Her comment was something along the lines that it's not so wierd to shave your head. She said people so it all the time. Um, yeah, women do it for a movie role or cancer treatment, not just for shits & giggles. In a way (a very small way) I feel for her, because this "reality" that she lives in was created for her & is all she's ever known, however as an adult & the mother of two, she can attempt to learn something on her own. She obviously loves being catered to (as was apparent in the show). There was a moment when her dad was speaking to her & you could literally see her eyes glaze over. I don't know if she was bored that someone else was talking or what, but you could see her demeanor shift.
I guess I was just so annoyed that she wouldn't get off the paparazzi thing (I admit they are a big problem, but a problem that she seems to invite into her life). Brad & Angelina seem to be dealing with them ok, how about Alien Cruise & his bride....they're ok, too & I'm sure they have swarms of paparazzi, too. I guess I just want a celebrity to stand up for once & say "I love the paparzzi, they make me $$, they keep me relevant".
Ugh, I lost IQ points rehashing that drivel.