfit" for wedding night -Started sewing passport covers for BM's -Found bags for BM, just need to order -Taken my dress to seamstress -Designed key/money holders -Designed luggage tags -Bought new luggage This Saturday is my first shower!!! Can't wait! Any ideas for some simple projects I can do next??
  8. After hours of trying I gave up and used clear labels. Seriously...I almost cried over this decision, had to go to a friend who could bring me back to reality I think they looked fine in the end.
  9. I would love to take the luggage tags! PM me and we can figure out details
  10. Hey Becks, if you have any luggage tags left I'd love to take'em. If not, where did you buy them from?
  11. I've heard mixed reviews about when they'll be back up and running. The last I heard they should be open next week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My wedding will be there in January 09
  12. There are now three of us getting married there in 2009! Congrats!
  13. OMG I'm in love with Jordan Knight all over again!!! Glad you had such a good time, looks like a blast!!!!
  14. I am getting married there in January! I've done quite a bit of research so if you have specific questions, PM me any time! Yay, happy planning together!
  15. We are planning getting the ring business done in November. My E ring was custom and only took a couple weeks to come in. This weekend my FI outfit came in the mail and he really likes it. Now we just need to measure the groomsmen and order their outfits. Last night I wrapped the handles of our raffia fans with satin ribbon. They look so pretty. I also want to put the ceremony program on them but it'll be a while before we have any idea what's happening during the ceremony. I think that's it for now.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Yeah, I could never understand getting that heated at someone on a forum. Altho I'm not one for a debate. I figure I can have my opinion and you can have yours and that's just fine with me... enough about that tho... Teacherbride, have I told you that I think you are the cutest thing! Your siggy pic is adorable. On to an actual post about being a January bride... I finally got inserts for my invitations and will be getting them in the mail by Friday! Yay! I'll post pics once I have them all together. Awww, thanks! You made my day! So, I ordered the outfit for my FI on Saturday and it came already TODAY! The pants look too big so I'm a little worried. Not sure when I'll be able to see him next (we work totally different schedules and don't live together). Wish me luck
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Karen I looooovvvvveee Sushi. i would have married it if it was a man. lol. Oh that's a good tip about wrapping sushi in cucumber. That's awesome, I too LOVE sushi. I only have to hear the word and I'll crave it for days!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I too bought from moonglow! Great service and love the product. I got the order quickly too. Thanks for the advice!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Lorraine, That is such a nice gesture. We have Cuban friends that we bring many gifts to as well, peanut butter, reading glasses, baby items, etc.... I am worried about our Cuban friends right now.... Amarillis, Have you got any news about your friends in Cuba, or your resort for that matter? I was watching the news this morning and they were talking about things getting even worse
  20. That's crazy! Didn't know you could get banned from the forum. I guess it's good in a way, to keep things friendly. I've seen other forums that get downright nasty. I'm so glad BDW is always such a cheery place/escape from the rest of my life
  21. Your pictures are beautiful, what an amazing location. Can't wait to see more!
  22. I can totally identify! Last year I had a really hard year at work. I used to walk around my classroom imagining I was wearing my dress and walking on the beach...seriously at least 2 or 3 times a day!
  23. Wow, that is the worst thing I've ever seen!!! That one older lady (with the fake fireworks) looks like something is exploding out of her A$$!
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