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Everything posted by teacherbride

  1. Does anyone know how long it takes for Dessy dresses to come in? My friend ordered them and was told they would take six months to come in after she puts in her deposits!! Could this be true
  2. Wow Nicole, you outdid yourself! Not only are the gifts amazing but you did a fantastic job putting them together, everything coordinates so well!
  3. I was having the same problem with the pill and spotting. In summer I switched to the Nuva Ring and I love it! The first couple days felt weird but now its so nice not having to worry about taking the pill and knowing that there is a constant dose of estrogen in my body, makes FI and I less worried all the time Anyway, good luck and I'd say talk to your doctor about the best course of action. Best of luck!
  4. Way to go!!!! You must be feeling great about your success!!
  5. That dress looks really great on you. Don't worry about the other one, it's your day and you should feel your absolute best! Maybe you can sell it online, or use it for TTD?
  6. He did the photos for our invitations, he was extremely easy to work with and did an excellent job! We got rave reviews on our invites!
  7. That is a super idea, wish I had thought of that. We did personalized mugs but we basically just copied the starbucks logo and put the name of our resort in instead. I really didn't want our names or dates on the mugs. I would love to get the tim hortons mug, especially with the coupon for the free coffee!!
  8. I definitely felt the most stressed about picking the resort. After that the stress seems to come and go in waves. Just be sure to remember to delegate and not get too carried away. It's easy to get caught up in all the little details
  9. It's been a while since I've been on here but here's a little update: Going to see a venue for AHR tomorrow Got BM beach bags embroidered and all gifts to go inside (I'd still really like some cheap spa robes) Making BM tank tops and personalized underwear for myself this week Dropped off luggage tags and key holders at the printers Ordered custom mugs Ordered bathing suits and lingerie for the trip Designed pre-wedding brochure (sister is finishing it) Now I just get to wait for all this stuff to start arriving. What's next?
  10. These are awesome! I've been thinking of looking for a place to get some "Mrs XXX" undies done but I think I may be able to do this. Thanks for the inspiration!
  11. Everything looks so beautiful, you can really tell how much work you put into everything. Your dress is stunning, looks like you walked straight out of a magazine:)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG There is an exchange place in the lobby. We brought some cash and credit cards and you can also use your ATM card. You can use Visa and MC but they have to be from Canadian banks. Do not use travelers cheques, those are American and not accepted. Great news that there is an exchange place in the lobby. I've also heard that exchanging money at the airport is pretty easy. Can I ask how you paid the resort for your wedding ceremony and reception? that's a lot of cash to bring along. p.s. your baby is the cutest thing ever!
  13. I don't really know about what "most girls" do, but I think your gifts sound wonderful. I know my mom would be so excited to get the gifts you're giving. I would stick with what you've got!
  14. The Island Importer site does have one linen suit but it also has some really great shirts and pants. Their prices are pretty good and they ship SUPER fast!
  15. Wow, thanks a lot! I was thinking about you today and how I am excited to share all sorts of info about the resort when we get back from our wedding! If there's anything you need after January 22, please let me know:)
  16. Okay, I'm in the middle of trying to create a pre-wedding brochure. I'd like to include some tips about what to bring as far as money goes. I know that we will need to change our money to CUC's but should we bring cash? travellers cheques? Is visa and or mastercard accepted? Where is the best place to change money? Please pass on any advice you can give me
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by sarafish81 Yes that makes total sense. I'm glad that you and I are understanding the same thing. I am totally ok with signing papers and being "legally" married on the 17th but then having a symbolic ceremony in front of our friends and family on the 18th. Now that we have the date/time and the beach bbq set, can you think of anything else that we should take care of at the moment, or are we good until we get to the resort? Good question! I've been working with Yaly too. We have our ceremony set up and I think reception too. I tried to double check with Yaly about the Beach BBQ menu but I haven't heard back from her over a week. Is the food usually exactly what they say on the menu that Yaly sends out? Tonight I'm making luggage tags? Is there other stuff I should be worrying about?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by seaprincess Hey another Ontario bride here! Our Stag and Doe is on Friday night and it has been organized by the groomsmen....I'm hoping their planning will turn it into a sucess, but it seems we've sold a ton of tickets so far!! Let you know how it goes! We are hoping to clear about $5000 after everything is said and done. That's awesome that your GM planned the whole thing. We made a lot of money with all the stress of holding the liquor permit and being in charge of everything we didn't really get to enjoy the evening as much as we had hoped. Still totally worth it though. I hope you have a great time!! Let us know how it goes
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I say just let them do their own thing. If you have 2 showers, it's no big deal. I'm sure a lot of us have been to lingerie showers, bach parties, family showers, pampered chef parties, etc. all for the same bride. I averaged 3 events per bride, not including the wedding, for all of my friends. I would send a nice e-mail to all of the girls telling them how much you appreciate their hard work and are so excited. But, ask them to please not include you on e-mails, etc. because you want to be surprised. Be thankful you have a bridal party that is willing and able to host these events for you. Some of us weren't so lucky. LOL That's really sad that you're bridal party didn't do more for you. Especially when it's so clear (from your posts) that you do a lot for others! I am really thankful for my girls, they're really great. I'm gonna spend the day trying to tackle some wedding to-do's and then go out and celebrate FI birthday tonight. Maybe even a couple drinks on a school night...who knows?
  20. I totally agree Now if I can just get them to stop calling and emailing me about this.
  21. Things just got even sweeter. My sister replied via facebook asking the BM to wait so they could work together. However, she accidentally replied to everyone on the invite list. Argh, this is why I plan things myself!
  22. So here's the deal...I have 2 wonderful BM's and a MOH (my sister). They have all expressed that they would like to throw a shower for me with just my girlfriends. I thought my sister would be the one in charge since she's the MOH. I expressed to her REPEATEDLY that the only thing I cared about was that it was a surprise (otherwise I will try and plan it all myself). One of my bridesmaids asked if she could throw a lingerie shower for me and I asked her if she could please talk to my sister so that her feelings wouldn't be hurt. I also told my sister to talk to the other girls so they could all work together. Needless to say, today I received an evite to my lingerie shower on Dec. 5. My one bridesmaid is throwing it herself and my sister and the other BM are working on planning a surprise lingerie shower. The problem is that it would be the exact same people invited to either party. WHY can't they just talk to each other Any advice about how I can sort this out without hurting feelings? I can get over the fact that this shower will no longer be a surprise.
  23. My first wedding shower was on Saturday. It was SO great!! There were about 30 ladies there, mostly church ladies and my teacher friends. Everyone was so generous and the ladies who organized it have a true gift for hospitality. It was a brunch event with yogurt parfaits and all sorts of home made baking. I was really overwhelmed by my friends, they did such a great job! I will post pics as soon as I get them
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by robinbood Hi Teacherbride, I love the costumes! Forgive my ignorance, but what is a wedding social? Can't wait to hear about the shower! I thinks it's pretty much a Manitoba tradition. Basically it is a huge party at a hall or community club. Ours had about 350 guests. They each buy tickets ($10) in advance. At the social the couple supplies all of the alcohol and sell drink tickets. The couple then makes all of the profit from the bar as well. In addition there is always a silent auction with prizes donated from friends, family and local businesses. It was a TON of work to get it together and all of our wedding party and families worked all night. In the end we made almost 8K! These socials are extremely popular where I live, almost everyone has one. It's a great way for friends and family to support the couple and have a great time while doing it
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