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Everything posted by azhuskergirl

  1. Thanks Alyssa. I saw your note on facebook & jumped all over it! You're the best!
  2. i am so excited to critique the red carpet. I get online with my best gay friend & we get really catty....because we're so perfect!
  3. i am so excited to critique the red carpet. I get online with my best gay friend & we get really catty....because we're so perfect!
  4. glass half empty : my current perception
  5. who knows, I CAN see ABC manipulating the story to encourage high ratings. I may be one of the only people who actually likes Molly. I don't know if she's better for him than Melissa, but we have to remember that the show is edited....we are only shown the parts that they want us to see. They've been showing Melissa as the "poster girl" all season. It's entertainment, not reality. I'm just pissed at myself that I continue watching this damn show!
  6. Congratulations Thanda! There are a lot of us who have used several different wedding planners in Maui. I think the majority of us were very pleased with their services. Several of us have review written, so I would suggest that you take a look around in those threads for some inspiration. We used A Paradise Dream Wedding & were so pleased, but there are so many other great options out there. If you come across one that interests you, just ask us (we may have some inside scoop for you).
  7. Thanks darlin' you rock! Wow, Sharon & Billy.....never would have thought of that. huh.
  8. My husband & I met in a yahoo chat room, and it was fate, because I never did the chat room thing. I was bored one sunday after hanging out at the pool, so I popped in just for giggles & he messaged me, because he figured we could talk football (based on my username). The rest is history. That was almost 4 years ago.
  9. we're probably waiting another 1-2 years. The stupid economy put a damper in our finances.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride lol...Billy, Billy, Billy.....putz. I love him though. BUT, did you guys know he's about to go off, get drunk and complicate the situation even more? Yup....sleeps with a certain blonde we all know. Mmmhmm.. WHY they are doing this is beyond me. WAIT A MINUTE! You can't drop a bombshell like that & just leave us wanting more. OMG! OK, so my first thought is blonde=Sharon, but then Amber creeps into my head. Am I missing someone obvious?? Any scoop on Chloe? Does she die? I love that you have all this scoop!
  11. Erica- You are an amazingly strong & wonderful woman. My prayers go out to you & your children. I've dealt with my brother's drinking problem for years, so I can completely empathize with your situation. I know I can't really say anthing to you that will make it better. Just know that I am here for you...even if you need me to help take your mind off of it with silly topics (like Y&R). *hugs*
  12. ok, what's with Sharon's new-found cleptomania(sp?) fetish Is that going to be her new "thing" ... stealing items from her lovers' homes/offices?
  13. I think every one of us who has had (or is planning) a DW has faced this in some way, shape, or form. Our thoughts on it were we know people won't come, we won't be offended if you can't come, we'd like you there, but this is how it's going to be. There were several very important people who were missing on our wedding day, but i wouldn't change a thing about that day. It was about US, not some random guest who complained alot. I wish I could make you feel better about this. People just like complaining. At least you recognize that any place you'd have it, people would be complaining. Remind them that it's YOUR wedding, not theirs.
  14. This story makes me sick to my stomach every time I hear about it. Her publicists make me sick. Her website pimping her kids for paypal donations makes me sick. All of it just turns my stomach. My husband & I aren't trying for kids yet, because he's been out of work for a couple of months & we're on a tighter budget than usual. We are still able to pay all our bills & taxes, yet we don't think we're financially in a great place to bring one child into the world let alone 8 (plus the 6 at home). And this whack-job thinks it's ok to use her student loans & government assistance to get IVF. Un-f'ing-believable. Now regardless how I feel about her, does she deserve death threats? Absolutely not. ANd now the state of California has to spend more money to keep her safe/investigate these claims. Can this woman drain society of any more $$?
  15. If it is some pseudo-documentary, it's a bit sad, becuase I don't think anyone will be/is interested.
  16. you think they're going to position that woman to be the "owner" of Gloria's stocks? Just hypothesizing. And yes, it appears that I don't have a life either.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* HAHAHA Susan! Great minds think alike! you are so right!
  18. and then she'll have that annoying giggle. Ugh!
  19. According to BillysBride, looks like we're only days away from Cane finding this thing baby-daddy identity out!!!! Yay! So, is Esther going to marry creepy guy & then Katherine will be declared alive the next day? That would be awesome, because 'Jo Isuzu'(sp) would be up the creek with no $$$$. Erica-it's you & I against the majority!
  20. I love the emails that howard read today about people bagging on Robin. It made me giggle as I ate my breakfast. Love your siggy pic, andrea!!
  21. a wedding planner is the key to your sanity. There are great choices on Maui, too! I suggest you read through some of the postings on here to get a feel for what you want. I plan corporate events for my job, so I can be a little tough on other planners/coordinators if I feel like they are dropping the ball & not once did I feel that way with my planner. My day went off perfectly! All I had to do was show up & follow directions. It was great!
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