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Everything posted by brit11898

  1. Hey All- Katrina I am curious about the switch to a religous ceremony... We are having a quick legan ceremony before we go and picked the symbolic ceremony- but we want to say vows as well- did you end up going with the religious after all? And did it cost more? thanks!!
  2. So I am not able to open the menus on here- can you email them to me please?? [email protected] thanks so much
  3. Hey- I am wondering about packages and extras... We picked the Royal package- what did you guys pick. Did you get the girls and guys flowers? What other extras did you pick? Also- Katrina- what did they serve for food- appetizers/entree and dessert- are there any other options besides cake??
  4. Kara- I am still undecided on decorations. But as for the photos- I hired Paul/Rachel Schrank of Playaweddings. Basicall I have to book them one night stay so they are considered "guests" of my wedding- that is the loop hole.
  5. Kara and Ryan- yeah we are getting there tuesday- staying till sunday then honeymooning at the barcelo palace till thursday. What about you?? That is so exciting! Plans are going pretty well- just kinda waiting for it to get closer so I can start doing more things. Are you bringing a lot of decorations or place settings along with you? Who are you having for your photographer?
  6. Hi again! I am loving all the posts and great tips- keep them coming. I was wondering about sunset times. We are having a 5:00pm wedding on May 22, 2009- and I am wondering about pictures. My fiacne really wants to wait to see me till right down the isle and do the pics afterwards- but will it be too dark??
  7. Thanks ladies, I am still not sure about the whole thing- I think i might have to order a cheaper one and see what I think. But for my back up plan I love the idea of the black accessories/black feather in my hair and intense make up. I will post a pic of me in the veil when I get it. thanks again- really appreciate the advice
  8. This is my dress- not on me though. she is wearing a regular birdcage veil. Birdcage Veil - Birdcage Veils the whole funueral thing- I thought that too at first- but the idea is kinda growing on me- obviously i can find pics of them meaning people are doing them for their wedding. I am just wondering if i can pull it off...
  9. So I have never been a veil person. I liked the birdcage veils- but I am just seeing way more of them now and my sister in law who just got married wore one. Then I was on Etsy and saw some pretty unique black birdcage veils. We are having a black and white wedding in Mexico- just a fun atmosphere nothing too traditional or anything- but I thought this might be something different and fun... i dunno. is it too weird. any opinions would be great. have attatched some link so you can get the hint. Etsy :: brendasbridalveils :: Black Short Blusher Birdcage Veil French Netting On Comb Birdcage Veil - Birdcage Veils
  10. Thank you all for your advice- we are deffinitely going with them. I love how they aren't like every other run of the mill photographers- they get all the details and the candaids that are awesome!! thanks again!!!
  11. Have any of you had paul/rachel schrank from PLayawddings do your photography or heard anything good or bad about them? I am thinking about booking them for my May 09 Riu Yucatan wedding?? any thought I would love. thanks!
  12. I am getting married here May 2009- and I love all these pics. It makes me so nervous because you check travel/hotel reviews and there are so many that go both ways... your review really had some great advice. Love the pics and the idea of the horseshoe table- do you have Eric's contact info- I would love to speak with him also. Also- we are still wondering what we are going to do for after dinner. We are younger and so my fiance was thinking about going into down and hitting up the clubs- but the i think what about our first dance and that stuff- is there a way to have that and just get some speakers and bring our ipod any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank so much!!!
  13. I stayed there for spring breaj a coupleof years ago and absolutely loved it- yeah it is a 3 star hotel- but the service was great- people very friendly as well as cost freindly- I was thinking about this hotel (maya) for my wedding in May of 2009 but decided on the Riu Yucatan just because we wanted to go somewhere neither of us has been. If youhave any questions feel free to send me a message. Good Luck!!
  14. I am in the same boat- I was already for May 23rd, 2009 at the Barcelo but after reading so many reviews and a friend of mine got married there I am totally rethinking it now- I have been looking at the Riu Yucatan-which has gotten much better reviews from others... Very mind comsuming thing... but I feel yyou
  15. welcome!! I am getting married a the Barcelo in May 2009!!
  16. I am also getting married at the Barcelo- I spoke with Ana the WC and she said that as long as they have a room/day pass they can shoot your wedding. Personally i thought the photographer from the hotel was lacking in any skill so i am in the process of booking Paul (Playa Weddings - Videography in Playa del Carmen and the Riviera Maya) and his fiance who do wonderful videography and just started to do photos for a very reasonable price. Deff something you should look into!
  17. Hello. My name is Brittany. Just got engaged in January and planning a May 23rd , 2009 Wedding at the Barcelo in the Riviera Maya. I currently live in MN and am moving to Chicago with my fiance in May!! I am so excited to hear about all of your weddings and hopefully get lots of great advice for the wedding!!!
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