this august bride is sweating her ass off in very sunny AZ, but things are going great. Still need to get FI's suit, need to set trail hair appt (it's with my best friend's sister, though, so I'm not too worried yet), I'm finishing printing all the paperwork that'll go into the OOT bags, we still need to sit down & choose the ceremony music, I need to send my starfish to my WC....that's about it. It feels wierd to be so "done" so far in advance, because when I work with groups in town I always have to deal with the last minute crap from the meeting planners. I love being the client for once!
I've set up my next couple of waxing appointments for I am nice & bald (almost) for the beach. I do still need to figure out where I'll be getting a massage on the day before the wedding.
Ahhhh, I wish it was 2 months from now & we'd be in Hawaii already!